Noble Emblem

Chapter 791: front

Under the moonlight, Santa Cruz's room became quiet again.

The corpse of Charmedo, who was posing as Crodo, had disappeared, and even the bloodstains had helped him clean it up.

He couldn't even believe that he could get a strange power.

When the man said "the second-level knight contract", he thought it would be a slave contract from the devil. As long as he signed his name, he would be the slave of his opponent for a lifetime.

But unexpectedly, the person who contracted him was actually the very little paladin girl, Tina. Moreover, I also got the constitution of my own power, and even got a strange power called the mission system.

The other person even taught himself how to use this power.

He doesn't know what a ‘mission system’ is. The word is very esoteric to him, but he understands that as long as he completes what appears above, he can grow quickly without boundaries.

A place for a second knight, a future lord.

Such an investment is rare, but since Beta has hit it, of course, it can't be ignored.

The next day, the lord found his ‘second son’ disappeared. He sent people to look around.

Santa Cruz is naturally also in the suspected object, but the suspicion is not great, after all, he has no strength and is still under house arrest.

In addition, what made the lord tremble is that the army he sent out last night has not returned yet.

The reason why he had a banquet last night was because he felt that he could secretly kill the paladin woman or bring it back.

Just when he was restless, the scouts sent back came to report, and at the designated place, a large number of bodies were found, all of them were soldiers.

Hearing this, the lord sat down on the chair.

After a while, he resentfully said, "Be prepared for war, buy a lot of food, weapons, and armor."

By this time, Beta and Tina had left at night, and took the seriously wounded of the Guardian Army to the place of the believer.

After a day off and healing most of the injured with magic, they continued on the road and spent another two days rushing to the front.

Because it was a seven-party coalition, even after reaching the front line, they were still investigated several times before they entered the camp of the Army of Light Temple.

The commander is Longas, a cardinal.

When he saw Tina and Beta, he smiled at Tina as a gesture of friendship.

But when facing Beta, his face was rather cold.

"I heard you know how to swordmanship?"

Beta nodded. "It does."

"Teach our soldiers," Longas said in a commanding tone.

Beta shook her head: "It's not that I don't want to teach, but that ordinary people can't learn."

"Joke!" Langias sniffed. "You have a magician who can learn. It doesn't make sense that real warriors can't learn it. If they can't, then they are too stupid."

Beta smiled. "Can't I be too smart?"

After hearing such a boast, Langas froze, and his face finally improved: "OK, a little confident. I heard that you have a relationship with Tina, I was not very happy originally, after all, Tina The talents we focus on training in Sanctuary, even if we are going to marry, have to be our own family members. How can we be cheap outsiders? "

"But you are a bit imposing and capable, even with our Tina, it's not bad." He nodded: "Well, you're a pass."

Tina was a little flushed.

Beta was helpless. But I also don't want to refute, since I want to use Tina's reputation in the sanctuary to do something for myself, then of course this gossip can bear it.

In the big account, in addition to the three of them, there are other generals, most of whom are from the Guardian.

After all, the Rev. Bright priests have been practicing all the time, and their hearts are about the Goddess of Light. Of course, they do not know how to fight.

Most of these holy guards came from the sanctuary, of course, they also knew Tina. When they saw the blushing and charming expression of the latter, they were extremely upset.

After coming out of the camp, Beta was challenged by several Guardians. Then Beta agreed.

He doesn't like things like jealousy. But in military camps, the reputation that formal duels can bring is not small. He couldn't ask for it.

These people also know that they can't win Beta. The other party is a man who can win the paladin. They are definitely not opponents. But anyway, many times, when I get angry, I don't care so much.

After six duels a day, after defeating six paladin generals, Beta slammed a wave of popularity.

The most important thing is that Beta didn't use magic at all. He was a wooden sword. He was overpowered by wheels and still overturned six powerful generals.

Tina watched Chunxin's heart flutter aside. Any woman would like to see her favorite person and jealous of herself. They felt that it was men who cared about themselves.

And Beta, simply for prestige.

Almost everyone in the army of the Temple of Light now knows that there is a magician beside Tina of Sanctuary, and her melee strength is outrageous.

So now Beta is walking around in the camp occasionally, and many soldiers will show his admiration when they see him.

On this day, Tina and Beta learned about the situation on both sides from Longas.

Seven-party alliance against ten lords of the enemy.

On your own side, among all the forces, the Bright Temple has the most troops, nearly 200,000 troops, and about 100,000 logistics supply lines.

Six other lords each joined between 50,000 and 70,000.

The exact number of the enemy is unknown, but it is estimated that there should be about one million people.

In other words, the two sides add up, and nearly two million people are facing each other.

Two million people are on the border of the four territories, and the front stretches for nearly a hundred kilometers.

The Temple of Light is responsible for nearly twenty kilometers of front. On the opposite side, it is the enemy of Gruul.

"From the point of view of intelligence, the opponent is very good at stepping on a cooperative battle." Longas was showing the nearby terrain to his subordinates on the sand table, and explaining the collected information: "At the same time, they also have many magic apprentices, As well as the magic elite. It ’s difficult for us to tear each other's mouth with divine magic alone, and the enemy will have a strong long-range attack ability. This must be noted. "

"Now the enemy's deployment is still not complete, and so are we." Langas continued, "From the information we have collected before, we have an advantage in strength, but we lack reconnaissance."

"Using the advantage of numbers, we are overwhelmingly overwhelming." A paladin general shouted, "We don't need intelligence, and the enemy must be defeated by our offensive."

Both Ryanas and Beta frowned.

These paladin generals have never fought a real big battle, thinking that this is a few hundred people, a few thousand people playing petty tricks?

The war of hundreds of thousands of people had no intelligence support, and the enemy's formation did not understand how to fight and how to suppress it.

But what is surprising is that there are actually more than half of the people in the camp, who think that this person makes sense.

"Are there other people who disagree?" Langas asked.

No one answered, and Longas was a little disappointed.

He found a big problem ... the generals of the Guardian seemed to have no education in orthodox war command.

"Transfer ten archers in the Hall of the Others and ten thieves to me." Beta had to stand up and said, "I'll take them to gather information."

"Plus you are only twenty-one, what role can you play." Some generals are uncomfortable watching Beta.

"A few nightingales who have been able to get you from childhood to age (woman ticket) have been thoroughly investigated."

Beta said arrogantly. It was not that he wanted it, but he was very clear that in the army, no one in Sven could afford it.

As a general, if there is a conflict with other generals, you must be full of momentum and you must be cowardly, otherwise they will not be able to calm them.

"You ..." The general's face was extremely bad, and he wanted to speak, but thinking that he was still rubbed on the ground by Beta to teach him, he gave up his intention to continue speaking well.

Longas looked at Beta: "Are you sure you know how to sneak in to gather intelligence?"

"I'm a magician, and I've done a lot of similar things." Beta answered with a smile.

"But there are two days left before we may launch our first tentative attack."

"Two days? Enough."

Looking at Confidence Beta, Longas said, "I'll get someone to deploy the staff you need in a while, don't let me down."

Beta smiled, neither without a military order nor without confidence.

When he first arrived at the barracks, it was impossible for him to lead an army directly. After all, he was an outsider, and others were not assured.

But if he achieved a certain degree of military success, even Langas had to command some soldiers.

Beta thinks that with the war commanding ability he has trained in the game, as long as there are one or two thousand soldiers, especially the cavalry, he can definitely play a quite exciting local victory.

Out of the camp, Tina followed, standing beside him: "Be careful yourself."

Although she is also very confident in Beta's strength, anyway, Beta is going to spy on the enemy's intelligence, which is a very dangerous thing in itself ~ ~ she can't completely worry about it.

"It's okay. If something goes wrong, I will hide in the mansion space myself."

"Well, this is the best."

The two stood and talked for a while. Not long after, ten archers and ten professionals came to Beta.

Then they immediately got out of the camp, moving from the side of the front to the enemy.

Although it is daylight now, it is difficult for the enemy to find them so far.

Moreover, there is a Jeanne in the air, Beta can fully see the movement of nearby enemies. He knew very well whether he could move forward.

Using trees and grass, they successfully touched about a kilometer from the front of the enemy army.

Hiding in a grove, they waited quietly for the night to talk.

Now they are close to the enemy. If they act again, they will be easily found, and they can only wait until night.

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