Noble Emblem

Chapter 737: Misunderstanding

Beta came outside the gate of Wang Ling, and he took out the square key and looked carefully.

Key of the White Coffin (recharged).

After absorbing the souls of the four princes, the square key finally became complete. All members of the royal family except Sasha and Mu Lin have died. If this is the case, Sasha is still not the queen, then either she is too kind or too wasteful.

Either way, she is not suitable for becoming a queen, but Mu Lin is still there. Beta thinks that the two sisters support each other, and the problem should be small.

Offering the fog driving technique, Beta detoured all the way, it was easy to avoid those patrolling guards, and it was almost unobstructed to enter the interior of Wang Ling.

Without the trouble of the spirit, Beta soon came to the black coffin and snapped the square key into the groove.

The key glowed a purple light, and a magic pattern on the white coffin was lit. After a while, the black coffin rattled softly.

Beta knew that this was the sound that the white coffin had lifted its magical effect. But instead of rushing to open the coffin, he first put on various protective magics and even surrounded the detoxification magic.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he stood further away, using his mental strength to illusion the two giant mage hands, and slowly lifted the black coffin away.

Nothing special happened. There was no poison gas, no magic traps, and there was not even a corpse inside.

Only one ball!

A blue ball.

Beta walked over and held the ball in his hand. This thing is not big, it is probably smaller than the blue ball, and it feels strange to the touch. It feels like a sponge, but in fact, it is very hard.

The system interface displays: Unknown magic item.

There is no such magic in the game. If even the system cannot identify the item, then there is only one possibility.

Special epic item with regular level effects.

Beta was not in a hurry to explore the role of the object, he threw it into the mansion space, and then left Wang Ling.

He didn't plan to meet with Sa Sa again. He killed her so many relatives by himself. If they met again, even if they had a relationship, most of them wanted to kill herself.

What's more, the throne has a kind of evil nature, and most people who sit up will change their personality.

It has become more important to the overall situation, it has become more of a national interest, and it has become less human.

The next step is to go to the sanctuary. Xiao Mingzhao feels that he has been here long enough. I don't know what kind of changes have happened in the sanctuary.

He looked at the direction of the palace, and then sighed slightly, the figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Soon it was dawn. In the palace, Sasha woke up.

It may be because of the relationship she just woke up, and her mind was still a little confused. She thought that what happened last night was a dream, but she soon woke up, and immediately fell into great grief.

The body slumbered, and Sasha buried her head between her legs, sobbing secretly, crying for a while, and suddenly heard a voice.

"Second sister, if you keep crying like this, I'm going to die."

A rather weak voice came from the side. Sasa looked up, and no one was thinking that it was an illusion, and she heard Liu Mei's voice again.

"Second sister, I'm by the bed."

Salsa looked around the bed and finally found Mu Lin covered by the edge of the bed. When she saw Mu Lin's face pale and scary, she panicked at once, and immediately turned over and got out of bed to help Liu Mei up.

"what happened to you?"

Looking at the surprised second sister, Mu Lin smiled bitterly: "I don't know what happened. I remember to send you here last night. I quickly lost consciousness and woke up on the bedside."

"How are you feeling?"

"Weak body, barely moving my fingers, toes, and mouth, but I can't help it."

"You wait."

Sasa hugged Mu Lin, laid it flat on the bed, and used a series of magical spells such as light healing and strength.

After a while of toss, Mu Lin's anger was better, and she could raise her arms slightly, but still couldn't sit up.

"Wait, I'll let you get something to eat."

Sasa saw that Mu Lin was fine, and immediately relaxed, she wiped her tears and went out to let the maids prepare breakfast.

Although there were many events in the palace last night, most of the maids lived and worked the same way.

After all, if they don't do this, if the new queen takes the blame, they will have no place to ask for mercy and no reason to ask for mercy.

Soon breakfast was delivered, and Salsa fed herself her six sisters.

Near the end of the meal, Mu Lin suddenly said, "Second sister, the Queen is yours. What are your plans?"

"Is it for you?"

Mu Lin froze and shook her head again and again: "If the third sister is on the throne, I will definitely fight with them, but the second sister is different. You sit up, I have no complaints, and I will be very happy.

"This queen would rather be improper," said Salsa for a moment, and said, "I would prefer older sister to be alive."

When Mu Lin heard this, her face was almost green, and she hated iron and said, "You're stupid, this is the throne."

"I miss my father, my siblings are alive."

Mu Lin watched Salsa for a while, then suddenly smiled, and smiled helplessly: "Second sister, this is just an excuse. Your real thought is that you don't want Cook to kill her sister. It feels that as long as he kills her sister, Your conscience will be disturbed, and you will always feel that you cannot be together again. "

Salsa was stiff.

"No, nothing like that."

"That's why I say you're stupid." Mu Lin shook her head. "If Cook doesn't kill the third sister and the fourth brother, you can be the queen. If they are still alive and they have control of the palace, they can give us two lives. Opportunity? You do n’t see Cook ’s hard work at all. You just care about your so-called conscience and affection. The affection is really important, but the question is, have they given you affection? How many people want to put you to death. ”

At this moment Salsa's face became extremely pale.

"Such a good situation ~ ~ was all brought to us by Cook. He is so good to you, even if you have a few sisters and brothers who are malicious to you, do you think he is abominable?"

Salsa lowered her head.

At this moment a maid came in cautiously: "His Royal Highness Princess II, the prosecutor Natalia asks to see you."

The two looked at each other, and finally Sa Sa said, "Invite her."

Natalia went into the room and saw the two princesses present, and after a little salute, she said, "His future Queen, we have many like-minded friends who want to be loyal to you."

The two princesses were a little weird, and finally Sarah asked, "I remember Ms. Natalia, you don't like to participate in politics."

"There is no way, a guy named Cook must force us to offer loyalty to our future Majesty."

Mu Lin froze for a while, then laughed.

Salsa turned her head to tears, and her expression would no longer be so resentful.

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