Noble Emblem

Chapter 879: Advance again

The election of the Virgin Election has had an even greater impact in Hollevin than Beta thought, and it even radiated to other countries.

After hearing this, many young girls of other ages in the other countries, lamenting their chests, hated that they would not be born in Holewein.

And when Beta got the data name, she was surprised: "Only 435 people passed the first round? That's too low."

Shirley smiled bitterly: "Most of the candidates are noble women, or they are rich and rich. The issue of camp orientation is better said, but the proportion of aristocratic girls who are more than fourteen years old and still a virgin is really low.

Hearing here, Beta not only understood, but he also felt that the data was a bit high ... It was incredible that 435 people passed the purity test.

Forty-five-five people will receive six months of education in Woking City, including literacy, etiquette, divine arts, and even social skills.

In this respect, girls from noble or wealthy merchant families have great advantages. And Joan, it seems much more difficult.

The participating girls were assigned to the community next to the cathedral, where many buildings were built, all five to seven storeys high. These buildings are occupied by the priest students trained by the temple. But because there were a lot of buildings, many houses were empty, and more than a thousand people were more than enough, let alone hundreds of people.

Joan lived in a house in the middle of the fifth floor. The Woking Temple gave them enough daily necessities, provided food and accommodation, and each person also shared a "living" cost of one gold coin per month.

For the aristocratic girls, the money was just the same, but for Joan, it was an incredibly large property.

At this time, she felt that she was really right to participate in the selection. She did not need anything else except to buy a few sets of training etiquette clothes. Most of the money was saved, and after six months, there were almost six gold coins.

Six gold coins ... The accumulation of the village chief's family for decades is almost the number.

Now Joan has lost his embarrassment. She didn't feel any regrets even if she wasn't a maiden.

There is money to take, someone teaches literacy, teaches etiquette, and teaches social discourse.

She knew that such a good thing might not happen once in a hundred years, so she felt very serious and very serious. She tried to remember every word the teacher said during the lesson. After returning to the room, she was not like other aristocratic girls, and organized group activities for intrigue, and did not run from time to time like them Hanging out on the street, shopping and having fun.

Except for the necessary sleep, she spent almost all her time on literacy and etiquette self-training.

In just three months, her entire temperament has changed dramatically.

For three months, she stayed in the room and was barely exposed to the sun. Now her skin has gradually begun to become fair.

In three months, she has mastered basic literacy skills. Although the font is still ugly, she can barely understand the teachings of Woking.

For the rest of her life, she read the Woking teachings every day.

Because Joan feels that she now has money to take, can read, and can even see a larger world. All are brought by the theology of wealth and the grace of a goddess.

In the fifth month, she awakened her first divine spell!

Dazzling golden light.

The cause was a quarrel that was not even a big deal.

In the etiquette class, Anjier taught the group of participating girls some poses that would excite men and then let them learn by themselves.

Some movements are very particular about the position of the center of gravity. Joan practiced alone, without help, and suddenly noticed, the center of gravity was unstable, hit another girl, and almost wrestled the opponent.

"You are ill." The hit girl yelled. After seeing Joan, she was even more angry.

Because many people now know that Joan is alone and has no 'friends'. In many cases, isolated people in groups are easily bullied, because everyone knows that they are just one person who has been bullied, and no one will help them.

The hit girl went up and raised her hand as a slap.

Joan looked at the other man's aggressive expression, a little nervous, and pushed his hands forward subconsciously.

Then a fierce golden light came out of her hands, and a group of young girls screamed and fell down, and at the same time screamed, "I can't see my eyes", or "Help, killing people".

Joan looked at her hands, she also saw the golden light, but the divine magic she cast did not cause any substantial harm to herself.

The young girls hiding from Joan escaped, and then they retreated back together, leaning on the teacher Angie.

The young girl who wanted to hit Joan was the worst. She seemed to have passed out with pain, her eyes swollen like a peach, and she was motionless on the ground.

Angie went to Joan and looked at her.

Although the dazzling golden light is indeed a good divine skill, it has no effect on Anjier. How can she say she is now 4 and is ready to enter the elite dancer.

"Sorry, I don't know what happened ..." Joan felt that she had done something wrong, and she didn't even understand what was happening. But she knew that the misery in front of her was indeed caused by her.

"It's okay, you go back to rest first. We'll deal with the next thing."

Seeing that there was no blame on Angel's face, Joan returned to her room.

Then Angel laughed softly.

When Beta knew about it, it was already night. While Angela ‘riding’ him as a horse, she said it intermittently.

"I didn't expect that in a bunch of crooked melon and jujube, there was a true believer and a priest." Beta moved his hands up and down according to Angie, and at the same time she could twist like a snake, and said, : "If nothing else, most of the maiden is her."

"Would you like to ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since ... hhhhhhhh!)

"No need." Beta shook her head. "I'm just optimistic about her. I don't need to be alone for her and make our fairness unnecessarily flawed."

The former queen deserves to learn how to please the man. Although she is not as beautiful as Shirley and Judy, in some ways, it can make Beta feel more ‘happy.’ ’

"In fact, I have taught Emma a more interesting set of tricks that can only be used by virginity. I don't need them. Would you like to try them?"

Beta immediately sternly refused, but he had to admit that there was indeed a hint of curiosity in her heart.

Joan thought she would be kicked out of Okinawa City, but to her surprise, what happened yesterday seemed as if nothing had happened. Anger's instructor still taught them etiquette lessons as they did a few days ago, that is, she did not look at her as high as she did, and she did not show any face to her.

Instead, the aristocratic girls no longer dared to pose high in front of Joan. Because Joan's magic is still very low, the power of the dazzling golden light is not strong. All the girls with their eyes illuminated, just rest for a night. But they also understood that Joan's identity seemed different from them.

Soon after, the half-year training period came.

On the high platform, Anjier held a list and smiled like a beautiful and highly poisonous poppy: "The training period is over, and we have selected the top 20 list."

The girls below were uproaring, and so was Joan.

"You think this is just training? No, in fact, you are all wrong. The half-year period is also our inspection period for you." Anjier smiled: "Your words and deeds, every move, are in our observation Among them are all under the scrutiny of the goddess. "

"Based on the inspections over the past six months, we have prepared a list. Next, the twenty ladies named by name can stay." Anjier patted the list: "Other ladies who have not been selected, We will send someone to send you home safely. "

"Now, the person named, please come to the stage."

"Hillary Clinton, Mitchell- *, Laura-Bush ..."

Reading the names one by one, the girls who read the names happily ran to the stage, and as the remaining places became more and more, the girls under the stage became more and more nervous.

Joan's mood was also a little tense, but she felt that she had taken a big advantage in this training, and even if she could not advance, there would be no regrets.

"Last one ..." Angela paused deliberately, glanced across all the girls, and slowly said in the disturbed expressions of the girls on the stage, "Joan!"

Joan covered her mouth in surprise, while the other girls were sobbing sadly.

Although she was desperately trying to make an indifferent attitude even when she went back, until now, Joan realized that when she heard her name, she was very excited.

An inexplicable excitement. Joan ran to the high platform.

Angie waved his hand, a guard came over, and politely asked the hundreds of girls away.

She turned around and said to the 20 girls behind her, "Next, you have one month left to rest and examine your deficiencies."

"After a month, you will show your abilities in front of the Pope, in front of the entire Hollevin, in front of our great goddess ~ ~

"This is the last selection. The winner is the sage of our wealth god."

After talking, Angie left.

Joan returned to her small house and was surprised to find that the security level of all of them had been increased by at least twice.

Below the high-rise they moved in, there was an extra guard.

Occasionally, dragons of the golden dragon fly by.

The thought of Joan's possibility of becoming a maiden, Joan felt like a dream and couldn't calm down.

What if it does ... What should I do? What to do? Will a peasant woman like us be a maiden, will she be joked by other sects?

Similar thoughts made her unable to rest at all.

Seeing insomnia, I saw the Workin teachings on the pillow, picked up a few pages and calmed down somehow.

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