Noble Emblem

Chapter 81: Law formation

Liang Lidong explained the concept of "support", and the lady of the city owner immediately understood the benefits of doing so. Her eyes flashed a bright luster, and then she walked to Liang Lidong and held his hands, almost in a kind of The worship tone said: "Mr. Beta, you are definitely a genius from a very powerful family, otherwise there is no way to explain why you know so much, even this means can be thought of, it is too great."

雄性 Any male likes female praise, and Liang Lidong likes it too, but he can feel a bit of contrition in the words of the lady of the city lord. Perhaps the lady of the city owner really admired him, but she was definitely not so exaggerated ... Life is alive, acting skills are too important. As an earth person in the information age, what kind of ‘performance’ has not been seen? It is self-evident that the film and television works are all kinds of hot news in reality, and the degree of dog blood is even more exaggerated than the novel. Perhaps the lady of the city owner in this world, acting skills are quite the type, but compared with those professional actors on the earth, and pushing hands, it is far worse.

The lord's wife's delicate and smooth hands, Liang Lidong gently broke away, and said, "I have your Langman family, but also the killer will also look for the trace of the necromancer. Let ’s complete the magic circle with Barbara over there. With one more base, we will have one more hole card. In case things do n’t go well, we wo n’t be too passive. ”

行 "Okay, the trouble of the magic circle is troublesome to your Excellency." The lady with a smile on her face seemed to be indifferent to Liang Lidong's rude resistance.

Liang Lidong thought for a while and said, "In addition, there is someone in the hibiscus family who seems to have a connection with the necromancer. You'd better pay attention. In addition, the handicraft club will receive several iron workshops left by Rex. Just be generous with them. "

"The iron workshop is very important, I am not too willing to do it," said the lady of the city owner with a sticky voice.

Li Liangdong smiled: "This is one of the conditions that they promised to help. I personally keep my promise. If someone prevents me from keeping my promise, I will not be very happy."

There was already some threatening meaning in this remark, but the lady of the town owner seemed to have not heard it, and still smiled like a spring breeze: "In this case, in the face of His Excellency Beta, I will send three killers The iron workshop is fine. "

"Thank you." Liang Lidong smiled and waved away from the room.

Mrs. Wu Cheng sat back in her chair. It didn't take long for the bookshelf to open slightly, and Uther came out of it. He went to his wife and sat down, sighing, and said, "How about, is there still no way to seduce Beta?"

The lady of the town owner nodded and lost his head: "He seems to be completely disinterested in men and women. I have become so obvious. He has no response. Maybe this is the reason for ascetic believers? In addition, he seems to value commitment, Besides, we don't know anything about him, we can't even find his weaknesses. A powerful caster has no weaknesses. Such a person, we dare not lean too close to him. "

"Anyway, go through the difficulties before you talk." Uther looked at his wife's shoulders. "No matter how good Beta is, if there is any more scheming or misconduct, there is no threat from the Temple of Life to us. After the matter of the Temple of Life is over, we have to find a way to ask his true will. I don't believe that a powerful spellcaster will be willing to spread the doctrine in a small village, which is unreasonable. "

Uh ...

Uh ...

Liang Lidong asked the guards of the castle for a horse, and soon returned to the mine in the mountain. Barbara and the girl in black robes were laying magic lines again, but because they were laying the magic array for the first time, they progressed. very slow. Liang Lidong returned to the mine and immediately engaged in the laying of magical works. The two magical girls speeded up greatly because they had the backbone. In less than two days, the lines of the magical array were completely laid. .

Nothing special happened in the past two days. The city's main residence and killing craftsman were always looking for the necromancer, but found no trace.

At present, all the cemeteries near Winterwind City have been sprinkled with coarse salt. It may be because of the two forces mentioned above that the necromancer did not come out again to steal the corpses, and the life temple monitored by Jeanne was completely absent. An exception occurred.

越 But the more this happened, the more Liang Lidong felt a little guilty, as was the so-called tranquility before the storm. This is why Liang Lidong rushed to build a magic circle.

There is a large magic array under the castle of Winter Wind City, but from the perspective of Liang Lidong, that magic array is very delicate, using several kinds of magic array effects that are fused together, and the effects are many, at first glance Great, but in fact, it's easy to break.

After thousands of battles in the game, players have long understood the principle that everything must be able to withstand constant use and maintain normal use. To put it simply, it must be resistant to 'CAO' . Players know that the ability to increase weapon toughness is far more important than the ability to increase weapon lethality. Especially after the fifteenth level, the strength of players has greatly increased. Any weapon, including the sharp blade, will definitely be damaged in one or two battles without the weapon specialization that increases toughness.

The same is true for defensive magic arrays. No attack rebound, arrow deflection and other abilities are needed at all. For defensive magic arrays, as long as they are sacrificed, it is enough to desperately increase the hardness of the magic shell.

Because force is relative, even in the magic world. After the core of the magic array is manufactured, how much damage it can withstand in a unit time is already fixed, but if the core design of the magic array is too complicated, then the operation of the core nodes is prone to errors under the pressure of the powerful external shocks. And then cause the magic circle to collapse.

Winterwind City's magic array is too delicate. There are several other functions in the defense magic array, so Liang Lidong feels insecure, but he doesn't want to talk to the city owner. After all, if you want to rebuild a magic array in the castle and Not easy. Dismantling the original magic core is a troublesome thing first. Secondly, if you want to build a new magic array, you must consider the terrain. Large buildings like castles will become the biggest obstacle to the design of magic arrays.

However, Liang Lidong's design of the magic array at this time is different. It just simply improves the shell defense strength of the magic array. Although it is only a medium-sized magic array, if it encounters an attack, this medium-sized magic array can persist longer than the large magic array of the castle. ~ ~ Liang Lidong calmly started the core after checking all the magic lines to ensure that there were no node errors.

The two magical girls next to each other held their breath, watching the core of the magic array buzz, and then the lines of magic lines connecting the core of the magic array lit up. The three walked quickly outside the mine to see the sky. Covered by a pale yellow transparent dome, the excitement shouts of the garrison of the mine are next to it.

Success! The two magical girls hugged together and kept jumping, this is the first time that they have participated in the laying of such a deep magical technique of magic circle, and it is naturally very exciting to succeed.

However, Liang Lidong is very calm. He has hosted more than a hundred magic circles in the game. With this technique, he has earned a lot of gold coins, and he is already numb.

Although it is a medium-sized magic array, its coverage is quite wide, and the mine is originally on the mountain. When the magic array appeared, it was very noticeable. Almost everyone in the winter wind city can see it.

Langman family, killing artisans will naturally be happy about this, but some forces are very unhappy about it.

In the Temple of Life, Mark stared from the window and stared deadly at the light yellow magic array shell. Because of the distance, in his eyes, the magic array was like a mature apple-sized bubble, it seemed to touch It was broken, but the stable magic wave came from that direction. He knew that the magic array was very strong, and it was incredible.

"Someone in Winter Wind City knows how to design a magic circle?" Mark's face was ugly: "Is it Barbara, the daughter of the city owner, or the unknown ..."

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