Noble Emblem

Chapter 740: Awkward request

Sophia comes from a side line, but often it does n’t matter if it ’s the main house or not, as long as you are strong enough. . Fastest update

The Aristotle family did have two master-level evil magicians, but these two were nearly a hundred years old and were about to enter the soil. And Sophia was only in her early thirties, and after becoming a master, because of her age and the activation of the succubus bloodline, her life should be about 150 years old. Maybe there is still a chance to become a legend.

Compared with the two old men, Sophia's future is too bright.

At this time, are the so-called sidelines and lines important?

The carriage stopped in front of a manor, and the three got out of the carriage and entered the manor.

Aristotle, a veteran family that has existed for hundreds of years, has a deep foundation and a low profile. Like the last battle for the throne, they stayed in peace and tried to reduce their sense of existence to as much as possible. lowest.

Then, escaped the waves of the throne battle without loss.

Perhaps for many families, opportunities are also bred in the crisis, but Aristotle does not need the opportunity. They have almost reached the reach of a noble family.

Unless they want to be royal.

Of course they have had this kind of thought, but they had the ancestral teachings three hundred years ago, and they are strictly prohibited from expecting such things, otherwise disaster will happen. Zu Xun's words were harsh and very harsh. There seemed to be other advice in the back, but only the owner could see it.

In addition, every homeowner will strictly abide by the confidential ancestors' instructions behind him. If someone in the clan has such a thought, he will first advise him, and if he does not give up, he will be expelled from the clan directly.

When the three entered the manor, Sophia became the host and greeted Beta. Helen was aside, looking a little nervous, looking up at Beta from time to time, and then lowering her head.

The three casually ate and drank, chatted, and served by servants.

Sophia really likes this scene. Although she still loves her husband, it is good to occasionally spend time with Beta. Besides, there was Helen beside him, not afraid of any gossip.

Not long after, the housekeeper came over and said that the owner invited Beta to meet, and also hoped that Sophia could also go there.

The two got up and were taken to a study by the housekeeper.

As soon as Beta entered, a middle-aged man sitting in a chair stood up and bowed slightly: "I'm glad the Pope of the Fortune God can come to our family. This is something we deserve to remember in our family records , Remembering thousands and tens of thousands of years. "

"Aristotle, you are very kind." Beta waved his hand.

The three sat down in turn. As the master, Aristotle naturally got the words: "Her Majesty, have you come to our family, what's the matter?"

No wonder he asked directly, Beta's current reputation is very loud in the noble family of Hollevan. Whether it is strength, ability, or mentality ... dare to challenge the great prince, and after the great prince becomes a king, he dare not retaliate. Now he is the pope and a miracle. Who in his family saw him? Fearful!

"I asked Beta ... Pope to help our summon magic circle look."

Sophia rushed to help Beta, but she was too used to getting along with Beta, so she knew her name well.

The owner's name was Levin. He heard the feeling, and raised a brow slightly, but pretended not to know what it was like: "So it is, here, I thank you again."

He stood up and bowed to Beta again.

The man in front of him is the pope. Although the wealth **** is now a petty religion, Beta is essentially similar to the king in terms of status. And even if it is a small religion, the energy of the wealth deity is also big enough for me.

Moreover, some time ago, after Woking showed his miracle in Hollewon, now there are more and more people who believe in the theology of wealth. Although most are businessmen, many women are beginning to believe in her.

The reason is that the teachings of the Workin theology have been spread. In addition to the truth of human life, many women are surprised to find that the doctrine of wealth theology has a high status of women. Moreover, there are guarantees in marriage.

For example, if a man wants to marry a new wife because of a change of mind, and the woman has nothing wrong, and the woman believes in the God of Wealth, as long as she vows for help in front of the statue, she will get feedback from the goddess. Vol'jin Temple will send people to help women get one-third of the man ’s property.

Be regarded as compensation for divorce.

Woking is the goddess of wealth. To do this, it's easy, just let the money circulate according to a certain intention.

Men naturally don't like this kind of thing, but women secretly believe in it, they have no way at all.

Most importantly, Vol'jin is now a neutral and orderly god, and no one can accuse her of being an evil god. Without any valid reason, no one can explicitly say that her teachings should be banned.

Can only be secretly contained.

It's just that the spread of Woking's teachings is faster.

Many merchants now put small statues of Woking in their homes, praying from time to time.

As a pope, Beta has risen in popularity.

"Why don't we go and see the summoning magic circle now?" Sophia looked at her owner: "The time of Pope Beta is also very urgent."

Levin repeatedly nodded and said yes, he said that he didn't expect it for a while, he really neglected the distinguished guests.

The three pass through the authority and enter the basement of the manor.

A huge magic circle appeared in front of her eyes, but only half of the magic lines were lit, and the other half had no magic reaction.

"More than a month ago, there was a problem with the magic formation." Levin said: "This magic formation was set up by our ancestors, and it is very complicated. Our descendants only know how to use it, not how to maintain it. It may be too long Relationship, the Magic Circle is damaged. "

Beta walked around the magic array, and then said, "Magic array is not naturally damaged, but artificial. Under normal circumstances, any perfect magic array can be run without external force or damage on the terrain. Thousands of years, you, no more than four hundred years. "

Levin's face was darkened: "Man-made damage? The people who can enter here are the core members of our family. Who is it!"

Sophia's focus is on the other side: "Can you fix it?"

The way of thinking of the two is obviously different. As a homeowner, maintaining family stability is his first priority. And Sophia is a collateral and a married daughter. This time, I came back to see the situation. If there is anything that can help, she naturally wants to get things done quickly, and then go back to her home to live.

She didn't want to pay attention to her internal battle.

"Yes." Beta nodded. "But it takes a lot of magical materials, about three hundred gold coins."

As soon as this word came out, the two people beside them were relieved.

"I'll make a list later, and you can send someone to buy magic materials. By the way, I hope you can get the materials together in three days, and I have three other things to deal with in three days."

Levin said immediately: "No problem, Her Majesty the Pope, we will not delay your time."

The three left the basement, Helen was still waiting in the hall, and when she saw Beta came out, she immediately lowered her head shyly.

Sophia had wanted to personally lead Beta to the guest room to rest, but Levin said, "Helen, take the Pope to the biggest and best room to rest, Sophia, you and me, there are some things I want to talk to you about . "

Helen took Beta to the fourth floor with a look of shame.

Sophia and Levin arrived in the study.

Sophia sat down and said, "Uncle, if you have anything, just speak up."

Levin looked at Sophia up and down and smiled. "I didn't expect that in the younger generation, you have the best achievement. If you knew this, you wouldn't let you marry outside."

"Thank you for your compliment." Sophia smiled.

"I have something to say, and you may be upset, but I still have to ask it out of convention." Levin took a deep breath: "This is not a forced request or order, but a request, you can refuse Or you can ignore it. No one will say anything about you, but out of ancestral training, I still have to ask. "

Sophia frowned, looking at Levin's serious look, and she didn't think it was a good thing. But the other side was so sincere, she couldn't stop listening: "Uncle, you say."

"I hope you can leave a descendant to our home."


After a moment of silence, Sophia asked coldly, "Purified blood?"

"Yes!" Levin nodded, his face awkward.

Many aristocratic families with special bloodlines like to marry close relatives of outstanding descendants to ensure the purity of bloodlines. Although there is a danger of deformity, the chance of genius is the same. "

"And uncle you?" Sophia taunted in her tone.

Levin shook his head: "Of course not me. It is the most handsome and talented John of our tribe. He is only 14 years old and already an elite summoner. He has reached the age when he can give birth."

Sophia shook her head. "I refuse."

"The family will give you the biggest compensation ~ ~ Sophia smiled:" I am the owner of the city of Winterwind, and I actually control a city. My husband loves me very much. I have a harmonious and beautiful family and a high reputation. Why should I give up my family and my current status and conceive a child of a little ghost? What's the use of more compensation? Am I stupid? "

Levin sighed. "Really?"


Levin was silent for a while and said, "Then let's change the story. You try to get the essence of Her Majesty's Babies and conceive his child. We will do everything we can to assist you, including using the Succubus Eye. We will use everything Means, to help you cover up the traces of this year, until you give birth to children. For example, let Helen transform into your appearance to live with your husband. Or use other more suitable means. It will never let you stand And reputation, any harm. "

"Why uncle, you have this idea." Sophia asked after a long silence.

Levin smiled: "Because I can see that you seem to be familiar with Her Majesty, very familiar."

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