Noble Emblem

Chapter 69: Have special visual abilities

The words of Mrs. Wu Cheng were naturally unbelievable, and Liang Lidong had no sexual interest in her. In good conscience, the lady of the city is a charming woman, but it is far worse than the Persian cat and Xiaobai. With a two-point smile, Liang Lidong waved his hand, and continued to draw the magic map, then said, "Okay, don't waste time with me. Among the captives is a young man named Clement. , It seems that the steward said that he has a lot of identity. If you ask in the past, you may be able to ask any important news. "

"Oh, what a puzzling man!"

The lord and wife snorted dissatisfied, and then twisted away. When she got out of the basement, the dissatisfaction on her face immediately changed to a dignified smile and walked out of the tunnel. She walked into the small wood on the right, in the dim shade, where there were a lot of people wearing blue robes. Captives, their hands were **** with hemp rope. Among them, a handsome young man with blond hair was very eye-catching. At first glance, he was the soul figure in the captives.

"Members of the Clemente family?" The lady of the city lord came to the blond young man and asked condescendingly: "It's strange. Your Clemente family is also a distant relative of the royal family, and their status is not very high, but how can they be considered a royal family? Blood, actually followed the royal envoy to a rural place like ours, and also grabbed our only livelihood. It seems that there is no sense of nobility in doing this. "

"A gold mine, it's cost-effective. You and I know that the honor of the aristocracy is used to give up when appropriate." Robin looked up and looked at the other side and asked: "If my information is not wrong In that case, you should be Ms. Sophia. When you married the Langman family, how many young people in the King City were sad and heartbroken. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful after 16 years at the border. "

Mrs. Tancheng could see that Robin's praise was sincere and not a compliment. This shows that his charm ability is still working, but why is it totally ineffective for Beta? She hid her doubts in her heart, and then smiled with the most standard lady. "Indeed, a gold mine can make friends look at each other and make loved ones enemies. It's not surprising that you did this, and you almost succeeded. I am Dong Sophia in Windy City, let's talk about compensation now. "

Robin smiled slightly: "It should be. But I'm not a direct member of the Clemente family, so the ransom may be a little low."

"It doesn't matter. More than a hundred meters of royal infantry is enough for us to get a lot of ransom. If your Clement family is unwilling to pay, we don't mind adding more than a hundred elite infantry. "The lady of the city owner smiled happily:" But if you can tell who told you about the gold mine, I might be able to waive a portion of the ransom. "

Robin froze for a moment, then laughed: "You should know something in your heart."

"We have something in mind, but I need a testimony." The lady of the city owner crouched down and approached the other side, her face was very close to the other side: "You should also know that many times, a plain testimony will allow us Take the moral high ground. "

The lady's face was very close to Robin. He smelled an elegant fragrance. This delicious breath made his spirit a bit sloppy. He seemed to see his most beloved woman, and then couldn't help but say, "It's life Temple Mark, we met him a long time ago and talked for a while. He seemed to have "inadvertently" revealed the news of a gold mine here, so we made this plan. "

The lady of the city owner stepped back two steps. She still looked a little out of control, and some groggy Robin, even more confused. The youth of this Clemente family is indeed a young talent, and He seems to be stronger than Beta, but why this person can't resist her charm, but Beta can!

Is the bloodline of Beta really so amazing! The lady of the town lord licked her cherry lips subconsciously.

"Strictly guard them! Never relax."

The Lord Lady of the City gave an order to the soldiers around her, and then she left. Robin behind him suddenly shuddered, then he looked around, and finally stayed on the back of the City Lady's wife, Na, with some fear in her eyes.

Mrs. Tan Cheng ignored Robin's opinion of herself. She returned to the basement and opened the door to find that Liang Lidong was still concentrating on the magic map. She waited for a while and found that the other party was too focused. If she didn't say anything, the other party would never seem to notice her arrival. With that in mind, she stepped forward, knocked gently on the table, and said, "Sir Beta, don't you take a break? It's almost evening."

In fact, Liang Lidong knew that the lady of the city had come, but in light of his wife's habit, Liang Lidong did not plan to take the initiative to avoid being teased again. But now that the other party has taken the initiative to speak, he appears impolite without answering, so he looks up and says, "It doesn't matter, I can just eat something for a while, it's your wife, it's late now, and it won't be difficult to go back Done. "

"It's okay, I can sleep in the inner room." The lady of the town owner said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to such things."

Liang Lidong shook his head helplessly, he put down his pen, and then said, "Well, you can talk straight when you are hungry, don't talk about these things, it's not interesting. It may be a little excited for the first time, but I hear more It ’s mediocre. And I have two wives, and to make it awkward, they are both much more beautiful than you, so I wo n’t be in your beauties ... Let ’s see what ingredients are here, now I ’m really hungry Now. "

Mrs. Yuncheng was really surprised at this moment: "How do you know that I'm hungry? And you know how to cook? This is a job that people can do."

Li Liang shrugged: "As a penance believer, culinary science is an essential skill that allows us to eat delicious food in the wild."

The identity of the ascetic believer is really easy to use, and almost anything unreasonable can be pushed up.

After speaking, Liang Lidong was busy living in the basement. This basement was equipped with basic food materials, bacon, dried vegetables, flour, and basic seasonings ... Such things are for an aristocrat like the lady of the city owner It is almost something that cannot be combined into food at all, but it is already enough material for a heavenly eater.

Liang Lidong put the bacon slices into the water and boiled them on a warm fire, then began to make noodles. After more than half an hour, in the surprised eyes of the lady of the town owner, he pulled out two pieces of noodles, and then put the noodles in the pan. A pot of daily noodle soup is ready.

The basement was filled with noodles, and Liang Lidong took out the noodles, one for each person. Although a knife and fork are also available in the basement, Liang Lidong cut himself a pair of ugly chopsticks and began to grunt. At this time, the lady of the city owner also gave up her ‘lady upbringing’, and the knives and forks in her hands will be used, and the noodle soup will be eaten up, leaving no soup at all.

Then she took out a white handkerchief from her clothes, and gently wiped her lips: "I did not expect that Mr. Beta still has this specialty. I don't know if I can eat the dish that looks up at the starry sky."

的 The delicious value of this ramen is only 7, which is just barely good for Liang Lidong's food, but it is a rare delicious dish for Hollevan people who have no food culture.

"I have eaten things, my wife should leave." Liang Lidong walked back to the table: "Next I will continue to conceive the magic line of the magic map. This requires a quiet environment."

In fact, Mrs. Yuncheng wanted to leave, but she still said habitually: "If I go back alone, I will be very scared, otherwise I will sleep here and don't leave tomorrow."

Li Liangdong sighed ~ ~ was trying to speak, but at this time he moved his ears slightly, and then immediately blew out the flames on the table, and there was a sudden darkness in the basement. Because of Yunlong's blue pupil, Liang Lidong still can see things normally, but the lady of the city owner can't. She has already crouched at this time, and touched her calf with her right hand.

"What happened?" The lord wife asked quietly.

I have to say that the wife of the city owner is very smart and the fighting consciousness is also very good. Generally, women and men are alone in the back room. If you see a man suddenly turn off the light, I will definitely think about that. But she didn't. She was facing the door facing the enemy, and then backed up with a bow of memory with her memory, and stopped back to the wall.

Qi Liang Lidong did not answer the lady of the city, but touched the right side of the door lightly, squatting quietly. The false emperor's meteoric sword was silently transferred from the space backpack to his hand.

Then he looked at the Lady of the Lord, but found that the latter was also looking at herself ... The eyes of the Lady of the Lord actually reflected a faint purple luster, which was obviously a special kind of dark vision. Liang Lidong thought the Lady of the Lord a few seconds ago. There is no way to see things in the dark.

At this time, the wife of the city owner was also shocked, because she found that Liang Lidong's eyes reflected the radiant blue light, and a little bit of star debris was flowing slowly in the light.

Li Liang Lidong was surprised: the lady of the city owner was a special bloodline holder.

The lady of the city owner is even more surprised. Beta has a unique bloodline army-level magic, and he can feel the approximate strength of everyone, and now there is a dark vision that seems to be higher than her ... What kind of bloodline will there be? So many powerful special abilities ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users, please read.

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