Noble Emblem

Chapter 719: Killing and being killed

Beta has always been a very self-controlling person. Under normal circumstances, for women, she can also be indifferent. If not, Shirley would have been eaten by him. . Fastest update

But now, a woman who has a difference in appearance and temperament from Shirley and Shirley, who exposed the two northern hemispheres casually can attract his attention.

That's why Beta frowned.

The caster has strong requirements for self-control, and the physical response should be within his own control.

You can't control even your own body. How can you control more mysterious elements of magic?

After having breakfast, Beta returned to the mansion again. He began to recall the knowledge he had learned in the game. Is there any way to suppress the need to respond to his strong body?

Then the first thing that came to mind was a classic saying.

If you want to practise your magic skills, wield your sword ...

Natalia is very happy. She looks like wearing a pajama at night and is hit by this young caster from time to time, but the other person behaves like a saint, and the expression is not expressed at all. Coming over, she made her think that she was not attractive at all in the eyes of such elites as the caster.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

The other person will also be amazed at his mature and sexy, usually this boy is really well dressed.


Natalia glanced towards Beta's disappearance in all manner.

In Stacey's manor of the princess, because he and the people of the temple of light came closer, but the behavior of the envoy of the temple of light later apparently had a conflict of interest with the royal family. Responsible, so stayed at home 'self-prisoned' for a few days, but in a few days, I did not see the father sent someone to punish herself, nor did the father see the people calling themselves to the king, and then she knew And things passed.

As soon as things passed, Stacey floated up again, swaggering around the city with a group of dog legs, and demonized in the best pub. When the mood eased, she asked the dog legs around her.

"Is there anything recent?"

"Lizzy is looking for a man named Cook, but he just removed his martial law order yesterday."

"Is the martial law all over?" Stacey hushed. "It seems that my father is really angry. Is Sasha being appalled?"

"No, Princess Salsa has nothing to do, and stay in the manor as usual to learn magic."

"Eccentricity." Stacey said unpleasantly: "Father always eccentrically second sister, this is unfair."

The dog legs next to them didn't speak, and the matter between the children of the royal family couldn't get in the way, and they didn't dare to make indiscretion.

The good mood just now disappeared, and Stacey threw the wine glass in his hand, and half-hiding on the long soft chair, sighed.

She always felt that her father was more fond of the second sister, and that she was the most unwilling to see her father among all the others.

With jealousy, she felt very upset.

At this time, a waiter came in outside the doorway, lowering his eyebrows and entering a wooden plate with three bottles of grape fruit wine on it.

The waiter came to Stacey and carefully lowered the bottle.

The waiter was very young and good-looking, and Stacey glanced, then snorted, feeling that the man was familiar.

The waiter stood up and was about to retreat.

"Wait." Stacey suddenly said, "Come in front of me."

The waiter was just an ordinary person. He knew that the person in front of him was the princess. He didn't dare to resist, and came to Stacey with a low eyebrow.

Stacey grabbed the waiter's chin with her right hand, looked at the other's face for a while, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Dult." The waiter had a knotted smile on his face, eyes excited: "His Royal Highness, I'm willing to serve you, anything."

Stacey, the princess, is quite famous in the folk. Many people know that she is open by nature and countless faces. She also knows that even the face-to-face she sees will get a severance payment even if she is tired of playing. Of course, some of her face-to-face service is not thoughtful, the skills are too bad, and then she is killed. Those are all Unlucky.

"It's a bit like it, but the temperament and style are far apart, but it doesn't matter. Pack up and come back to the manor with me later."

Dult didn't know what Stacey was talking about, but he knew that he seemed to be developing. He stood up in excitement, left the room after saluting, and he was about to resign to the tavern owner.

Stacey is somewhat hostile to Beta, but she also has to admit that Beta is a very attractive man.

The waiter was similar to Beta in her eyebrows and cheekbones, so she thought it was interesting.

Even if you ca n’t sleep with Beta, you ca n’t find Beta, so it ’s interesting to sleep with someone who looks like him.

After eating and drinking until the evening, Stacey took Dult back to his manor.

As soon as Dul inserted into the manor, there were many young men in the manor, all of whom were handsome and handsome.

Almost all of them looked at Dult with a hostile eye.

Dulte was not afraid, but stared back. He knew very well that now the princess had sexual interest in him, and that was his greatest support.

Stacey went up to the second floor and dragged Durt into a bedroom. The maids around her hurriedly avoided it, far away from the bedroom.

The bedrooms are luxurious, without any mottled snow bear skin rugs, fragrant wood furniture, and gold and silver pots on the table.

"Get off!"

Stacey sat on the chair, crossing Erlang's legs, and said lazily.

Dult didn't hesitate to take off his clothes.

Stacey glanced and nodded: "The muscles are good, the stuff is big, it's okay!"

Duart smiled charmingly: "I will do my best to serve the princess and I will definitely satisfy you."

After talking, Dulte was already astounding.

Stacey is very beautiful and has a good figure. Even without the princess identity, it is still a stunner in the eyes of most men. It is not surprising that Dult has this reaction.

Stacey stood up and unbuttoned her clothes and skirt. A plump and white body appeared in front of Dult.

Dult licked his lips subconsciously.

At the same time, he seemed to smell a faint but strange stench.

If there is old Chinese medicine in this world, I will definitely understand that Stacey is already sick, an unspeakable disease that can only be understood.

But Dult was so excited that he couldn't smell it.

"Go to bed and lie down."

Telt did the same. As soon as he fell asleep, some of the anxious Stacey was sitting on his puppet. Then they both breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then there was a undulating movement. After dozens of minutes, Dult's body was ready to hit the swing, which was a precursor to the release of the essence of life.

At this time, Stacey's hands, I don't know when to add a short dagger, across Duarte's throat at a fast speed.

After Duarte choked for half a second, his hands began to dance, trying to cover his throat that was spraying with air and blood, but Stacey suddenly grasped his hands tightly so that he couldn't move.

Dult's body began to oxygen, and his muscles began to instinctively contract and struggle. He struggled with all his strength, pushing his waist upwards, trying to lift the person on his body, and Stacey didn't know why, but his strength became quite strong. Not only was she pressing Dult's hands, her body was pressing down hard.

The combination of the two has reached the closest level without any gap.

Her face was flushed with excitement.

There was less and less oxygen in Dult's body, his eyes opened wider and wider, and there was panic in it, and he looked terrified.

But Stacey felt that the picture was so beautiful.

"It's good, it's comfortable, it's cute. It's a pity you're not the real cook, otherwise it's more interesting."

With a morbid tone and a singular smile, Stacey seemed to be a female demon from the demon world.

Dult's body bowed to the highest point, and his throat gave the last two beeps of life. The body's life energy and life essence were all injected into Stacey's body like a jet of volcanic melt.

Then, his waist fell back to the bed heavily, and the whole person had no sound, only a pair of wide, fearful eyes.

Stacey stroked her belly and sighed with relief: "So warm."

Feeling comfortable in the body, until a few minutes later, Stacey stood up, got out of bed, and was about to be called in to dispose of the corpse, but suddenly saw a person standing by the window.

Beta was holding his breath. As soon as he came in, he smelled a disgusting stench. He looked at the dead on the bed, and then turned his attention to Stacey.

The princess's body appeared pink, indicating that she had not completely faded from her excitement.

In the middle of her legs, a little white liquid dripped.

Seeing Beta, Stacey's eyes first flickered, and then she panicked.

She was not stupid, and soon got rid of the influence on her, and immediately understood the purpose of Beta.

At night ~ ~ window ... obvious assassination.

What are the patrols eating? Stacey flashed the thought in her heart, and turned to run away, and her mouth was already open, about to yell.

But this time, a translucent gold sword passed through her heart.

Her movements and her shouts were all set in this spin.

Looking at the sword tip appearing on his chest in confusion, his body fell to the ground softly.

Beta was covering her nose ... the closer she got to Stacey, the stronger the disgusting taste.

Professionals' noses are also much more sensitive than normal people.

Beta took the square key from the mansion space, facing Stacey's body, not long, a female-like, but face-like soul was absorbed into the square key.

With a smile, Beta turned and left through the window.

The next day ... the whole king city was in shock.

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