Noble Emblem

Chapter 908: Eye-catching

Langmans in the crowd said calmly: "Traitor? This title can't be placed on my head. I have always been loyal to the royal family, loyal to the queen, my family too. Instead, you are planning to betray the royal family."

Hahahahaha! O'Keelan laughed wildly. He wanted to stand up, but the guards smashed his face with a scabbard, and the laughter stopped.

"Oh, Sasa. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless." Ogilion spit blood on the ground, he lay on his side, looking up at the **** the throne: "You know we are going to deal with your man, you He actually sent him over to die, just to wipe us out. It's a good plan, and it's really hard-hearted. That's your first man. "

"Well, are you finished?" Sasa looked at the poor worm below with no joy.

"You've always been gentle, kind, and miserable, but in essence, you're just a cold woman with a viper heart. I misread you, we all misunderstand you."

All the aristocrats, looking at Sasa's sight, sighed. The first man who took away his chastity was sent to death, just to wipe out the insurgents.

From Wang's point of view, this is indeed impeccable, but from a human point of view, Sa Sa can no longer be called a woman.

"Have you finished?" Sasha added a hint of irony: "You don't know anything at all."

Longmans in the crowd chuckled, how could the legendary pope be casually killed.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Beta stepped out from behind and sat in the exclusive position of the Regent.

Everyone was silent.

O'Keelan looked at Beta in disbelief: "You aren't dead, how could you not be dead?"

Beta ignored him.

All the nobles looked at Beta, as if to remember him exactly.

Twelve prisoners were towed away.

Salsa then announced their verdict.

Deprive all the rebels of the aristocratic title and take back all the territory and property they belong to.

Longmans was successful in reporting and collecting evidence, so the title went up one level, becoming a marquis, and receiving all the territory of Ogilon.

As for the vacancies in the title of the eleven other nobles after entering prison, they will then be generated among the nobles above the baron of the king city. There is a one-year inspection period. During this year, whoever has the greater credit will have the opportunity to obtain the title or territory .

Most people are profit-oriented animals. Sasa's hand directly differentiated the nobles. Even if she knew that she seemed to intend to suppress the noble forces, she could not unite.

After all, noble titles, and territories, everyone wants.

Regarding the rebellion, although it caused a storm in Wangcheng, the wind rose and dispersed quickly. In less than a month, no one talked about Ogilon and others.

What attracted their attention was the large teleportation magic circle.

When the first large teleportation team of King Frans passed, almost everyone was watching.

The teleportation magic formation was built in the open space in front of the royal palace, and around the magic formation, small walls and arrow towers were also built, and even a guard was stationed.

Prior to its completion, Sasha sent a number of bards to propagate in the royal city according to Beta's suggestion, illustrating the benefits of the large teleportation magic circle.

In addition to transferring troops and food during wartime, the biggest role is to facilitate transportation.

Directly transport people thousands of miles away, and can hundreds or thousands of people at a time, greatly facilitating transportation.

This was emphasized in the bard's propaganda, so when the magic circle was built, most of the people in the royal city came to watch.

After all, this has something to do with most people.

Many people want to travel, but when they think of the long distance and they might be blocked by robbers and robbers, they retreat.

But if there is a teleportation array, it is different. As long as the duang sounds, people can be teleported to the destination, that is, it saves the pain of travelling and is very safe. Is n’t it beautiful?

There is only one large-scale teleportation magic formation in France, but it can also be connected to the large teleportation formation in Woking City. Salsa announced on the platform that ten brave men were recruited on the spot for a teleportation to Okinawa City, Hollevan , And then send back the task.

The teleportation itself is free, and upon returning, everyone can get a reward of gold coins.

Many people raised their hands to sign up, and Salsa ordered ten randomly.

The ten were both excited and standing in the magic circle.

In full view, they disappeared in the magic circle, and then ten minutes later, they were teleported back in the magic circle.

Everyone was holding a poster of the Ottawa Gold Bulletin Board.

"Successfully transmitted the magic circle." Salsa announced to the entire city under the effect of the sound magic circle: "With the support of the God of Wealth, I plan to build 36 domestic cities in one year. The large magic circle will make people's travel safe and fast in the future, and at the same time, it will be a relatively low cost. "

Everyone is quiet. Whether the large-scale masters will send the magic circle to the benefit of the general public depends on the cost of the transmission.

"I declare here that the cost of each subsequent transmission is five silver coins per person. The utensils are calculated by weight, ten copper coins per kilogram."

The whole king city cheered.

Ten silver coins are an acceptable price for the average person, and extremely cheap for the nobility.

Ordinary citizens, if they want to travel far away, or move to other cities, the only way is to follow the caravan.

However, this does not guarantee 100% safety. After all, not all caravans have credibility. Many citizens are abandoned by caravans or even become slaves.

Now with the teleportation array, it can at least ensure sufficient security ~ ~ Following the caravan action, there are several silver coin follow-up fees.

In the crowd, a young man dressed as a magician sent a magic message.

Soon after, far away, the colorless magic tower in an unknown space held an emergency meeting.

"It is now confirmed that the Fortune Gods do have construction drawings of a large teleportation magic circle." An old man with gray hair and a beard looked at a magician of almost the same age around him: "The large magic circle in France has been completed This is the information that the intelligence officers we sent out just sent back. "

"Now everyone discusses how to deal with this." The old man said lightly: "It stands to reason that the large teleportation magic circle should be our best."

An old man said, "Purchase drawings. If they don't agree, use unconventional methods."

"That's a god, not a single magician." The old white-haired man slammed the table hard. "I need a more reliable plan, not an idiot who comes from my mouth."

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