Noble Emblem

Chapter 745: Past

There is no objection to Beta's name. Although the name is strange, even the new elves such as Avila have no opinion, and others will not. . The fastest update Now Beta's weight in the God of Wealth is completely in line with his identity, the Pope ... the worldly things of the God of Wealth, he can rule in one word that even the goddess will not object.

Moreover, the word fortune cat, I don't know why, it sounded inexplicable.

"Thanks to the Pope for his name." Avila lowered her head, rejoicing.

To her, her past as a drow was a dark day to look back on. The nature of the elves is very good. As long as they are free from the influence of the spider, they can quickly return to the original beautiful race.

Instead, Beta was a bit strange. Why, for thousands of years, no one, no sect, had thought about the large-scale 'redemption' of the drow elves. But he knew it after a little thought.

Although the drow elves are insidious, they are very **** and beautiful. As long as they are caught, 90% will become slaves played by nobles. And the drowsy nature of the drow elves also makes them have no resistance to this. They even like to survive in the human world as strong adherents. Finally, because of their relationship with their ambitions, they betrayed their original masters, and then were put out by other human groups.

Repeated for thousands of years, no one wants to redeem the drow.

The slave merchants needed to redeem them to make money, the aristocrats played with their bodies, and the priests of the major order gods beautified from the soul to the body, and ‘purified’ them to prove to the believers that the sect is holy and clean.

In the minds of ordinary people, the drow elves are very strong, but in essence, the entire race is suppressed by humans in the underground world, and they live a dark life. Even if they are on the ground, they are the pawns of many organizations and forces' interests.

The "goods" that make money are also beautiful toys. Why save?

However, this is at a high level of race. If it is a human individual or a small area, the drow is a disease of **** itch. Although it is not fatal, there is no way to completely wipe it out. Humans cannot run into the underground world. Just go to the drow, and no more soldiers are enough to send.

Many human regions have been attacked by drow elves for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

Blood tears.

Many righteous people, or high-level human beings, also want to destroy the drow elves, but they are struggling to find a good solution, they can only endure, they can only guard against the invasion of the drow elves.

But Beta is different from them. It comes from the thinking on the earth, which makes him have a different perspective on the world.

Now that it is clear that the Queen of Spiders is likely to be one of her enemies, Beta has already prepared herself to deal with her.

Since the dependents of the Queen of Spiders are drow elves, I tried to dig them up.

Break your roots!

More than a hundred drows ... No, it's more than a hundred lucky cats, which are already a lot of combat power, but it is absolutely impossible to deal with the entire drow elf race.

"Now you are divided into four squads, going out in four directions, collecting drow elven slaves in Hollevan and buying them back." Beta smiled: "Of course, you have to take care of yourself. After all, elves Whether it is the forest elves, the drow elves, or your beckoning cats, it is definitely a fragrant puppet in the eyes of the nobles, and it is also a gold coin that moves in the eyes of the slave hunting team. Assaults you. So if you are in danger, and your own priority is to save yourself, people can wait to save them later. Your safety is the most important thing, understand? "

Avila was moved by the geothermal eyes: "Thank you, Her Majesty, for your concern."

The other beckoning cats, half-kneeling at the back, have similar expressions.

No wonder they are like this. When they were drow elves, they were always accompanied by a huge pressure every time they were assigned to an assignment. If the mission fails, being punished, being abused is a trivial matter, more serious, and may even be thrown to feed the main spider.

If the mission fails, at most, there is only a 40% chance of surviving, but now the Pope tells them that his life is the most important.

This contrast ... is a world of difference.

"Shirley, give them a course of action that they talk about first, and in addition, give them sufficient funding for the action."

Shirley nodded: "I understand ... So, what woman are you going to give her just now?"

Corodia is a demigod strong, but her soul has disappeared and her body has been severely damaged. Now Pamela has occupied her body. The soul and body cannot be synchronized in a short time, which greatly reduces her strength , Now only barely passed the master level of strength.

But she is very good, very good. Beta believes that if Pamela wants to become a demigod, she can succeed in at most a hundred years.

"She's a divine clone of God of Love, and I don't know if I can accept the mind of Goddess Okin."

Beta was a little embarrassed, and now he was a little grateful to Pamela, but he didn't trust her completely. And from the perspective of recruiting talents, Beta felt that she should be given enough trust, but he did not like the chaotic and neutral habit of Eros, and always felt that it would disrupt the steps of Okinawa City.

"Anyway, her soul is imprinted in your hands. It doesn't matter if she accepts it or not." Shirley smiled, and her beautiful face was full of care: "If she is willing to integrate with us, of course it is good. If not Incorporate, depending on the situation. It ’s up to you to kill or let go. Eros ... is not good at fighting, let alone a semi-disabled divine clone. "

Beta also feels quite reasonable: "Then leave it to you to deal with it and try to make her have a sense of belonging to us."

"Rest assured." Shirley waved her hands to let the half-kneeed lucky cats leave, and then approached Beta, who put her clothes on the latter: "When will you take me out for a walk, although to help you do things in Woking City, I have no complaints, but I want to be with you. "

Beta was silent for a while: "So how do you train a trusted successor?"

"You said it." Shirley narrowed her eyes and smiled, very simple and happy: "Can't regret it."

Beta looked at Shirley, who showed a little mentality at this time, and laughed.

The two talked for a while, and Beta immediately moved to France.

After Beta left, Shirley asked Pamela to come over.

The two divine avatars stared at each other, and Yanfang competed, comparable.

About half a minute later, Shirley smiled first: "Ms. Pamela, I'm glad you can come to our Okinawa City."

Pamela nodded, of course she could see that Shirley looked exactly like Woking. And Shirley was the 'toy' given to Beta by the goddess, which represented what Pamela was quite clear about.

"I am also very happy to be invited by Her Majesty Beta to come to this city and work for him."

Pamela's meaning is obvious: I'm from Beta, I only listen to him, don't try to order me casually.

As long as the two handsome guys are not curved, they will be somewhat antagonistic, and the same is true of beautiful women.

Shirley is in the world, and she has no rivals except Judy. But Judy is an alien and a real woman of Beta, so she doesn't want to argue with Judy, it doesn't make sense.

But Pamela is different. She is also a divine avatar and is also good at management. In other words, the two of them 'positioned' and crashed.

"You did bring it from Beta, and he even reshaped your body." Although Shirley was sitting and even looking at Pamela from the upward angle, her eyes and aura showed that she was The condescending person: "But Beta doesn't have much trust in you, and has no feelings. If you want Beta not to drive you away in the future, you better learn to integrate with us."

Pamela frowned, and then she sighed helplessly. The three pairs of light wings behind her seemed to be dim.

"Well, you say what should I do."

"It seems that you are desperately trying to make a good impression on Beta." Shirley's look was a little surprised, but it was more of an expression that caught your 'painful feet': "As far as I know, You haven't been together with Beta for a long time, and Beta has been a coercion to you. I do n’t believe in love at first sight, I think you are more likely to be another reason, such as intentionally approaching him, trying to find his weakness , Or rather, to find an opportunity to assassinate him. "

Pamela was silent for a long time.

Shirley's expression gradually became cold.

After a while, Pamela finally grew long and scared with a resentful tone: "Actually, I've met Beta more than 300 years ago ~ ~ Huh?"

"It's not the beta in this form, but the pure soul form." Pamelo said, "Soon after I was thrown into the world by the mother god, one day, a believer said that he had found a strange Gadget. Then I let him give it up, and I realized that it was a strange, sleeping soul that even ordinary people could see. "

Shirley snapped: "Is Beta?"

"Yes, that's Beta." Pamela went on to say: "At that time he had no body, just an egg-shaped soul, but I don't know why, it has a strange appeal. I like it very much, and I will instill something in him every day Divine power, or some mild magical power, also watched his soul become active day by day. "

"Just one day, he suddenly disappeared. He was stolen. I don't know who did it."

Pamela's eyes showed a little anger, but then she rejoiced: "After three hundred years, he had a body and I didn't recognize him. But some time ago, I accidentally entered his soul. And found in his soul world that there is a power that belongs to me. The power I sent out three hundred years ago. "

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