Noble Emblem

Chapter 697: clue

Ten widows are nine pretty, and one is too old!

In fact, most widows are similar in appearance, but because they have some special hobbies and strange emotions, men will give the survivors a kind of heart.

So as long as the surviving person is a little bit attractive, many men will feel pretty.

But Natalia Kaya is really pretty.

Her husband was originally an inspector of Wangcheng, and naturally she inherited the title after death, so Natalia is also known as a beauty inspector in Wangcheng.

Her status as a survivor has given her a lot of points. Many people in Wangcheng have heard her name.

Beta found her, and there are factors in this regard.

At that banquet, there were five people who were normal. The other four were either elderly people or greasy fat people, and the beauty prosecutor seemed to be independent.

Although Beta doesn't judge by appearance, first impression points are important.

In the case of choice, to find a beautiful woman to chat with, and to find a fat man, as long as a normal psychological man will choose the former.

In the small manor in Nanxiao, there are only a few guards patrolling and guarding the small manor. Inspector Wang Cheng, listening to this official position is very prestigious, but in essence, the power is not great. Although it is not a trivial official, it is difficult to say something in Wangcheng.

In the small building in the middle of the manor, only the second floor has a bright light, and there is a faint figure.

After a while, the lights went out.

Natalia was wearing pajamas and was about to go to bed, faintly feeling that there seemed to be something nearby, and turning her head, there was a personal figure standing there.

Natalia's scalp suddenly became numb, and she was about to scream in horror, but found that her voice couldn't be heard at all.

"Sorry, I used silence. You can't make a sound for the time being."

Although the voice was mild, Natalia was more afraid.

She turned to try to escape, but her body became stiff, as if bound by something.

Then she saw a pair of bright gold crystals, even in the dark.

Women have different hobbies for beautiful things, especially shiny things. Seeing these eyes, Natalia's mood gradually became less frightened.

"Who are you?" As she spoke, she held down the clothes in front of her chest with both hands.

Women, when they are alone with strangers, they will feel very low on security.

"A person who wants to chat with you." Beta froze her finger and a light ball appeared in the bedroom: "Rest assured, I'm not malicious to you, I just want to ask you something."

"It's you……"

Seeing Beta's appearance, Natalia was slightly surprised.

Just as Beta noticed her, she naturally noticed Beta at the banquet. A young caster who is promising, handsome and handsome, will be noticeable everywhere.

"Cook Green." Beta bent down slightly. "It's nice to meet you, beautiful lady attorney."

Natalia looked at her bedroom, at the pyjamas she was wearing, and at Beta, her face had a weird expression, some disdain, and some expectations: "Do you like to tease a weak widow?"

"No meaning." Beta knew what she was talking about, and of course had to deny: "Can I sit down?"

"Sit down," Natalia sighed, "something should come, always."

Natalia's expression was very depressed, and her resignation was helpless. Then she saw Beta sitting on the chair, and she was a little surprised: "You're not sitting on the bed ..."

Betaze laughed: "I don't know what you are thinking, madam, but I really have no malicious intentions against you."

After a brief silence, Natalia pursed her lips and sat across from Beta, saying, "Hope you don't really tease me."

"I know what you're thinking!" Beta smiled and said, "That's what is strange to me. Madam, you are beautiful, and most importantly, you are a widow, I am a man, and I know that we men often Just like to bully widows. "

Natalia's face was a little blushed and a little annoyed, and it was too white.

"Your husband has been dead for four years, but you have not been harassed once in those four years."

Natalia was silent for a while and nodded. "That's true."

"This is unreasonable," Beta said with a leisurely expression. "A beautiful widow has no real power ... The position of inspector is nothing in front of the nobles. But no male aristocracy shows favor to you, I I do n’t know if it ’s us ... the aristocrats in France are too nice, or it ’s the only situation in the city of France, at least I know that in other cities and other territories, you will definitely be eaten without bone . "

Natalia looked at Beta, with a stubborn look: "Maybe it is really the aristocratic masters in our city of King Frank ..."

To be fair, Natalia didn't even believe herself. She sighed heavily: "Indeed, this is also weird. Things are so abnormal that I almost thought I was an ugly woman."

After her husband died, Natalia had already prepared herself for being scrambled and played with, but did not expect that what she expected did not come at all.

A series of negative emotions, such as desire, comparison, etc., will bring many right and wrong.

Taming Natalia as a lover, or showing her off after taming her as a lover, can create topics, and even be used as embellishments and tune-in agents in boring aristocratic careers.

None of these things happened.

Beta said, "If it's not our feelings that's wrong, it's someone else's. I personally prefer the latter."

Natalia looked at Beta: "I am curious, why are you interested in these things? Or, would I be taken advantage of, do you care?"

"I'm concerned that it's the upper nobles who behaved too strangely." Beta immediately, he did not tell Natalia his guesses and what he saw: "In addition, I think you should also be early I felt that those aristocrats were a bit strange. "

Still silent, but after a while, Natalia nodded softly: "The way they move becomes strange, it seems to follow some rules."

Beta asked: "When did it start?"

"I don't know this clearly." Natalia recalled: "When I felt that way, almost all the upper class aristocrats would be like this. Did they collectively worship any evil gods?"

For Natalia, what can explain this is a problem with faith.

Most of the upper class aristocrats have become puppets. This matter ... she couldn't think of it, and didn't dare to think about it.

"So, how long ago did you get this feeling?"

When questioning, Beta stared at Natalia's eyes tightly. This is one of the reasons why he came to Natalia to "talk".

The beauty prosecutor is just an ordinary person. Her mental strength is weak and unobstructed. At a close distance, Beta can easily feel it. If the other party lies, or even feels guilty, or has a strange bad mind, he can feel it all.

If the other party is also a professional, then it is not so convenient.

"Six years ago, I hadn't long married my husband."

Six years ago ... Beta thought about it, that is to say, this is almost the case for the aristocracy of six years ago.

It is impossible for the other party to control so many nobles at once, so there must be some preparation time in the early stage, so if time is added by another arsenal, 12 years ago!

Twelve years ago!

There was a sudden flash of light in Beta's head. Twelve years ago, that time period seemed to be when the royal princess came back.

"Did she do it?"

Beta murmured.

Natalia looked at Beta silently, not afraid to disturb his thinking.

"Apart from what's wrong with them, do you find other strange places?"

"There is a strange place," Natalia thought for a moment, and said, "they have become fond of figs."

"Although figs are delicious, not everyone likes them. In the past few years, figs have been selling well among the upper class aristocrats. They have also affected the lower and middle class aristocrats. Eating figs has become a fashion. "

Popular ...

Beta knows that a lot of special magic requires casting materials. He doesn't know much about puppet surgery, but what if puppet needs to take a certain substance regularly for physical magic effect, and this substance is in fig?

"Ma'am, trouble you."

Beta from the mansion space, took out a few magical small items ... This is a gadget he made while practicing magic and learning magic array knowledge.

For people of his level, it is no longer useful, but for ordinary people like Natalia, it may be useful.

Then Beta's figure faded, extinguished the light ball, jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the night.

Faint moonlight came in through the window, and Natalia walked over to ~ ~ looking at the empty garden outside, relieved.

Then she turned back and saw the glittering small objects on the table. Somehow, there was a feeling of loneliness.

She has been chatting for so long with the opposite sex, so happy.

Although she was a little scared in her heart, in fact, she knew it. She was very happy just now, but now she was a bit lonely.

Beta returned to the second princess's house and secretly climbed to her room.

Before long, Salsa knocked on his door.

As soon as the door opened, Sasha asked, "Where did you go? I came to see you just now, and you weren't there."

Looking at the skeptical eyes on the opposite side, Beta was silent for a while, and suddenly there was anxiety. He smiled awkwardly: "There is nothing, I just can't help it, I went to find a nightingale."


Sasa blushed and closed the door heavily.

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