Noble Emblem

Chapter 723: miracle

Natalia is not a slutty woman, but now she is seducing Beta, which is not in line with her personality, but the reason is actually simple.

They are going to kill a lot of big nobles, and then kill those who control the puppet.

This is a big thing, a very big thing. When they are done, they will become the great aristocrats in the king city, one step up to the sky.

If you lose, you are dead.

There is a very common saying, there is great fear between life and death. It is said that women are more resistant to stress than men, but in fact it is a one-sided statement.

Women are more resistant to long-term stress, while men are more resistant to sudden stress.

If a man is under high or low pressure for a long time, he will become bald, become fat, and be irritable, which will affect his life.

If a woman is suddenly under pressure, she will probably be at a loss for a period of time, or even be mentally frustrated.

Natalia was in this state just now.

She is just a weak girl, and she is not a gambler. Before such a major event, it is normal to be scared and upset. Women are emotional. When they are upset, they like to find something to vent.

At first Natalia didn't want to seduce Beta, but the elder sister's words just stimulated her ... said she didn't want anyone.

Under the mixture of stress and unhappiness, she wanted to indulge once, but did not expect that the other party did not respond.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no response, it is the response that Beta can disappear quickly.

It was late at night.

The manor of Hobart-Marshall, the tax secretary, was dim.

Several elite soldiers patrolled in the huge manor. The mansion in the center was built according to the fortress. On the top of the top four corners, there were observation towers, not only archers, but also paper-level magicians at the bottom Small magic tower.

It can be said that this place is heavily guarded.

A group of men in black appeared on the periphery of the manor, and they were hidden in the dark and motionless.

The moon rose high, and after a while, two large fireballs suddenly appeared in the air, shooting down, and on the side of the manor, two more fireballs appeared.

Four big fireballs, hitting four watchtowers at the same time.

The sound of sounds like a sound explosion awakened the entire city, and four towers of watchtowers instantly turned into rubble and splashed around.

The people in black outside the manor moved at this moment, and they rushed into the mansion against the rubble falling from the air.

At this time, the guards in the manor were scared by the four big fireballs. Many people even broke the eardrum with the sound of explosion, and blood flowed out of the ear hole.

People in black, like mowing grass, kill and kill the creatures in the manor, regardless of their age or gender.

Four big fireballs are written by Beta and Jean-de-Marc, both of which have the same intention, even if they are far apart, they can also shoot at the same time.

He stood in the dark part of the manor, and kept looking around to see if Monica had any support.

Beta now knows that Monica stays in the palace, but the palace is very large, and the other party can be transformed into a spider. It is easy to hide.

Moreover, the palace is heavily guarded, and it would be difficult for Beta to get in. He is a master, not a legend.

Even legendary. Trying to get in there is also troublesome. After all, it is a royal palace, not a city-lord's palace. Just the underground enchanted enchantment, once activated, is enough for all casters to drink a pot.

The man in black killed almost everyone in the manor, except for a girl about seven years old.

Natalia and others have already investigated these days. Except for some guards, only this girl is considered a normal person.

Beta waited until the people in black withdrew, and Monica didn't show up.

In essence, this is also related to the quick battle of the men in black. They cleared the entire manor in ten minutes and then retreated at an extremely fast speed.

Beta bounced her fingers, and the rainstorm rushed through, washing the entire manor, and all footprints and smells were washed away.

The heavy rains come fast and go fast. When the rescue team in the palace arrived, there was only a red ground on the scene.

The rain soaked the corpse and the blood of the corpse, and then sank into the soil.

The captain of the Royal Guard watched the tax minister's house left untouched by humans and dogs, and at the same time his back was chilly, it was a raging anger.

First, the princess was assassinated. Less than ten days later, the tax minister's house was destroyed again.

"Check, give me a hard check. Even an extra piece of hair will be turned out. As long as it is related to the murderer, even if it is shit, you must find it for me."

The anger of the Royal Guard was essentially the anger of Monica.

After a few days of recuperation, the strength has recovered, and now the girl's body has been developed to bridle the girl's body.

She threw a cup heavily on Lizi's forehead.

After slamming the floor, the gold cup fell to the ground, rolling wildly, and Li Qi's forehead shed blood.

"Waste, you have n’t settled Stacey. Now the Minister of Tax has been killed again. What do you do? Do n’t you have any warning?”

Lizzie didn't speak, and blood flowed to his left eyelid, and he closed this eye and looked at the other side indifferently with the other eye.

Monica gasped for a second and continued angrily: "Lizzy, you talk to me. Did you find anything?"

"After the other party bombarded the manor's watchtower with large fireballs, a group of elite assassins entered the mansion directly, and all died. Afterwards, they used a master of magic to clear the traces, and we could find nothing."

Lizzie's voice seemed a little indifferent.

"Get out of here now to check. The city is under martial law. Within a month of Wang Cheng, no one can go out or enter. Do you understand?"

Li Qi shook his head: "At most ten days, otherwise there will be famine in the city."

With a finger outside Monica, roared, "Ten days, ten days, get out of me."

At this point, blood had flowed from Lizi's left eyelid to the chin, dripping down the front of the placket: "What does His Majesty the King say?"

"Of course it's anger. I'm so angry that he doesn't want to see you. Get out."

Li Qi gave a slight salute and turned to leave.

And in Natalya's basement, she looked at the girl in front of her, showing pity.

The girl was dirty and had a sour smell on her body.

The original beautiful black and white goth girl skirt was already full of oil, her hair became piece by piece, sticking together, and there was a layer of black dirt on her face. It had been a long time since I wanted to come and have not taken a shower.

In addition, the girl's blood was very poor, her eyes were awkward, and when she saw the two, she seemed to see a ghost, shrinking to the corner, her body shaking constantly.

Natalia asked, "You saved this little girl, the granddaughter of the Minister of Tax?"

Beta nodded: "No one else wants to keep her. If you don't want to, then I'll find a way to send her away."

I was sent to Woking College to teach for a few years, and it was a good helper to come out.

"I've seen her." Natalia said lightly: "Five years ago, the Minister of Taxes seemed to be normal. At that time, the little girl was only two years old, and the Minister of Taxes favored her. Even less than a year, she The family has almost changed. "

Beta froze. "So how did she survive to this day?"

Natalia didn't understand, just thought about it for a while, and said, "It should be a murderer and he doesn't want to attack a child."

Beta shook her head: "I didn't mean that. He only kept the memory before being transformed, that is to say ... the tax minister and his family would take care of her instinctively within one or two years of being transformed, but in the next two or three years After this little girl was older, because of her image change, I did n’t recognize her and would no longer take care of her instinctively. No one gave her food and clothing. How did she live to this day? "

When Natalia heard this, she felt like she was stuck in a needle.

In her head, a three- or four-year-old girl emerged, chasing the tax minister behind her grandfather, and chasing her parents to hug and kiss, but no one responded to her.

She was hungry, no one would give her something to eat, and no one would coax her to sleep when she was sleepy, and no one would help her take a bath.

No one cares about her, people in and out of the house, no one will look at her more.

There are people everywhere in the huge manor castle, but this little girl lives alone. She didn't understand why Grandpa, Mom and Dad ignored them.

She was scared, panicked, and begging, but nothing worked.

Hungry, I can only go to the kitchen to pick up something to eat, drink thirsty myself, day and night, hunger may not be a big problem, but more troublesome is the disease.

No one takes care of the illness, hiding in a corner weakly, resisting with his weak body.

Such a thing should be more than once, maybe five times, and possibly dozens of times. A minor illness is okay, and if it is a serious illness ... maybe the girl has already had several experiences near death.

It is a miracle to live to this day.

Natalia felt like her heart was blocked, and she was breathless.

She couldn't help crying.

"Don't be afraid, you will be my daughter in the future, be good, let me ... let mother hug."

Natalia stretched out her hand ~ ~ But the girl was even more afraid, hiding in a corner, shrinking into a small ball, her head dropped into her legs, she didn't dare to look at people, like an ostrich.

"Don't worry, she hasn't talked to people for too long. She should be afraid of people." Beta said, "Give her some food and water first. Come talk to her often."

Natalia stood up, wiped away her tears, and nodded.

Beta left the basement, returned to the mansion space, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although he seemed very calm just now, in essence, he felt quite uncomfortable when he saw the little girl.

Although he has seen many sorrows and joys, he is a human, not a god, not even an elemental creature, or a robot.

The human heart is fleshy, and there are always places of weakness.

Natalia said just now that the murderer could not bear to start, and the girl was alive.

But Beta has the opposite view.

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