Noble Emblem

Chapter 872: Just think about it, there will always be a way

Again, things are expensive.

But when one thing is too much, it will not be worth more.

For example, gems ...

Dragons have a habit of collecting gems, and the habit of metal dragons is a little stronger than that of five-colored dragons. The most important thing is ... the metal dragon went with Bahamut to fight on another plane. In that plane, or the world, they will definitely collect gems. In thousands of years, most of the gems on that plane will be theirs. Collection is complete.

Then scoop a small plane of gems back to the main plane.

In Beta's room, there is a warehouse of gems. If all the gems are released, it will at least once hit the entire gem market in Holebun.

It is estimated that each precious metal dragon has several times more gems than Beta. Then there should be hundreds of such metal dragons, and possibly thousands of them.

If all their gems enter the market ... even if they do not enter the market, as long as they are widely known in the human world, then all gems in this world will be almost penniless.

After taking a sip of the fine wine on the table, Beta asked: "Do you want to sell gems in large quantities and stabilize the market?"

The two of them ... the two dragons glanced at each other, and they were a little surprised. They just faded to the gem, but they didn't expect to be seen by the other side.

Seeing the other person's expression, Beta knew he was right.

"IMHO, you want us to help you transform the golden dragon, and you want us to help you stabilize the gem market, this is too much. Dare to love our wealth gods, in this transaction, completely

Looking at the unhappiness revealed on Beta's face, both dragons were awesome.

"This is also for the cause of justice." Noah Yizheng said sternly: "What does it matter if you give something for the great cause of the Father?"

"Here is the human kingdom. We believe in the goddess Wolding. Although we respect the dragon god, we cannot betray the benefits of the goddess."

"I believe Goddess Woking will agree with our concept. Besides, without our metal dragon, you human beings will suffer a greater blow from the five-colored dragon. Helping us is helping yourself."

Beta chuckled. At first, he thought that the other party ’s tone of course seemed just a skill in negotiation, but now he found out that this platinum dragon really did think so. In her bones, she thought that Bahamut was the **** of the gods. Wang, their just cause, all races should support it unconditionally.

The male dragon Reggie was embarrassed, and he felt that his companion did say something inappropriate.

"Do you think so, too?"

Beta focused her eyes on Reggie. If the dragon thinks so too, then there is no need to talk about it anymore, it is simply a waste of time.

"We can discuss a method that is acceptable to both sides," Reggie solemnly said, "In dealing with the evil camp such as the five-colored dragon, all the good camps and the friends of the neutral camp should be united."

"So, I think you should think more carefully about how you can act in conjunction with other races." Beta looked at the Platinum Dragon, and then continued: "Rather than now, with an idea, without any consideration, just rush The situation here. "

The Platinum Dragon naturally knew that Beta was saying that she was wrinkled and was going to be angry, and then Reggie grabbed her hand in advance to calm her down.

"We did not think about it, please do not blame."

Reggie lowered his head slightly.

For a proud dragon, his willingness to bow his head to admit his mistakes has been a great concession.

Beta knows this too, and he smiles: "Anyway, we all have to deal with the five-colored dragon. There is nothing wrong with joining together. Now we don't want that much for now, let's enjoy the food and the beautiful bar first."

Although the Platinum Dragon was very reluctant, when he saw his companion also raised his glass, he could only smile with a rigid smile.

The banquet soon dissipated, Beta returned to the study, and Shirley was on his side.

"These dragons are really proud. We want to empty the gloves, and let us work hard for them, and then they will take them away."

"There is no way. In terms of individual strength, the dragons are really strong. They have proud capital."

This was much more common when Beta was in situ. What is the exception for the Eagle State, the Eagle State is the priority, the dolphin superiority and the like.

It is only normal for a country to be stronger, and its citizens will have such a high mindset, let alone a dragon such as a tribe, whose individual strength is outstanding, and they are more proud of their performance. This is normal.

"Then how are you going to drag them?"

"No need to drag, if the conditions are not equal, just reject it. The metal dragon is a good dragon. Even if they are rejected, they will only be angry at most, and will not cause trouble in the city."

"Of course, if their conditions are good, as long as they don't go too far, I am willing to cooperate with them even if they have some small losses." Beta smiled: "After all, they are the main force against the five-color dragon. It is right to support it within your ability. "

As a pope, the necessary overall situation is necessary. Many times, a force cannot just occupy the benefits, and it cannot have allies.

But you ca n’t be too generous. If you ’ve been ‘loser’, you will soon be swallowed up by others.

How to appropriately give up some benefits while taking advantage, that is, do not make yourself feel uncomfortable, and have to let the benefited forces have gratitude, this is the test of the superior.

Three days later, the two dragons came again.

Still a hero feast. The Platinum Dragon looked at the food and wine on the table and couldn't help asking: "Can you teach us this magic?"

"Sorry, this is personal privacy."

The feast of heroes is extremely rare in the human world, and everyone treats it as a family heirloom, which is hardly known to outsiders.

Beta doesn't want to hand it in, of course, if there is a suitable benefit, it is okay to draw out the magic modeling.

Platinum Dragon frowned. "It's stingy."

Beta smiled: "Ms. Can you teach us the human warlock the platinum dragon's burning ability?"

"Of course not!" Noah said unpleasantly, "that's our hole card."

Reggie once again showed an embarrassing expression, and he regretted taking on the mission.

Beta smiled. "The truth is the same."

Noah snorted, then hummed and stopped talking.

Reggie knew that he had to make a sound, and if he went on like this, the metal dragon's face was mostly lost in front of this human.

"Sir, let's talk about cooperation." Reggie gave a cough, motioned Noah to stop talking, and then said, "Every time you wealth gods help us transform a golden dragon, we will send a young pterodactyl For you as a mount. "

When Beta heard this, she laughed: "Why do we send the Golden Dragon out and then switch back to the worse pterosaur."

Reggie said: "Because we are responsible for catching the five-colored dragon for conversion."

Beta was expressionless, but there was some joy in her heart. It is not bad to be able to switch back to a pterodactyl without risking your own.

If the cooperation is successful, there will soon be an Air Force in Okinawa City.

Now Shirley ’s magic pet, the white estuarine crocodile grows in the waters around Okinkin City, and the number has begun to take shape. After a few years, when they grow up, they are a special amphibious cavalry unit.

Coupled with the long-range salvo capability of the Lucky Cat Army, if a pterosaur air force is added, the three-dimensional warfare framework for sea, land, and air is barely built.

"But converting a golden dragon is quite a hassle. A pterosaur is not enough."

Reggie nodded in understanding. If the five-colored dragon was so easily transformed into kindness or neutral camp, the Father God had already done that, why wait till now.

Beta continued: "So I have a proposal. Pterosaurs we do as we want, but for every two golden dragons transformed, then the third golden dragon belongs to our gods, how?"

Reggie took a deep breath: "Sir, you are too greedy."

"This is not greed. We have this ability." Beta said: "Although our wealth **** is not very strong now, it is still possible to catch a few ordinary five-colored dragons back."

The most troublesome thing in the world is the monopoly technology. Only others can do it, and when you ask for others, you can only bear the extortion of others.

Reggie said, "Ten and eleven belong to you."

"You love joking," Beta sipped, "It's impossible to talk like this."

"Nine and ten are for you, or we will go now."

"Then I take a step back, three, and the fourth is ours."

"No, it's nine. Otherwise we'll go."

"No more talk."

"Hachijo, sir, don't go too far." Reggie patted the table hard.

Beta shot the table even louder: "It's overwhelming you, four, and the fifth is ours, otherwise everyone would shoot twice!"



One person and one dragon quarreled for almost two hours, and finally decided to transfer five to get one free, but the **** of wealth must find a way to prevent the gems of the metal dragon family from depreciating too much.

The two signed an agreement on the spot, and then put the magic contract into the **** of justice.

After separation ~ ~ After they returned to their room, they both laughed, and both felt that they had taken advantage.

Beta thinks she can get an air force for nothing, and Reggie not only can harvest new metal dragons, but also pushes the problem of too many gems to the wealth gods.

That night, Shirley was lying in Beta's arms and asked, "How do you solve the problem of metal dragon gems?"

"I have a way."

Then, six days later, Pope Beta, a **** of wealth, released the design drawings of twenty-seven 'jewels' magic circles ...

Fourteen types of gem setting techniques, and twenty-two types of gem amulets, or the method of making magic rings.

Also intimately let the envoy bring all the design drawings to every human country to promote

All kinds of gems have suddenly become consumable magic materials. The average price has tripled in just four months.

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