Noble Emblem

Chapter 775: Coronation

What did Mu Lin feel about Beta before.

The tomboy, male and female, is hard to argue with. Some people may like this type of woman very much, but Beta is personally unable to appreciate it. Of course, this is purely from the perspective of the spouse. There is no problem in being a normal friend. After all, the tomboy is not a mental illness.

At best, it's just some dislocation of self-gender cognition.

But now, Mu Lin has a soft face, but there is still a time when that kind of heroic feeling.

"What's wrong with her?"

Beta turned to ask Salsa. Sa Sa said about Mu Lin's coma.

After listening, Beta frowned. "There is something troublesome. Monica's characteristic is that as long as she survives a spider, she can be born again. Why didn't you want to kill that spider?"

"I was frightened. I thought Liumei was also ... so I didn't think about killing the spider." Sasa bowed her head and faced Beta's questioning, she seemed a little guilty. It doesn't look like a queen at all. It's like a little woman who has scrambled vegetables and is preparing to be reprimanded by her husband: "Besides, that's my sister, too. I can't get it."

In fact, Beta's tone was not heavy, at most it was a rhetorical question. But when Sasa saw him in a distressed state, she seemed to have done something very wrong.

This is actually also the most gentle type of woman, when faced with a very favorite person, there will be reactions.

Beta nodded in understanding. It's really hard to say about the relationship, and it's true that Sasa's personality is the same. It's not surprising that she has trouble with her brothers and sisters.

Mu Lin said aside: "That is, my sister is too gentle, if I am, hum ..."

Beta shook her head indifferently: "Most of the spider incarnations of Monica have been wiped out. Although she said she had a leaking fish, she was seriously injured. Even if she can be reborn, it is difficult to rely on a few spiders in a short time. Internal recovery. From a few years to many decades. At that time, you already have enough strength to counterbalance her. "

With the resources of the French royal family, if in a few years, or more than ten years, Salsa and Mu Lin have not established sufficient force or strength, then the two of them will be completely incapable.

But the two of them don't seem to be helpless people. At most, Sasa's character is a bit soft.

The biggest question now is that the independent lords are united. Beta thinks for a moment and says, "Should I secretly help you deal with those lords?"

It is not arrogance of Beta. Now he only needs to be prepared, and then use fog driving and rain calling, and dare not say to destroy a lord, but there is no problem in turning the world upside down.

Mu Lin's eyes lit up: "You are willing to help us, it's dangerous!"

"No matter how dangerous it is, it is no more dangerous than the Temple of Light." Beta chuckled. "The lords are really powerful when they unite, but they are not a whole, they can be easily broken, and if things worsen to a certain extent, they It's easy to fall apart. By contrast, the Temple of Light has legendary powerhouses, paladins, and a united force. They are much more troubled. "

Mu Lin nodded: "Well, then you help us kill the most annoying ..."

"No!" Sasha interrupted Mu Lin suddenly, and she looked at Beta: "I already have a plan, thank you very much, Cook. But this is our royal business, and it is also a challenge that I should accept as a queen. Only if I personally clean up the rebellious lords, other lords will surrender me. If you help me defeat them, they will kneel in front of me temporarily, and such things will happen in the future. "

Sasa looked at Beta very seriously, with perseverance and joy in her eyes.

This is a woman who is difficult to change once she makes up her mind. This kind of person just said outside and inside. Beta has been with her for a while, and she also knows her personality. When she heard that, she said, "Listen to you, but if there is something that needs help, don't die, you can come to me. Anyway, I'm also a bit capable. "

"I know."

Sasa's smile was grateful.

It was late at night coming back from the palace. The Seaman Quad did not have any opinion on Beta's return so late.

They even thought that Beta might go out to inquire about the royal family or other forces' information. This may be the order of Tina or even the Cardinals.

Time soon arrived the next morning, and almost everyone in the palace rose up early.

A temporary wooden large platform has been built on the square in front of the palace. The table was covered with a large red carpet, which decorated the wooden table quite generously and beautifully.

Around the high platform, the heavily guarded royal guards were around.

Outside the guards are densely populated citizens. After all, for a world without entertainment, the coronation celebration itself is a rare carnival in decades.

Citizens of all ages, men, women, and children are all around the square. At a glance, they are all human heads, as if they cannot see the margins.

Almost everyone in the city has come. Of course, this city with a population of one million people, of course, it is impossible for everyone to see the crown of the prince, but this does not prevent them from being outside and watching the bustle.

The envoys were invited to both sides of the high platform.

Today's weather is very good, it's a little scary ... the sun is shining on the ground.

As the overwhelming force, Tina, Beta and others, naturally occupy the best positions, just below the high platform, opposite them, are the envoys of other lords of the Kingdom of France.

Nadette and Heidi happened to be standing opposite them.

Although restrained as much as possible, Nadette still looked a little bit of hatred and murder in Tina's eyes.

Heidi's face looked as if she didn't know Beta.

In addition to these two people, there are several envoys that Tina has visited, who are barely known, but none of them know them.

But this does not prevent Tina from becoming the center of attention, after all, she is the only woman in all envoys, and she is also very beautiful.

Standing for a while, after a certain time, a group of etiquette officers appeared, they paved a long piece of red carpet, Tina came over in a blue and white dress, the back skirt was long, and Mu Lin Help her.

On each side of the carpet, a pair of court maids stood to the left and right. Holding a flower basket in their hands, when Salsa came over, they threw the blue petals in the flower basket upwards.

Spreading flowers artificially ... When Beta became a pope, not only was it a ‘national live broadcast’, but also the magical flowers of the sky.

In contrast, Salsa's coronation celebration looked a little worse. But this is only relatively speaking.

The city's colorful cloth, tall wooden platforms and red carpets, as well as a large number of envoys congratulate, this is already a big scene in itself.

The crowning of the new kings in many small countries is to invite a few nobles to come and take a look. Symbolically, there is no more than twenty people in the audience. It is as simple as that.

Compared with them, Salsa's celebration is already very angry.

As soon as she appeared at the door, the people shouted. Of course, a lot of people with 'tempo' got mixed in, otherwise there would not be such a neat roar.

Tens of thousands, maybe even more than one hundred thousand citizens, are screaming together as if they were powerful sonic attacks. The envoys in the center of the square, many people do not look good and feel a little uncomfortable, but those who have the strength, you can completely ignore.

For example, professionals.

Sasa was also a professional. She quietly saw the high platform, and when she passed Beta's side, she glanced at the latter without any trace.

Few people in the field noticed her, but Tina noticed.

Stepping on the red blanket step by step, walking up the steps step by step to the upper floors.

Standing at the highest point, Sasa stood pretty lively. The blue and white, simple yet elegant long skirt made her extremely beautiful.

At this time, the citizens' concentration reached the highest point. Many people saw the appearance of Sa Sa. When they saw the new queen so beautiful, they were all excited and even moved. Not to mention them, many aristocrats lost sight of Sa Sa, because at this time, she was not only beautiful, but also with a dignified majesty.

"be quiet!"

Sasa's voice covered all the voices in an instant. People immediately became quiet.

Amplification by a magician ... The Queen doesn't have to yell in her throat, her voice is much louder than others.

"My name is Salsa, many people know me, and of course, many people don't know me." On the high-level wooden table, a beautiful crown was placed, and Salsa held up her hands: "But this was not the first one because from Starting today, France welcomes its new owner. From now on, you will hear my name every day and everyone will know me. "

"I'm Salsa, the queen about to be crowned." Salsa raised her crown high. "As usual, before I'm crowned, I have to ask: Does anyone object?"

No one speaks ~ ~ The audience is quiet. Since he is a nervous person, he does not dare to say a word at this time. Because the royal guards under the high level have put their hands on the hilt.

All of them are ashamed, as long as anyone dares to say one more word, they will cut it off.

It's very quiet now, and I can hear the cry of children occasionally from the distance. Obviously there are tens of thousands of people here, but it is quiet like a wilderness.

After waiting for about ten seconds, Sasha smiled slightly: "Since there is no objection, from now on, I will be the Queen of France."

The crown was gently on her head.

After a brief silence, the cheers of 'Long live the Queen' erupted.

The sound spread far and wide, and there was a cheer of 'Long live the Queen' all around the city.

The whole city has entered the most frenetic and most exciting time.

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