Noble Emblem

Chapter 912: Soft power can also attract talent (below)

"I am from a small country in the north." Ayros said, "This place is very different from the city I have been in before. The law and order here is very good. I have been walking on the street for more than three hours, and there is no I found a more serious brawl. The mercenaries here behaved like little sheep and couldn't see the thief. How did the lord of the city do it? "

"The majestic law." The bard laughed. "Yes, my name is Andrew. What's your name?"

"Your name is very common. I'm Ayros. Majestic law, what a majestic law?"

For the mercenaries, for mercenaries, there are only lenient and harsh, and no majestic law has ever been seen.

"The battle between mercenaries, we do n’t care much about Okinawa City," Andrew said with a smile, "but if the damage caused to someone else's goods due to the fight, the consequences would be a bit serious, and hurting others would be very serious And the consequences of irrelevant deaths are extremely serious. "

There was still something in Aros's mind that disapproved: "Extremely serious? How extreme?"

Andrew said in a bland tone: "One life loses one life."

Obviously, it was very bland tone, but Iros heard the killing from the bard's words.

The end of his eyes jerked slightly, and his expression became serious: "Really so exaggerated?"

Andrew smiled: "When the Wolking City was first built, the Pope issued very detailed laws. Especially for mercenary trouble."

Ayros was curious: "The pope here hates mercenaries?"

"No, on the contrary, he has a good opinion of mercenaries." Andrew laughed: "The largest and most beautiful and most fully equipped mercenary union in the human world is in Okinawa City. It was built by the Fortune Gods and Mercenary Union. I heard that the mercenary union headquarters is planning to move here from France. "

"Then why do we target us?"

"I remember the Pope said that if an industry wants to develop healthily and to be respected by the world, it must have sufficient self-control. But the mercenary union cannot do this, then he does it on his own site. . "

Somewhat disagreeable, Ayros said softly, "The ideal is beautiful, but it is difficult to achieve. Mercenaries have been like this for thousands of years and cannot be changed."

"I think we can change it. At least our mercenaries in Okinawa don't dare to mess up. Many times, the security of a city is largely due to professionals and mercenaries. If they don't make trouble, a city won't be chaotic. Where to go, on the contrary, the inhabitants of a city must be trembling. "

"During the day, when I saw two mercenaries scolding each other on the street, I didn't dare to do anything. There was no law enforcement team nearby. What were they afraid of?"

"Although there is no law enforcement team, if something goes wrong, they don't want to leave from Okinkin City. Even if they are lucky enough to escape the city, they can pass the dragon?"

Thinking of the golden dragon in the air, even though Iros felt that he was very powerful, he still had a little tremor.

"Yeah, dragon."

"We have three such dragons in Okinawa City, and a small golden dragon, and a golden dragon with broken wings that is recuperating."

"so much?"

"Where are the mercenaries who violate the law but will not be sentenced to death?"

"Behind the cathedral, you can go and see."

Andrew had a strange look on his face. After talking, the two had finished drinking the fruit wine. He picked up the lyre and gently struck it up.

His piano skills are very good, and the music is very pleasant. Someone throws copper coins on the table after a while.

Iros sat for a while, left the tavern, and returned to the hotel.

This day continued to rest, the leader of the caravan Ped went to the market to check the market, to see if there are things that can be sold, and the goods purchased.

After Eros had breakfast, he went to the cathedral, it was easy to find, just ask someone on the street to know.

The cathedral does not prevent ordinary people from approaching, many people go in and out of the church to pray.

The guards near the church were very strong, and Ayros estimated that he could fight at most ten, but no more.

He came to the back of the church, where there was a large arable land, at this time there were many dark-skinned elves, dark-gold-skinned elves, and many humans who were obviously mercenaries.

They carried **** and dung, and the dark elves seemed to be leisurely and contented. This kind of cheap life seemed to them a very comfortable thing.

The expressions of human mercenaries were painful and even a little humiliating.

But they did not dare to mention it. Near them, there were several powerful priests guarding, and most importantly, a white-haired shawl stood there, and the woman with bright butterfly wings was standing there.

Although far apart, Ai Luosi can still come out, this is a peerless beauty.


When he was about to look twice, the Xuefa alien seemed to feel his gaze and turned his head.

When he found out that the other person's eyes seemed to be stabbed with needles like a sharp needle, he was shocked in his heart, hurriedly recovered his eyes, and only looked at those human mercenaries who had been 'labored'.

After watching it for a while, he walked a long circle on the street, which took him another three hours.

He then returned to the hotel, found his captain, and said, "I plan to stay here."

The captain's face was extremely surprised: "Why?"

"I like this place." Ayros smiled. "I like the smiles of the people here, the majestic laws here, and the human nature here."

"I think it's better for you to think about it." The captain of the mercenary team sighed. "We promised to send Ped's caravan to King Hollevan. If you quit midway, your share will be gone. . "

"It doesn't matter." Ayros smiled. "Forty silver coins only ~ ~ not much."

The team leader saw the firmness in Ayros' eyes, he sighed, patted the young man's shoulder gently, and shook his head to leave.

Ayros packed his things, without alarming his fellow, and left the hotel.

He also joined this squad two months ago and doesn't have much affection with them.

Asked a passerby for the location of the City Hall, he walked all the way, went into the atmosphere of the city hall of Mussen, and asked the staff inside how to become a regular citizen of Okinawa City.

"If you are an ordinary person, you only need to pay ten gold coins." The female staff member looked at him up and down and continued: "If you are a professional, go to Ms. Emma to report and complete our city hall at the same time. Just three tasks posted. Ms. Emma is in the largest room on the second floor, and you can see it when you go up. "

Ayros went up to the second floor, and entered the largest room, and saw the middle of the room, sitting on a very delicate girl.

The young girl has a very pure face, but she has an inexplicable color.

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