Noble Emblem

Chapter 747: Seemingly useless clues

Grief Wind Religion ... Beta thought the Aristotle family in this world had not been 'polluted', but did not expect that the legacy of Grief Wind in the game still spread to this world.

In general, a evil magician can only contract a demon. But the young man was carrying three **** dogs. One big and two small, obviously a family. In this scenario, Huo Tuotuo is the classic picture of the tragic wind in the game.

Sophia followed the line of sight of Beta and saw the young geniuses in the clan. John was taking three **** dogs to 'walk' in the morning on the manor. She knows some secrets in the clan, and naturally knows how to ‘proliferate’ **** dogs.

Then she was a little awkward. Although this is the secret of the Aristotle family, Sophia thinks that Beta may know that after all, he has always been very knowledgeable.

Beta returned her gaze, trying to pretend she didn't know anything. Everyone has their own sexuality. Beta doesn't say much, but his bottom line is at least humanoid ... Even if it is a half-man and half-fish like a beauty, Beta thinks it is acceptable.

But **** dogs ... even if this thing is promoted to demigod level, it can't be transformed into human form.

Turned into at least three **** dogs.

Suppressing the nausea in her heart, Beta suddenly thought of something. He asked, "Sophia, you should have notes or records left over 300 years ago in your family."

Both Sophia and Helen stumbled.

Sophia didn't speak, then glanced at Helen.

After all, she is now half an "outsider". Many Aristotle's secrets, she is not convenient to disclose to Beta in front of others.

Helen hesitated and asked, "How did you know, Her Majesty?"

Beta pointed to the corner, the young man who kindly stroked the little **** dog.

Both women were embarrassed, Helen blushed and lowered her head. Sophia glanced helplessly at Beta.

"You ... do you ask why this is the case?"

Sophia asked strangely, because she had a relationship with an outsider, she could not be too close to Beta, so she used honorifics.

"If anything, I want to know what happened more than 300 years ago."

"So it is."

Sophia spoke softly, then looked at Helen. Her meaning is very simple. She is already a married daughter. Naturally she does not have much power to speak in her mother's house, but Helen is different. She is a direct descendant of Aristotle. This matter, she came forward to convey some aspects.

Although Helen was still a young girl, she was born in a noble family. Her ability to look and look is much better than her peers. She stood up and said, "Her Majesty, please wait a moment, and I will tell the owner."

She performed a ladylike ceremony and then retired.

Sophia looked around and found that no one else was paying attention to it. She moved a chair, and moved to the side of Beta, half next to him, and asked with a smile: "The owner seems to mean to put Helen to your side Are you not interested? "

"not interested."

"Why?" Sophia's eyes were bright, and women were always interested in these issues.

"It's too young and too flat." The two have been engaged so many times, and Beta doesn't want to lie in front of her: "Besides, she has nothing special."

Being pretty is a feature, but being pretty is not useful. The women around Beta are pretty and beautiful. Helen is just beautiful, and it's not the best.

It means that you are very beautiful. After receiving a satisfactory answer, Sofia left Bea's side with a smile. It wasn't long before Helen showed up with Levin.

"Sir, if you want to see our records, please follow me."

Levin did not say anything polite, but began to lead the way. He also saw that Beta was a hardworking person and didn't like to go around. For people who are higher than themselves and stronger than themselves, Levin will always do their best. Of course, if the opponent is about the same strength, or even weaker than himself, then it is natural to put on a show.

Levin led the way. Both women did not keep up. The family was important, and women were generally not qualified to enter.

Taking Beta to a basement and pointing to one of the bookshelves, Levin left first, leaving an oil lamp thoughtfully.

This is a very old bookshelf. The above books can be seen for a long time. Most of them have turned yellow to black.

Beta picked up the top, the book in front of her, and found that the date on the first page above was more than 400 years ago.

Finally, I saw a family willing to continue to record their history. Beta even felt a little ... moved.

The book records some family secrets from four years ago. These are not what Beta wants to see. He kept scrolling down, reading one book, and then turning to a book more than three hundred years ago. Interesting record.

‘The sky is like the color of dusk. The white divine light flashes between heaven and earth. In the sky, OOO is lowering the wrath of God. ’

Those OOOs are the parts whose writing is unknown and cannot be seen at all.

This records the war of God more than 300 years ago?

Long black legs, is it a spider?

There is no similar record in the following ... It is better to say that there is no, but to be artificially deleted, because two pages are blank.

This blank is too abrupt, and the content of it seems to be forcibly erased by some person or force.

This is a bit interesting. I don't know if there is a similar record in the Temple of Light. After all, it is a great denomination. In terms of historical records, it should be stronger than the Biaristic family.

After a few days, if you go to the sanctuary, find a way to go to the large library in the sanctuary. Maybe you can find something special.

Beta then turned the entire bookshelf ~ ~ and found that it was missing about fifty years or so. This is not about the war of the gods, but about the wind of grief.

Because in these records 50 years later, it is clear that there are people in the Aristotle family who started to pick up three or four **** dogs.

There is no such record in the previous records. It just happened to be missing for about fifty years. At the same time, that period happened to be the year when the players entered the same game timeline. In this way, most of the missing books are mostly Lai. The paper is closed.

Beta doesn't think it's a pity. If it's just the "Devil's Anecdotes" of the Aristotle family, he won't bother to watch it again, because he roughly knows what's going on.

Then he looked down the record book by year, and suddenly there was a record that once again aroused his interest.

‘Ge O Lai O fell, and the goddess dropped on the main plane OOO. ’

Ok? Is there such a **** in the realm that begins with the word ‘格’?

Remember this book's domain name:. Read the URL: m.

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