Noble Emblem

Chapter 7: The grandson of the village head (middle)

I heard the young man talking like this, and the village chief became angrily: "Kyle, you kid don't understand the rules, don't talk nonsense, just shut up and sit aside."

No wonder the village head was so angry. He knew very well that for the casters, magic was their most proud feature and the foundation that supported them. When the grandson said, he would use money to exchange for the pride of the other party. Yu said to a noble beauty, I will give you some money, and you sleep with me for a night ... roughly this feeling, for anyone who has a little self-esteem, do not hit people who say this kind of mindless It is strange to spit blood, not to mention the caster represented by mystery and horror.

Seeing Grandpa's sudden anger, Kyle also knew that he seemed to be saying something wrong. He smiled apologetically at Liang Lidong, then ran to the side and sat down, and never dared to talk anymore.

"Respected priest, Kyle is still young and ignorant, he is not intentional!" The village chief said while observing Liang Lidong's look: "Three years ago, Kyle died of a serious illness and was a priest rescue After him, Kyle has longed for the caster. He has always dreamed of learning magic, so he was so excited and hit you. "

Qi Liang Lidong waved his hand: "It doesn't matter!"

The old man and teenager were relieved at the same time.

If he is an ordinary caster, he will probably get angry when he hears the sentence in front of the boy. Even if he doesn't give Kyle some punishment, he will probably go away. However, Liang Lidong is not a traditional nobleman, a traditional caster, he is just a player. On the contrary, he really admired Kyle's straight-skinned teenager, at least understandably, and would not harm anyone casually. He looked at the boy and continued, "Your name is Kyle, I heard your father said before, you are still practicing sword, why do you want to learn magic?"

"Exercising swordplay can strengthen your body, and learning magic can enrich your spirit!" Kyle stood up and said excitedly: "This is what our ancestors, the legendary brave Kate Reed said, have always been recorded in the family training. I think the ancestors That's right, I can practice swordplay according to the swordsmanship left by my ancestors, but the problem is magic. It is said that the ancestors also left magic books. Unfortunately, they disappeared long ago. "

It seems that this family believes that the legendary heroes are their ancestors. Liang Lidong smiled and said, "Indeed, the legendary heroes are right, swordsmanship can strengthen the body, magic can enrich the spirit, but the problem is, this rule only applies to those geniuses. Ordinary people are extremely poor, and it is difficult to achieve achievements in one aspect, let alone two aspects. I can see that you think magic is very powerful, but in essence, swordplay is not bad. Top swordsmen, such as the Great Sword Warrior, the killing efficiency is not worse than the legendary mage, and in terms of survivability, the great swordsman is much better than the legendary mage. "

Kyle heard his eyes brightened, but he was still a little confused: "But I heard that when the magicians waved their hands, it was a meteor shower. It is easy to destroy a city. The big swordsmen don't have such a skill."

"Yes, the great swordsmen are indeed inferior to magicians in this respect." Liang Lidong smiled. "The problem is that ordinary large-scale spells are useless to the great swordsmen. They have the special ability of legendary tenacity, magic. If the intensity is not enough, even if the magic flame burns on them for a day and night, there is no way to hurt them for half a minute. To deal with the big swordsman, you must use a single, high-intensity magic, such as a large fireball. It ’s just a pity that the big swordsman is fast and very flexible. He also sprints, jumps and slashes. The magicians of the same level, if they do n’t have special abilities, they usually fail. Both of them Different fighting methods, the Great Swordsman is good at dealing with legendary creatures, such as dragons, magicians are good at group battles, they are better at controlling the rhythm of battles, and letting them deal with legendary creatures like dragons.

Kyle's eyes became brighter. In this village, he was the only one practicing swordsmanship, dreaming of becoming a mercenary and breaking the world. This makes him and his peers in the village have no common language at all. As soon as he speaks, how many swords he wields today, I heard how many mercenaries have been destroyed by a mercenary, and the treasures of some place have been dug, while others The little friends opened their mouths by asking how many firewoods were picked up today, where did they go to lamb the sheep yesterday, and if there was no bread to eat the day after tomorrow.

In different circumstances and different heights of dreams, Kyle has no close friends at all in the village, and only Belin can talk to him, because Belin is willing to listen to his dreams and ideals, others are not. Too willing, they will spend more time on filling up their stomachs.

Kyle asked again: "Then, since the great swordsman is so powerful, why are they magicians in reality and the warlocks are more powerful?"

"First of all, magicians. Warlocks are very practical in their magic, for example." Liang Lidong waved a certain oak rot on the table not far away, floating in the air, floating to the air. In his hands. Playing with the cup in his hand, he laughed: "Magic is not only used to kill people, but also to change landforms, change the climate, treat the wounded, create wealth, and explore the truths of the world. It can take care of all aspects of people's lives . A magician who only knows **** is not a qualified magician. Only those who apply magic to life can really be called magicians. And the great swordsmen ... although they are powerful, they are just pure executioners. Do you think the executioner is respected, or is it a magician who can benefit the general public? "

"The other reason is that the growth of the Great Swordsman is very difficult. He must fight and fight in the sea of ​​blood constantly, and it takes talent to become a Great Swordsman." Liang Lidong sighed. "How many people have fallen on the road of dreams without becoming great swordsmen. How many people have seen this scene, because of fear, they have fled the way of the great swordsmen."

Kyle was silent for a while: "No one has ever told me these things."

The village chief said, "Kyle, you now know the dangers of the mercenary profession. If you accidentally die, you will die elsewhere. If something goes wrong, how will you let your grandfather live?"

Kyle looked at the village chief, he suddenly said cheerfully: "Grandpa, it is the responsibility of our descendants to reproduce the glory of our ancestors. Since the path of the swordsman is so difficult, then I can choose the path of magic, after all, our ancestors I am also a legendary brave who knows how to use magic. I have his blood on my body, and I believe I can do it too. His Excellency, can you tell me what is the most basic condition for learning magic? "

"The first condition is sufficient intelligence." Liang Lidong saw the topic and turned back to magic. He said, "Whether it is a magician, a warlock, or a priest, if you want to learn magic first, it is enough. In other words, you must be smart enough. Magicians focus on understanding everything in the world, so they need more intelligence to learn magic. Warlocks only require the intelligence of normal people, and then they have special bloodlines, and The priests, although they require slightly less intelligence than the magicians, they have very strict requirements on willpower. Only those who have strong willpower and can maintain devotion to God can become priests and use the power of God to perform divine magic. "

"I don't think I'm stupid." Kyle raised his chest. "Or I can try to be a magician."

Liang Lidong also laughed. He looked at the boy quite playfully: "I know you are not stupid. I believe that your intelligence can indeed meet the minimum requirements of a magician. But before that, let me ask you, you just said you A lot of money was saved, how much? "

十七 "Seventeen coins!" Kyle said contently.

Oh ha ha ha ha! Liang Lidong smiled in kind and said, "I also know something about the profession of magician. As far as I know, if your intelligence meets the minimum requirements of magician, then you have to prepare a book to open the spell. The magic book and the number of magic bits are related to intelligence. Do you know how much such a magic book costs? "

"How much?" Kyle's eyes lighted, and he couldn't wait to buy a copy.

"One hundred ... gold coins." Liang Lidong hit the youth's fragile mind without hesitation: "This is still the basic price inside the wizards' guild. If it is sold outside, the price must be increased by about 50%, which is one hundred. Fifty gold coins. "

"Five hundred and fifty gold coins!" Kyle's eyes have begun to lose his mind. After saving seven years of pocket money, he only saved seventeen silver coins, and he could not even afford the cover of the magic book of spells. One hundred and fifty gold coins is already a small city's tax revenue for about a year.

"Even if you are shocked, you can condense the spells yourself, it will take more than ten years." Liang Lidong's expression became quite 'malicious': "The founder of the magician profession, the magic goddess is still human When she discovered the method of condensing spells, did you know how long it took her to condense a spell? Five years and six months ~ ~ She is a genius among geniuses. For nearly ten thousand years, The only super genius who can become a human being. You think you can compare to the magic goddess? "

Kyle's expression became unconfident: "I ... I!"

"Well, take a step back and say that after you condense the first spell, the later spells will come faster, even if you are smart, it only takes about fifteen years to condense enough spells. Next, You can learn magic. "

When I heard this, Kyle's face ignited hope again. He is only fifteen years old now. Even fifteen years later, he is only thirty years old. It is not too late to become a true magician.

Qi Liang Lidong glanced at the boy and said with a smile, "Learning magic requires magic to construct a model, which also requires money."

Hearing this, Kyle had a bad hunch: "How much does it take?"

"In general, even the worst magician can awaken five zero-level spell slots, four first-level spell slots, three second-level spell slots, two third-level spell slots, and one fourth-level spell slot. The most basic zero-level spell construction model, the selling price is ten gold coins, and then each level of spells is more expensive than the previous level of spells. I remember the worst magician, to fill himself up The magic slot requires at least 350 gold coins. However, the magician can change the magic of the magic slot to deal with various battle environments, so a qualified magician must learn at least twice the magic of the magic slot, that is to say , You have to spend seven hundred gold coins to become a qualified magician, and the worst kind of magician. "

Kyle's face has begun to turn green.

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