Noble Emblem

Chapter 727: Plane walking

"If the father really does have an accident, it is normal for him not to come out to preside over the overall situation." Although the four princes are quite male, his intelligence is not low. It's all in the hands of our big ... Monica? "

The four princes did not want to admit that a niece was their elder sister.

The three princesses, who also did not acknowledge the succession of the niece, said: "Well, it should be in Monica's hands."

"That's a bit troublesome." The four princes sat down with a sigh.

The three princesses also frowned. For Monica, she was extremely jealous. What the other party did back ten years ago is still vivid. If it is not necessary, the three princesses really do not want to conflict with her.

But now it is the throne.

Why not fight for the throne of a country?

"Maybe we have to be careful, Monica can't mess with it." The third princess said to herself.

The four princes looked at her, laughed, and stopped talking. He didn't want to say anything. He didn't have many other sisters. Even Sa Sa, now he had a bit of desire to be a queen because of someone's reason. But the four princes really did not have any interest in the throne, and they were the only ones who did not have any interest in the throne.

In his world, there are only two things that must be held in his hands, a delicious and cute boy, and a lot of gold coins.

Perverts are perverted because sometimes they think very differently from ordinary people.

The third princess knew this very well, so she joined forces with her fourth brother, even though she looked down on him in her heart.

After hearing the prince's sneer, the three princesses frowned and asked, "Why, do you have different ideas?"

"Monica didn't deal with us, as long as we didn't fight for the throne." The four princes felt that they saw something clearly: "She is an illegitimate daughter, so she has no right to inherit the throne, but she can act as the manipulator behind the scenes , Manage and rule this country in disguise. "

The three princesses said angrily: "This is treason and must be executed."

"Come on, third sister, if you have this ability, you will probably do the same." The four princes laughed dismissively: "But you are not as powerful as Monica."

The third princess took a deep breath and suppressed her anger: "Indeed, if I am alone, of course, she is not as powerful as her, but what if the two of us join forces?"

"No interest." The four princes thought about it, and answered.

The third princess expected that he would have this answer, which is not surprising, and then said: "I am a queen, you can stay in the king city, I will give you money, man, I will help you find out, something happened, It ’s not too much. I can help you with it. What do you think? "

"It sounds interesting, but how can I be sure that you will keep your promise?"

"What about the magic contract?"


A few words from the two siblings formed a new alliance, instead of simply holding a group to warm up the relationship.

Wang Cheng calmed for another three days, and soon it was time to lift the martial law.

Although Monica still wanted to continue the blockade until the murderer was found.

However, the food in King City is already different, and the people's hearts and public order have reached a very low level. If they are blocked like this, a riot is likely to occur.

Later, Li Qi made the royal family's decision posted to several publicity orders. After seeing that they would be out of the city the day after tomorrow, almost everyone was relieved.

In the past two days, Sasa had begged to see the king and his father twice, but they were blocked by the Monica faction from the palace.

Even women like her, who are not very sensitive to politics, feel abnormal, let alone other nobles or big business people.

Obviously, something must have happened to the king.

With this in mind, almost all aristocrats and big businessmen started to act and started betting.

The king is dead, so what he left behind, forbidding the royal family's ban on the use of external forces, will naturally be nullified.

Whether it's Salsa, the Four Princes, Foil Lynn, or Salsa, I've met a lot of guests in the past two days, and they brought help and conditions.

As for Monica ... Although there are people who want to bet on her, but she has been staying in the palace and never comes out, nobles and businessmen have no way to find her.

In fact, Monica wanted to walk out of the palace, but she felt that if she dared to go out, she would be attacked.

That night, Beta and a coalition of several nobles found another empty compensation. When clearing the puppet in the manor, Beta suddenly looked into the distance, and then released a flame bomb into the sky.

The flames exploded in the air, sparks, and the black-faced men in the manor saw this and immediately turned around and left.

After they left the manor, the rain washed the place.

Beta stood behind a large tree and watched a group of people in white with crying masks float over.

The rain bounced to their side and was bounced off by a peculiar force field. Wherever they passed, the water on the ground was automatically separated.

Looking at the ability is similar to Beta, but there is still a big difference.

Beta is a talent-provided feature that does not require magic or casting, and triggers automatically. These people, however, use the magic ‘water avoidance’.

Regarding the crying mask, Beta had heard a few words from Sasa, and knew that this team was directly under the king and had a strong strength.

Beta still remembers the scene when the crying mask killed the five princesses, but at that time, Jeanne was in the air or there were many leaves covering him. He couldn't see clearly, so he didn't know the team's fighting methods.

I don't know if it matters, you can try anyway.

As soon as Beta was thinking, the water around her condensed in a flash, turned into the appearance of two cloud dragons, and roared and rushed over.

Crying masks don't dodge.

Two water dragons passed through their bodies without causing any harm.

Soul body?

Beta's first reaction ~ ~ These crying masks were 'made' by the heroic spirit in Wang Ling, but later found that the vitality and mental power of these crying masks leaked out.

Not the soul!

Plane walking?

Beta felt troublesome. If it is a plane walk, it is too exaggerated. Plane walking is a very special ability, and it is much more practical than plunging into the shadows.

Into the shadows will also be damaged by magic, but walking on the plane, even ordinary magic can not hurt them.

Attacks with only spatial attributes can reach people walking on the plane, or monsters.

It is rare for a team to know how to walk on a plane.

A group of people know how to walk from the plane, and few people will believe it.

Beta doesn't believe it either, so he thinks that this should not be walking on a plane, it should be a similar ability, or magic.

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