Noble Emblem

Chapter 910: Soft power can also attract talent (Part 1)

A caravan was walking on the flat flagstone avenue.

The size of the caravan is quite large. There are twenty-one carts for loading. The truck is covered with black linen. You cannot see what the goods are, but you can hear the heavy rolling sound of the wheels. Shen is very heavy.

A very elite mercenary squad was responsible for the guarding task of the caravan.

The caravan came from the far north of Tambus.

All the mercenary teams were riding horses. One of them was a teenager with brown nose and hawk nose. He looked quite spirited and had a spirit of valor.

He has a long sword, black leather scabbard, white hilt, a short bow behind his back, and a small round leather shield on his left wrist.

The caravan continued to move forward. After a while, there was a faint horseshoe sound from the front. More than half of the mercenary team immediately rushed to the front.

Both the mercenary squad and the caravan crowd were a little nervous.

After a while, a light cavalry squad of about twenty people appeared at the end of the road. Their leather armor was light gray, and their chests were emblazoned with golden round stripes.

Seeing their dress, the caravan and mercenary squads were slightly relieved, giving way to the left.

The cavalry squad ahead was not fast. They slowly came over. When they crossed the caravan, more than twenty cavalry looked at the caravan and its members with the eyes of inspection.

This made everyone in the caravan feel uncomfortable.

But this cavalry squad did nothing, they slowly came over and then slowly left.

Yingwu Juvenile looked back at the departure of the cavalry squad, envious.

"People of the God of Wealth are acting too ridiculously. With so many patrol cavalry along the way, they are simply trying to scare people."

Murmured a mercenary.

Although mercenaries are strong in individual strength, they are certainly inferior to the regular army in large-scale group operations.

Therefore, many mercenary squads cannot meet the regular army even if they are of similar numbers. After all, they lack strict discipline and command.

What's more, mercenaries do not like regular troops, both from a personal perspective and a standpoint.

The Yingwu boy smiled: "This is the seventeenth patrol army since we entered Holebun. The God of Wealth uses such an elite cavalry for patrol, which is simply too useless."

The mercenaries felt the same.

"That's not the case, Lord Ayros." A calm man's voice came in. "From the perspective of a businessman, from the perspective of a caravan manager, the more such patrols the better. It would be nice if the world were the place of worship of Goddess Okin and the world has such a smooth road. "

The speaker was the owner of the caravan, Ped.

He came over from behind and said, "Since I entered Holebun, I have a real sense of security. Whether it's these flat stone boulevards or the patrol cavalry teams that I can meet from time to time, they are rumored The same. "

Wealth theology is now known all over the world. It is rumored that the goddess of wealth, Wolding, is the protector of all merchants, and also the goddess of marriage.

It's just that the last divine power is obviously not as practical as the previous one.

"If that's the case, our mercenaries would be useless." Ayros smiled.

In Ped's mind, I would like to say that if conditions permit, who wants to hire mercenaries to guard the caravan. It is not uncommon to spend a sum of money without saying that if you are unlucky and hire a kind of black mercenary, kill all the caravans in the wild mountains and mountains, and steal all the goods and money, it is not uncommon.

This mercenary squad was also decided after he was carefully selected.

Because the positions are different, the values ​​of the defender and the defended are not the same. After a few more chats, the two sides did not communicate.

Seeing the Fortune God's patrol cavalry go far, the caravan continued.

After two days, they reached the gates of Okinawa City.

A dragon's black dragon head hung on the gate.

Because of the special magic anti-corrosion treatment, this dragon still looks the same as the living one.

In fact, after reaching the periphery of the wetland, the number of pedestrians and caravans on the road gradually increased.

The traffic in Okinawa City is very developed, with five or six roads in each direction. Pedestrians on the road are endless.

A group of people in the caravan looked at the faucet, all swallowing.

A mercenary said: "This is my most lively, most arrogant city gate warning. With this thing hanging, I can guarantee that absolutely no one dares to cause trouble."

Everyone agrees.

After inspection, the caravan entered the city of Okinawa. The leader of the caravan, Pedro, wondered: "They don't actually receive city tax, and I just gave some copper money to the gatekeepers. They didn't even accept it."

Ayros also noticed Ped's words just now: "Is it too little?"

"Five copper coins per person, a lot."

Aiers shrugged. In fact, since entering Holebun, he feels that the country is a little different.

Which country's road can be as straight and straight as Hollewon, and there is a country's commercial road, like Hollewon, with cavalry squads constantly patrolling to ensure security.

Okinawa City is very lively, full of hawkers and passers-by walking around.

Iros even saw some cat-men, werewolves, and even fox-men walking around the city.

They seem very relaxed, not at all like living in the human world, but rather on their own territory.

"These are orc slaves?" Ped said puzzledly.

Ayros shook his head: "They have no collars around their necks, and their expressions are very comfortable. If they were slaves ... there would not be such a relaxed and reassuring look."

"There is something in this city ~ ~ As a businessman, Ped naturally feels the deep commercial atmosphere in this city:" The guard just told me that the caravan was placed in this city. Okay to the north of the city. "

"Will you deliberately let us pass over there so that we can be led into the trap?"

The captain of the mercenary squad appeared beside him. He was tall and thin, with an iron spear in his hand.

As a helper, his duty is to protect the mail, so naturally all the unsafe factors have to be taken into account.

Ayros shook his head: "It's unlikely, everyone in this city is relaxed, and it looks like the city should be safe."

"I feel the same way." Ped nodded. "Compared to the people here, everyone in my hometown is like a lunatic with a delusional delusion."

The captain of the maiden team smiled, "I just make suggestions, and the decision is in your hands, His Excellency Ped."

At this time, Ai Ross saw a commotion in a tavern. After a while, two groups of people rushed out from the inside and faced the street outside. u

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