Noble Emblem

Chapter 782: Not so

Tina was heavily armored, weighing two or three hundred pounds, and dropped from a height of five meters. Even if the bear people were born with strong physiques, it was not an elite and could not stand the impact of such a large potential energy. The moment when Tina stepped on her feet, she was no different from Rotten Meat.

A paladin is essentially a complex of high priests and warriors.

They can use cardinal-level ordinances, as well as some very useful warrior feats.

Leaping Slash, used by Tina, although less powerful than pure warriors, it is sufficient. Those bearmen who were shaken by the fly did not know what was happening. Under the influence of fog driving, their vision was extremely narrow, and at night, their dual focus was lost. Their eyes were gray and they could not see anything.

Just now they saw a dark shadow falling in front of themselves, and then they flew up.

After falling to the ground, they scrambled around in disregard of their body pain, running around in panic.

As long as it is a creature that requires vision, whether it is an intelligent creature or not, it will enter a state of panic within a period of time after losing vision. Depending on personality and ability, the length of time varies. Beta driving fog now has a range of 750 meters in radius, which is a circle with a diameter of 1.5 kilometers.

Looking from the outside, you can only see a large area of ​​fog in front, no longer like the fog circle with a diameter range of two or three hundred meters, as when you first started to build a number.

After all, in the natural world, there is almost no such a small mist range, and it is easy to think of it as magic. But now the fog circle with a diameter of 1.5 kilometers, if it is not a high-altitude top view, but just looking up from the outside of the fog, the average person cannot see the boundary of the fog at all, and it will only be considered as a dense fog formed in nature.

The bearmen scurryed around in panic, but because they couldn't see the road ahead, they either fell or connected to the side of the wooden house, or they ran into a group with their own kin.

Tina wields a giant sword to open the way. Each sword will be cut into two or three bearmen.

The blood was permeated, but the **** smell was suppressed by the thick fog, and it was difficult to get out.

Tina had walked a short distance of twenty meters, and at least she had hacked hundreds of bearmen scurrying around her.

Now they are not far from the shaman, only about thirty meters away.

It seemed to feel dangerous, and it seemed to see that this layer of thick mist was not right. The old bearman shaman used a secret technique, and his body was green. This seems to be a spell that connects the people. Not much will happen. The other three young shamans, who are slightly weaker, actually lean on the old shaman's side.

Beta was slightly surprised to see this scene in the distance.

Fog driving can weaken the five senses. Although these bearmen are large in number, they are not high-level, and they are close to legend. It stands to reason that they are in this dense fog, let alone find them, it should be difficult to walk .

But they got together, one of them may be a coincidence, but a few shamans came over, which also shows that the old shaman has some ability.

The shamans of the five heads gathered together, their claws connected to the claws, forming a circle, and each bearman's body gave out a clear green light.

After seeing this scene, Tina instantly launched long-range attack magic.

"Law: Light Gun."

The light gun is a very common divine skill, and generally the priest at the bottom will do the same, but if the word 'law' is added, the situation is different.

A light gun at least three meters long and at least ten centimeters thick was projected from Tina's hand.

When the light gun left his hand, there was even a sound boom.

The speed of the light gun has reached the speed of sound, and the distance of tens of meters gives the impression that the light gun has reached the target just after it is shot.

But this rapid light gun was blocked, and a green light curtain protected five shamans.

After the light gun hit the green light curtain, although it quickly dissipated into light spots, there were waves after the green light curtain, as if it were about to break.

At this time, a golden beam of lightning flashed past Tina's side, hitting the green light curtain, and smashing it directly.

Coin bombardment!

Although the power is not as good as Tina's decree light gun, Beta is deeply ‘considered’ by the goddess of wealth, and any theology of wealth theology is used in his hands, and the power will rise at least about 30%.

It's fast and it's perfect for making up the knife.

After the green light curtain shattered, the five bearmen shaman shook all over the body, and then more green light emerged from their bodies.

And these five shaman's bodies are drying down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the black fur is slowly turning gray.

This is clearly sacrificing vitality.

Beta and Tina were about to stop and interrupt the process, but the green light suddenly turned into a giant deer, a giant deer at least five meters high. If you add the big horn on its head, it should be as fast as seven The height of meters.

This giant deer is green and transparent, and there are light dots flickering around it. At first glance, it is a special energy creature.

After this giant deer appeared, five shaman bears fell to the ground as if they were dead.

The giant deer looked down at the five dead shaman bears, and then looked at the bear people who were scrambling around like headless flies. They cast their eyes on Beta and Tina, two bright eyes. Although killing, it stood still.

"Humans, give up your killing, I can let you go."

Energy creatures are not affected by Beta Mist Ride.

"What is this?" Tina looked back at Beta.

"It should be the ancestor worshipped by this bear people." Beta sees the other party's data from the system: "The legend of strength goes up, but in the weak state, it may be the reason for the incomplete call."

Tina and Beta's two attacks just now are not completely useless.

"Odd god."

Tina is eager to try. The gods of this world are divided into three types: orthodox gods, alien gods, and evil gods.

Orthodox gods refer to those gods that naturally arise by worshiping human emotions, such as the goddess of light, the goddess of the forest, the goddess of vorking, and so on. The evil gods naturally arise from negative emotions, such as the spider, the **** of death, and those large and small. Floating in the void, called the little evil gods.

Heterogeneous gods generally refer to non-human gods produced by the worship of special species.

For example, the dragon **** Bahamut, and the animal ancestors produced by these primitive worships.

Although the Temple of Light also excludes other gods, for example, competing with other gods for territory, it is only 'competition', and it is only placed in the human world. This kind of competition is cruel, and it is jihad.

But no matter what, orthodox gods, even evil gods, belong to the gods of human emotional worship. To put it bluntly, it is the same source, and even if it is usually a head-breaking bloodstream, it can be regarded as its own person.

But different gods are different. They are not gods created by human worship. They are naturally discriminated against by all orthodox and evil gods, and even have extremely strong hostility.

In general, the priests of the temple of light, or the samurai, were very uncomfortable with alien gods. When Tina heard that the ancestor spirit was alien and was still weak, Tina moved her mind.

She looked up and down the neck of Julu's neck, and seemed to be thinking about the knife in the morning.

When Tina looked at it like this, Julu was a little angry, but he still held his breath and said, "Human, let me say it again, leave ..."

A golden swordman suddenly appeared out of thin air, cutting the deer's mule.

The giant deer looked at a huge body, but the action was unexpectedly light. It jumped back slightly and avoided Beta's attack at a very fast speed.

The first to start with is Tina, Beta.

Humans are also a kind of food in the bear people's menu, and they are very delicious food.

Because of the different races, the bear people eat humans almost like eating monkeys. In contrast, although humans eat bears, they rarely eat bear people.

The bear people are born to be one of the deadly enemies of human beings, and the giant deer is a protector of the bear people. They need to be polite. Killing is that this is only a question of survival, not about good or evil.

Moreover, this giant deer is also in weakness, it is a good time to kill.

Avoiding Beta's sudden attack, the deer's antlers flashed with lightning, and it seemed that lightning magic would come out, but at this time, Tina waved the giant sword and jumped directly.

The light and divine power on the giant sword flashed, even if the giant deer was a legendary level, he did not dare to resist, and had to back off again.

At this time Tina raised his sword in place and shouted, "Law: Prison."

A block made of bright energy suddenly restrained the giant deer. The giant deer roared, struggling hard, kicked the hind foot, and kicked the square energy block into pieces.

When he was about to attack Tina, he suddenly felt a great pain in his left forefoot, and he couldn't help but yelled from the sky. It turned out that Beta didn't know when it was, he used the sword will to cut it off. Its forefoot.

Touching fish in muddy waters is a skill that the children of gold are very good at.

Things didn't end like this. The deer ancestor who lost his forefoot was extremely inconvenient to move. He was soon joined by Beta and Tina to cut all three of its other hoofs.

Julu screamed and fell to the ground ~ ~ Because it is an energy creature, the movement is not great.

"Don't kill me, I can be your favorite."

Without listening to its begging, Beta slapped off the deer's neck.

Green energy emerged from the body of the giant deer, then collapsed into a green round crystal.

Beta picked it up, watched it, and handed it to Tina.

Tina gasped, holding the energy crystal ball for a while, wondering: "Why is this ancestor so weak?"

"The strength of the ancestral spirit is generally above the legend, below the demigod." Beta explained: "Their strength is not strong, but some of them are strange and reminiscent. This giant deer is not fully summoned, and the strength is a bit Discount. Take the crystal ball back and sacrifice to the goddess of light, and she should improve your level faster. "

"You are so kind to me." Tina laughed with a crystal ball, and she wouldn't sacrifice this thing. She planned to put it away.

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