Noble Emblem

Chapter 892: Women's minds are always complicated

When Beta and Solirana appeared at high altitudes, they attracted the attention of both ground forces.

A dragon of unknown origin, and it does not look like a five-colored dragon. After all, it's golden and looks more like a metal dragon. I don't know where it came from.

In the commander's battalion surrounded by the center, Mu Lin looked at the golden flying dragons hovering in the sky, her face beaming.

"Our reinforcements are here."

When speaking, the previous anxiety swept away, and the whole person became glorious.

The staff next to me was puzzled. "Princess, how can you be so sure?"

Mu Lin pursed her hair from her ear and said with a smile, "I just know."

This unexplained explanation made all the staff around him look helpless.

"Princess, the two armies can't be capricious by instinct alone. We must be responsible to the soldiers below."

An older aide said.

"Yeah, you have to be responsible to the soldiers. But who made us into this situation." Mu Lin glanced over the staff behind him. "You always said that I have no combat experience, just follow your Planned actions will definitely destroy the enemy, but now we are surrounded. "

A bunch of staff were all ashamed.

Mu Lin went on to say, "I have listened to your teachings for the past three months. I haven't learned anything. Instead, we have put our elite soldiers in danger. It is time for me to make a decision."

"Princess, please think carefully." The middle-aged staff member gave a slight salute.

Other aides also saluted slightly.

"You say cautiously every day, and then you take us directly into the encirclement of the enemy." Mu Lin raised her face and said coldly, "Now I ordered that a clear space be cleared in the middle so that the dragon in the air can fall. It is Our allies. "

This order made all the staff helpless, still the senior, and said, "Princess, please don't be willful."

"No more willful, we will be dead." Mu Lin's expression became colder. "Does my order have no effect?"

This remark was a bit heavy, and several staff members sighed helplessly, dare not say anything more.

As soon as Mu Lin's words fell, the dragon in the air sprayed a breath of breath on the enemies in the outer circle. Such a large-scale war will certainly bring with it the priests and mages.

Several magical enchantments started instantly, blocking Dragon's Breath.

The golden dragon's breath was ejected and splashed around, and only Liao Liao's unlucky soldiers were hit by the dragon's breath and instantly turned into a torch.

"Seeing no ..." Mu Lin proudly said to the rear. "It's our ally, and it's definitely not wrong."

That smug little look, as if the elders came to support themselves.

"It may also be that the enemy deliberately confuses us!"

The old aides were not reconciled.

"I don't understand. There are allies coming. Why don't you want to believe it?" Mu Lin glanced over her aides and looked puzzled.

"There are many tricks, traps on the battlefield, reminding the princess that it is our duty."

Mu Lin smiled. "I don't think so. I think you just want to keep the decision-making power of the army in your hands."

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere changed immediately.

A few staff members looked like I was wronged, and the young staff member even said excitedly, "Princess, if you don't believe us, we can die immediately to prove our innocence."

"Then die," Mu Lin said coldly.

The staff members looked at each other ... they felt that the princess, who had been very good at talking, suddenly became quite strange and terrible.

The atmosphere at the scene was weird and cold.

But Mu Lin suddenly smiled. "Relax, I'm kidding. You are the most important wise men in our country, how could you make you commit suicide."

The staff members looked terrified and did not dare to speak anymore.

The old staff member breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Mu Lin, thinking that this was just a joke? Not the princess's true thoughts.

Have these people been too much lately?

The golden dragon circled down in the air and landed on the open space.

The dust was flying, but Sasha was completely not afraid. When she saw a figure jumping off the dragon's back, she immediately rushed forward and threw herself into the figure's arms.

"I knew it was you."

In the gaze of 100,000 troops, Mu Lin dangled on Beta, her eyes flashing with rainbow-like light spots.

Since Beta confessed his true identity to Salsa and Mullin, the French royal family has been collecting news of him.

Naturally know that Beta has become a dragon knight, and his mount dragon is a golden-colored dragon.

This feature is still unique for the time being.

That's why Mu Lin dared to conclude that the person hovering in the air was the person who was thinking about it.

Judy also landed from the air, her eyes glanced at Mu Lin. Although her face was slightly unhappy, she didn't say anything, but she just stood behind Beta well.

A bunch of staff, even a few generals, were not friendly looking at Beta's expression.

This is normal. Males have a strong concept of ‘site’. The things that grow in their own land can only be enjoyed by their own. Outsiders come to **** them, and do n’t blame if they do n’t break their legs.

Of course, if outsiders are strong enough, they can only dare to anger and not speak.

Zorirana also turned into an elven form.

Although Mu Lin was on the battlefield, she didn't know why she didn't wear armor.

She was wearing a light blue suit that was easy to move.

Hugging the girl who smiled sweetly, Beta could smell the fragrance of her body and feel her warm and soft body.

Hmm ... seems to be bigger than before.

Seeing Beta, the old aides came forward and asked, "This lord ... Dragon Knight?"

Beta nodded, he is indeed a dragon knight besides his papal status.

"The Dragon Knight is really strong ~ ~ but the other party has nearly 200,000 troops." The old staff nodded. "But it is always a great help, which is good."

Although the aliens are also strong, they are far worse than the Dragon Knights. Although a few staff members looked at Judy more, they did not really take her to heart.

She was simply surprised by her goddess-like appearance.

"Did you make a special trip to save me?" Mu Lin asked excitedly next to Beta's body.

"Well, Sarah sent someone to send the news over, and I rushed over immediately."

"I know my sister will help you, because she has no more soldiers, and she has to guard the royal city. She can't adjust it randomly, so I think about it, she will only call you to come and save me."

Guessing this, although Mu Lin was besieged by the army, she never really worried.

Instead, there is a strong sense of anticipation.

Looking forward to your favorite person, like a brave, to save yourself ...

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