Noble Emblem

Chapter 922: We need Grand Druid

Cocoara's optimistic view of wealth theology is a praise in itself.

But Beta heard another meaning: "We have a lot of beckoning cats here, and they are still in the process of transformation. You are allied with us, and they are essentially fighting their ideas. Except for me, you expect elves Are the tribe more intermarried with beckoning cats? "

Coco Yarra looked at Beta, looked up and down for a while, then suddenly smiled, and laughed aloud: "Oh, I can't see it, you actually saw this. Honestly, you are more cunning than many old men Much more. Yes, since you found it, I won't hide it from you. We do have the idea to marry the Golden Elves. "

"Not golden elves, but lucky cats. They are not elves. They are the dependents of our goddess."

Coco Yarra said indifferently: "But you can't change the fact that their essence is still an elf. We didn't think about taking them out of your deities, but we all formed an alliance, and it was very unreasonable Request? "

Very reasonable, reasonable enough that Beta could not refuse.

If it was for the lucky cat, Beta was relieved.

Coco Yala must have ideas, such as getting in touch with the lucky cats, and then using emotions to bring these lucky cats back to the elven forest.

It can only be said that Cocoara's idea is good, but it is difficult to operate in practice.

For thousands of years, the elves have also caught many drow elves, only occasionally one or two drow elves have been transformed back into the forest elves. The wealth theology can transform the drow elves on a large scale, which also shows that the wealth theism is stronger in this method, and the beckoning cat is more loyal.

It's almost impossible to bring the lucky cat back to the Elven Forest.

But Coco Yarra still has to do this, and now the Elven population has begun to grow negatively.

"Of course alliances are possible, but are there any moves by your elves to benefit our theology?"

"Some elves will settle in this holy city in the future. Isn't this an excellent move?" Coco Yarra laughed. "Our elves are all handsome men and women. Where there are elves, they will definitely attract more people. Come to live. "

Beta is a little funny: "We have no shortage of fame, and no shortage of permanent residents. Instead, we are now consciously restricting the population."

Coco Yala disagreed: "No city would be too populous to abandon itself."

Beta waved his hand: "We have different understandings of population, so I don't want to discuss this with you. Ms. Coco Yala, although I am also interested in alliance with the Elves, but at least let us see that with the Elves The benefits of alliances. Otherwise, it's just that we pay, it doesn't really make sense. "

"You don't seem to have paid anything." Cocoara did not agree with Beta.

"The risk of the lucky cat being abducted by you, ma'am, you have to admit it."

"How can things within our elves be called abduction." Coco Yarra smiled charmingly: "If you are willing to marry our little queen, it is a family, and there will be no problems."

Beta just smiled and stopped talking.

The two sides remained silent for a while, and Coco Yala also converged with a smile, and said blandly: "It is indeed the Pope of the Wealth Theology. It has nothing to do and never does it."

"No, you are too embarrassed." Beta doesn't let anyone label the sects that they built up with themselves: "We build mountains and roads, we build canals, we teach the skills of poor people, and help them get out of poverty. The regulations restrict professional workers from coming in disorder to protect the safety of ordinary people. To help other countries fight against the five-color dragon, we even distributed valuable magic drawings to all countries, including your elves, for free. All these are benefits .Every move would cost us a lot, but we all did. "

"We have even turned evil creatures like drow into benevolent cats."

"In contrast, what did your elves do?" Beta taxed his gaze, looking directly into Cocoara's eyes.

Coco Yala felt a little uncomfortable in the face of the interrogation of his deputy Beta.

She is a demigod. She has always been the only one who oppressed people, but she didn't want to be right. She was actually overpowered by a human who had just entered the legend not long before.

She didn't understand, wouldn't this human being be suppressed by the biological class?

Coco Yarra wanted to be angry subconsciously, but when she thought that it was the Holy City of Woking and the other party could transform into a powerful snake-type dragon, she gave up the idea of ​​force.

Since the transformation of wealth fortune by Beta, it has really done a lot of good things. Now among the civilians, the wealth deities have faintly been given the title of the most benevolent and kindest sect.

Even the bright deities, which have always taken the responsibility of saving the world, are showing signs of defeat.

This is the case, at least in the country.

Ironworking also requires hard work. For centuries, the elves have not done anything serious, and of course they have done nothing bad.

For example, a disaster that endangers the world such as the demon invasion has occurred several times since the record. There are just a few more powerful female elves who came out to join the brave party and helped fight soy sauce. By the way, they fell in love with the brave by the way, which was not very helpful at the time.

The soldiers at the front line who are always at the lowest level of humanity, and most of the weak professionals.

They used their lives to carry the demonic torrent, defeated the demon king for the brave, and obtained important opportunities.

Even if the elves in the knights are described as how powerful archery, how powerful they are, how beautiful they are, how gentle they are, they are essentially the ‘hot’ of the ‘蹭’ human brave.

Coco Yarra suddenly found out at this moment that the man in front of him was different from any male she had seen before.

Recently, as a diplomatic envoy, she has also envoyed many human nations. Each envoy, or king, saw that although she was sitting in danger, in essence, she could feel the strong maliciousness of the other party.

This malice includes those against the Elf tribe, as well as against herself.

After living for such a long time, she has faced many situations, and she has also fought with the Devil. She has felt even the most powerful and malicious, but she has never faced this situation.

The man in front of her had no ‘maliciousness’ or joy, but only a slight annoyance.

That's right, it's the kind of boredom that people see when they don't like it.

This feeling is not her first experience. Whether it was before or now, there will definitely be people who do n’t like her very much. Such emotions will only appear in the clan and will not appear in the human world.

In other words ... this human being also considers the forest elves as his family?

I didn't notice this when I came last time.

In fact, Beta really treats the elves as human beings, but they are in different 'countries' and have slightly different appearances.

If Beta is sitting in front of a pure-blooded demon, or a traitor like Kate the brave, then if the other person is as strong as Coco Yala, they can feel extremely strong maliciousness.

In fact, Beta is a pan-human supremacist.

"It looks like it's time to stop talking." Coco Yarra smiled gently. "Both of us need to calm down. I'll come back to you in a few days."

Coco Yala returned to the Welcome Hotel. Since it was an envoy, he would definitely not be alone.

The elf staying in the embassy saw her return, and one of them came up and asked, "Ma'am, how is it?"

"There is no progress, whether it is to let him come to us as prince, or whether we are allied."

The next few elves said unpleasantly, "We are going to ally with them, and they actually refused. They are really proud."

Listening to this, Coco Yarra shook her head.

The young people today are not very good, but all the pride of more than 10,000 years ago have been inherited.

Quite a bit of the pride of my elf family.

But in fact, this kind of arrogance is similar to stupidity in the view of the senior people.

If it is really the first in the world, it will be suppressed in the forest, and it can only survive by the mother's shelter?

Looking at this group of people, Coco Yala felt that the future of the elves was a bit slim.

They have to change their minds.

With accession to the WTO, opening the border is the best way.

But this is also elaborate. You can't just throw these young people into the human world from the beginning and let them directly contact the sly humans. These silly white sweets are not blameless.

Therefore, it is necessary to ally with a force that is friendly to the elves and is willing to shelter the elves.

After more comparisons, I found that there is still only a family of wealth gods.

This meeting strengthened Coco Yala's views.

The fortune gods are indeed an object that can be aligned, and their popes at least treat the elves as ordinary people.

The drow were transformed into beckoning cats, and even the status of a civilian can be seen.

And in Beta's study, he said to Shirley: "We have to look at a deputy city on the east side ~ ~ why suddenly have this idea."

"Because now we have more and more cat-men, fox-men, and werewolves. There are more and more beckoning cats. The area of ​​homes in Workin City has become urgent, and the outermost arable land is far away from the city. It is possible that a group of people will come to live in the forest elves, and the construction of the vice city is imperative. "

Shirley thought for a while and said, "Now that we have sufficient manpower, it is very easy to build another city. But the problem is that the wetlands are too small and the distance between the two cities may not be more than thirty. Kilometers. Will this have any impact on business in this city? "

"Of course, there are some impacts, but they can be overcome." Beta thought for a while, and said, "Maybe in the future, the two cities might be merged into one with the development of time. The cultivated land is a trouble, and the magic rice must be developed. Or magic wheat, at least double the output at this stage. "

"Druids of the Elves?"

"Yes, Grand Druid!" Beta nodded slightly.

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