Noble Emblem

Chapter 707: Pit jump

Henley ran to the center of the city and looked into the enemy's net, but in fact it was the only way to survive without help.

The circuit has been blocked by the spirits. Now he is traumatized and his strength is greatly reduced. It is impossible to break through the siege and go to the city. As long as the spirit is converged, the distance that the spirits can detect him will be greatly reduced. It wasn't hopeless to find Afanlin, rest for a while, wait for the trauma to recover, and fight again together.

When he fled, the morale of the remaining bright priests dropped greatly. In the scream of despair, the spirits seized the soul, chopped it into pieces, and turned them into pieces of magic.

But the priest of the light was torn apart, but surrounded by a pile of heroes.

There is a female hero who transfigures a leather whip and beats the soul of the Rev. Bright priest vigorously. There is a strange buzzing sound in the air. This is the appearance of a flirtatious spirit when a large number of souls are disturbed.

The priest's soul was pumped and tossed, and after a while, he knelt down again and again for mercy, and he opened his mouth to say something before he was embraced by other spirits and torn into pieces.

A Fanlin's light ball fell on the streets of the city and re-formed into an adult form. Several souls walked by. Like a bow-struck bird, he shot and paid directly. After breaking one of the female souls into fragments, he reacted. Here, these are just ordinary spirits, not heroes.

Before coming, one of the books in the Holy Land recorded that the spirit relied on spiritual power to perceive things, so he converged on his spiritual power and was about to leave and hide.

At this time, another ball of light flew over, and Afanlin was shocked, and then found that it was Henry, and was relieved.

Henry covered her chest and looked at Afanlin with an angry look: "You actually ran away first?"

Afanlin looked up at the place where they were just staying. There was already a flood of water surrounded by the spirits, and some spirits had begun to spread. It seemed to be looking for them.

"Don't you escape too?" Afanlin lowered his voice, walking down the alley, and said, "If Archbishop Henry is really brave, why didn't you just stay and save those members?"

Henry followed, frowning, "How dare you talk to me like this?"

"Why don't you dare?" Afanlin said as he walked. "Of course I have to give you some face in front of other people, but now there are only two of us, what kind of people are you, and you have a clear mind."

After all, Henry is an old man and the city is extremely deep. He said with a sad face: "I never meant to abandon the faithful from the beginning to the end, because they let me go first. After all, our task is more important than the life of any one person. more important."

A Fanlin wrinkled his skin and felt a little disgusted, and then felt a little disgusted. He was very clear that he was the same person as the other party.

The two regained their mental strength, and turned around, looking for an inconspicuous house to stay in. There is a family of three in this house, who is eating lunch.

On the table was translucent food. The three souls ate happily. They were repeating the happiest days of their lives.

Afanlin and Henley sat together and watched quietly.

After a while, Afanlin asked, "How should we leave here? I don't think it will be long before the royal family of France will block the entrance to Wangling."

"They block and let them block, we hide here until they relax their vigilance."

Afanlin asked again, "What about the spirits, they will continue to search for us. Unlike those tireless spirits, we will be tired and hungry."

"It's big here, there are very few spirits, we can hide well and there is no problem, they can hardly find us." Henry smiled, then gently tapped his finger on the table, a piece of water and a piece of bread appeared. He continued: "As for hunger, sorry, this is not a problem."

A Fanlin squinted and looked at the food on the table, then looked at Henry, and then smiled cheerfully: "Prince Henry, you are really thoughtful in doing things, what kind of price do I need to get these things."

Faces change so quickly that people have nothing to say.

Foodmaking ... This is the skill of summoning magicians.

Although the magic of ecstasy is very low, in essence, it is a four-ring magic, a kind of higher-order magic. Although Alice was a summoner, she belonged to the elves, and she would not.

There is no way to learn food-making in the temple of light. And Henry actually knows this kind of high-level magic. Needless to say, he certainly has a good accomplishment in the way of summoning magic.

Orb Beta also works, but he won't do this magic scroll at all. Players all have space backpacks, and the food is in it, it won't expire, and what type of food do you want to store? Isn't it better than the bread and water that made food? In addition, the size of the space backpack is particularly large, and it is no problem to put a few tons of food.

Another point is that the consumption of food preparation is relatively large.

Therefore, in Beta's personal opinion, food-making is a chicken rib magic.

But for the professionals in this world, food-making is a rare good magic, and the number of people who know it is even pitiful.

After all, for them who do n’t have space for backpacks, it ’s difficult to get a clean meal in the wild.

"It doesn't cost anything," Henry said with a smile. "Just in case we can return to the sanctuary, you can help me to speak nicely."

Afanlin was silent for a while and said, "OK."

He heard the meaning of Henley ... If the mission was successful, the credit would be Henley. If this mission failed and they returned to the sanctuary, then the black pot had to be carried by him.

It sounds very unfair, but A Fanlin knows that living now is the greatest luck. Fairness and unfairness. You have to live to have the opportunity to consider and judge.

Henry pushed the water and bread on the table to Afanlin.

Afanlin ate the bread without saying a word, and just half of it, both frowned.

"Why are you messing with magic ..."

The other party was almost accused in unison.

Then both of them changed their faces at the same time, and they jumped out of the window, and then looked back ... On the top floor of the room, there was a ‘sunshine’ magic.

The light emanating from this magic was very warm, but when they saw it, they were like falling ice caves.

Nothing attracts the spirit's attention more than a large range of bright magic.

The two turned their heads to see again, and sure enough ... a lot of heroes flew in the air around them.

Escape ... the two glanced at each other, exchanged a lot of negative emotions, and then parted ways.

Beta was on the top of a tall building in the distance, watching the two fled, and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

The sun shone magically, naturally it was his handwriting.

He is now standing at the top of a tall building in the city.

Using his exaggerated eyesight, he found several peculiar locations, chose a nearby one, and walked over there.

As for Afanlin and Henley ... for the time being, if they can escape from the heroes, Beta will naturally go to their troubles again. If they can't ... then it's like this.

Using secondary stealth, Beta was unimpeded along the way, and occasionally a spirit blocked him in front of his path. He could sense it in advance and bypass it.

About ten minutes later, he came to the nearest special place, in front of a large stone monument.

Steles are usually used to record certain deeds, or historical purposes.

This is no exception. Many murals are engraved on the peculiar turquoise stone surface, and the text of the French state is used for annotation.

Beta spent a few minutes reading and frowned.

The murals and contents on the stele are nothing but tribute to the great achievements of the royal family of France and the process of building this king's tomb. There is nothing special about it.

But at the bottom of the stele, he wrote a sentence in Holavin: Spend all the spirits in the tomb alone, there will be a special reward!

This naughty girl's tone ... what the **** is going on.

Beta stepped forward and stroked the sentence lightly. It was found that the inscription on the typeface had aged to a certain extent, and had a history of at least two years.

Then there was a disappearance in the system. He opened the mission interface and found out that he had triggered another epic mission.

‘Kill all the heroes in Wang Ling, you cannot complete them in a team. ’

Alas ... Beta feels a little upset.

A sentence left more than two hundred years ago is still in Holay language.

The square key of the French royal family disappeared more than 200 years ago, and the descendants of the royal family did not even remember what it looked like.

Then he got the key from a noble master, and now he is still in Wang Ling.

How could there be a feeling of jumping into the pit.

The unhappy mood lasted only a few seconds, then Beta smiled.

For a long time no such curiosity, Beta felt that in front of her, there was a strange puzzle, waiting for herself to solve it.

A little excited, as if to regain the novelty that entered the game.

Killing all the spirits ... a little difficult, but not too difficult to complete.

Betaca looked around ~ ~ and soon locked up a certain spirit in the air closest to him.

At this time, the princesses and princes of the royal family were heading north of Wangling's tomb, as if there was a strange induction, and their blood veins guided them to go there.

"The golden thunderbolt not long ago should be Cook's magic. He also used it once before." Mu Lin asked beside Salsa.

Salsa nodded. The magician's magic wave frequency is her personal identification. In the magician's perception, this thing and appearance have the same cognitive effect.

She could naturally feel that the exaggerated golden light and lightning recently was indeed Cook's magic.

Huge flow of magic ... Absolutely powerful magic that can only be used at master level or above.

Why did Cook conceal his strength?

Sasa was a little lost.

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