Noble Emblem

Chapter 875: For evolution

Be part of the city?

Mill was surprised when he heard this. Although all along, in the human impression, the orcs are powerful. It has extremely strong vitality and powerful fighting ability. This is the general view of humans on the orc race. But in the eyes of the orcs, human beings are at least several times terrible.

Although the number of ants is not as good as that of the pigs, it is not far behind. What's more terrible is that the average intelligence of human beings is much higher than that of orcs.

The orcs used wooden sticks and bronzes, and the humans used iron weapons and armor.

The orcs have shamans, and humans have larger and more terrifying magicians of various departments.

Orcs are most proud of their bravery, and they are almost useless in the face of the human army.

The orcs wanted to enter the human world and had a rich land. But it is impossible. Humans are too strong. No matter which country they attack from, they all fail.

Over the centuries, they tried many times and nothing worked.

The history of the orc race and the conflict with humanity is, of course, more than a few hundred years. But their record of history is only a few hundred years.

Hearing the words of the human woman before her, Mill was silent.

Angie is also not critical, waiting patiently.

"Why?" After a while, Mill looked up and asked, "Why are we Fox People!"

"This is not my idea, this is the opinion of the Pope. He feels that your fox people are the orc people closest to humans in terms of behavior patterns."

"If we stay in Okinawa City, can he keep our Foxes safe?"

"of course can."

"As a slave?"

There was a hint of irony in Mill's indifferent words. Orcs' view of humanity has always been inseparable from treacherous. More generally, why do the lords of a piece of land and the pope have such a noble identity to protect their fox people?

There is a saying in the Fox people: Love for no reason is a delicious bait with a hook.

Mill didn't dare to agree until he understood the true intentions of the other party.

Dozens of people around him, but the Fox's last hope. In case of promise, if there is any trap in the other side, then the fox tribe will really be extinct.

Anjier pushed a glass of clean water in front of the other side and said, "I know you have doubts and are afraid of other thoughts on us. But it is really not necessary. If we want to treat you guys, now you are already I ca n’t escape if I want to escape. ”

Mill burst into his heart, he was a little nervous, but had to admit that the other party said it was very reasonable.

"So, what is your real purpose?"

Mill asked a question he felt silly.

"There is also a purpose to insist on it."

As a dancer, Anjier's eyes are as beautiful as flowers. She almost always exudes the charm to seduce the men around her. This is already a professional instinct and is not under her control for the time being, unless she has the ability to control after she can enter the elite level.

Mill's face was red, and the fox's ears trembled slightly.

At first, he felt that this human woman was as beautiful as the top fox girl in their clan, but now he gradually felt that this human woman was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"We in Okinawa City are short of people. But we don't need everyone. Only those people who have enough self-discipline and enough talent can join us."

"The waste fox clan who got caught up by the five-color dragon, do you want it too?"

"It's not about your fox people. The orcs are not strong."

Having said this, Angil said, seeing that Mill was somewhat indifferent, he continued: "Of course, the average strength of the orc individual is indeed better than our humans. But group battles, such as large-scale wars, It is not a human opponent, you have to admit it. "

Mill's face was a little ashamed, and it was indeed true.

"Our Pope has a good opinion of humanoids. He feels that all humans should be united." Angel said faintly: "The orcs are also humans, just Asian races."

Hearing this, Mill was moved. A big man who can see orcs as adults should be very charming and energetic.

At the moment, I was moving intentionally: "what we can get, or what kind of rights, if we stay."

"Without violating the laws of our city, your status and treatment are no different from ordinary citizens." Anjier pushed a piece of paper to the other side: "You can see."

Mill took it and looked at it carefully.

As the young master of the Fox people race, he has received elite education and training since childhood, and he can understand the universal characters of human beings.

The more he looked, his body gradually shook.

"Keep us safe without breaking the law!"

"Every Foxman, including newly born children, can get two acres of fertile farmland outside the city?"

"With sufficient capacity, are we qualified to participate in the assessment of officials?"

Mill looked up at Angel: "Is this all true?"

His eyes were filled with mad eagerness and a hint of fear.

Fear of what you see is a joke of others.

"It's all true, I promise in the name of the magistrate."

"Okay, I promise."

Mill was decisive. He knew very well how the human world as a whole considered the orcs. Now it is extremely rare to be willing to have a city and accept them unconditionally.

Angie said, "Come here with your clan. I have to register them and give them a citizenship card."

Mill glanced deeply at Angel, "Well, I see."

The news of the Fox People in Woking City ~ ~ just caused some fluctuations, and then the following is gone.

No wonder the citizens.

After all, at the beginning of the construction of Woking City, a group of slaves became citizens, and many frost wolves of the northern border came casually. Now, from time to time, they see dragons circling in the sky.

In contrast, the Fox People are really nothing.

However, as both orcs, the Frostwolf tribes have always been regarded as real humans, just mixed races.

Fox people have no such good luck.

This is actually a matter of habit. People in the north are accustomed to the appearance of the Frostwolf clan. At most, they feel that their ears are weird.

Now that Okinawa City is used to the people of the Frostwolf clan, naturally it will soon become accustomed to the appearance of the Fox people.

In Beta's study, Shirley asked, "Why do you want to keep the Fox and the Cat people with us?"

"I want human evolution!"

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