Noble Emblem

Chapter 926: Cardinals behind

Not long ago, Katie also sent a magic message and said that everything was developing as expected, and suddenly, something went wrong.

"what happened."

"You see for yourself." Emma placed the information on Beta's desktop.

After Betta took it and watched it, she was silent for a while and said, "Send a message to Katie to protect the current believers from leaving Sicily. While protecting the believers, all the bishops and priests should also pay attention to protecting their own safety. . "

Emma nodded and noted the order.

"In addition, in addition to the pterosaur team, all other beckoning cats are recalled, and they are in the middle of Okinawa City to form an emergency mobile brigade." Beta thought for a while and said, "All temples in the city, all doctrine instructors first check the temple where they are. Whether the believers of the **** of lies are hidden, and then they can join the mercenary union in their place to issue a bounty. Anyone who finds the whereabouts of the **** of lies is rewarded according to the number of people and the identity of the believer. The minimum is one silver coin and the maximum is ten. gold."

Emma nodded, taking note and then going out to pass the message immediately, she knew very well that at this time, she could not delay at all.

Beta was half-lying on the chair, a little tired. This is not physical, but spiritual.

As a modern man, although he did lead a city in the game, the affairs of a city cannot be compared with a theology.

Now, the scale of the religion is not large, and it is limited to the country of Hollevan, which has a particularly large influence, and Hollevan is about the size of the three countries in the original plane.

If the site expands further, there will be more things to be dealt with in the future, and everything will be overwhelmed if he decides everything. Making decisions is not a child's play. In any case, there will be some pressure.

Beta is not the kind of person who enjoys power, so whenever the opportunity is right, he intends to form a cabinet to discuss politics.

As long as the general guidelines are formulated and implemented by people at home, he can grasp the general direction of the development of theology.

However, the affairs of the cabinet must be discussed later. After all, this is a major reform, and reform means turmoil.

Now that the jihad is here, stability is the top priority.

On the other side of Sicily, believers of the God of Lies joined the battle and directly attacked the Cathedral of the God of Wealth.

The God of Lies has a very good applicability because of the divine relationship. More than a dozen professionals, disguised as shallow believers in the theology of wealth, launched attacks inside the enchantment.

Fortunately, with Judy's presence, she had amazing intuition. She had long felt that the church members were a bit strange, because she was dull and not very sure, so she observed it in the dark.

As a result, when the believer of the lie violently wounded in the crowd, she was stopped by the first time, and all the enemies were subdued.

Her method was a bit special, and all the enemies' hands and legs were cut with bare blades.

In the magic world, this kind of injury is not too serious. After all, it can be reconnected with healing magic, but visually speaking, it is cruel. Broken hands and legs. The ground is covered with blood. The wounded moaned on the ground. , But can't move without hands and feet.

However, no one had a bad impression on her. The sneak attack of the God of Lies killed at least thirteen shallow believers and seriously injured more than a hundred people. If it was not for Judy's early detection, the number of deaths and injuries would at least have to be double.

Furious Katy will interrogate these people in a special way, and then come to the result, without waiting for her to gather the team to find out all the believers of the **** of lies around, but heard a news that surprised her.

The fighting shrines and fire worship in Sicily were both attacked by the priest of the lie. The temple was severely wounded and wounded. Only a dozen people escaped, and the fire worship also died more than half. Wolverine fled back to the desert kingdom.

Then the priests of the God of Lies wanted to continue to attack the enchantment of the Fortune Church. As a result, Beta let the archbishops of a dozen cities advance with the temple guard to support them in the past. Within two hours, they reached the city of Sicily. There were twice as many manpower available, and Judy's super-level combat power was exerted. They just underwent the onslaught of the God of Lies and expelled the enemy from Sicilia.

Although this battle was won, there were also more than twenty priests and more than two hundred temple guards who were sleeping forever.

It has to be said that it is worthy to be the priest of the old evil god, killing two first, and then forcing the fortune god, in one to three, and want to bring the Sicilian city into the palm of his hand.

They did a good job, but just underestimated the power of wealth theology.

Now the city of Sicilia has fallen into the hands of the God of Wealth. It stands to reason that this city will become the territory of the God of Wealth in the future.

But Katie was negotiating with Raeldon at this time.

"We can give you back in Sicily, and we can help you rebuild even the city. Non-interference in the internal affairs is the core purpose of our wealth theology." Katy looked at the young man opposite with a wonderful look: "But we can receive anything?"

"The sole missionary power of Sicilia." Raeldon said.

Katie narrowed her lips and smiled. "Not enough."

Raldon thought about it and said, "And 20% of the monthly tax is handed over to you, fifty years."

Katie thought for a while and said, "The deal ... Since you are one of Beta's knights, we are not asking too much."

"Thank you." Raeldon breathed a sigh of relief. Such conditions are indeed very favorable.

The two settled the matter, and then Katie found Judy and said, "You take the Pterosaur team back to Okinawa City, and at the same time help me with a sentence. When I return next time, I also want to be his knight. No? "

It wasn't Katy's affection, but this battle, she found that she played little role. Although she was also a master, Judy's performance was much better than her.

Whether it is a long-range explosive light vector, or a medium-to-short range light blade, killing people is extremely efficient.

And she ... one dagger, which sounded awful, but compared to Judy, it was nothing.

Even her ability to fight front-to-back was a bit poor. On a large-scale battlefield, she played a very small role, let alone a decisive role.

As a senior of Woking, she knew that Beta had the ability to seize others as knights, and could increase the potential of the seized people.

The mediocre can become good.

She felt that she was weak and wanted to be stronger.

What's more, being a Knight of Beta is not a shame, even Shirley.

Okinawa City, the main capital of the city.

Cocoara said to Beta: "Since the alliance contract has been signed, then I will go back and help you choose the right druid. I will leave Emilia in the embassy and pass us on News from both parties. "

Emilia stepped out and slightly waisted towards Beta.

Beta looked at Emilia for a moment, and wrote down her features.

Elven women are not ugly. Emilia has a pretty face. Although she is not as good as Coco Yarra, she has a gentle temperament.

If you have to choose between Cocoara and Emilia, most people will definitely choose Emilia who is more suitable as a wife rather than the more beautiful Cocoara.

Malia Bita smiled slightly, as a courtesy response, and then retreated back to Cocoara.

"Before leaving, I still want to ask something. I don't know if you would like to answer."

"Please speak."

"Ms. Shirley, I heard that she looks exactly like the goddess of wealth?"

Beta doesn't know how to answer this question.

But Shirley said generously, "Well, it's exactly what you think."

Listening to Shirley's profound reply, Coco Yarra looked at Beta, with a slight smile in her eyes: "Then I will understand why you are not interested in our elven clan."

After speaking, Coco Yarra left. She and Emilia walked down the street and sighed, "The kid was caught by a goddess."

"He is such a lucky man to be jealous." Emilia smiled.

"No, on the contrary, luck is the Goddess of Wealth." Coco Yala explained: "I have investigated, and no one in the human world knew of the goddess Wokin more than a decade ago, it was Pope Beta who worked for her. He wrote the doctrine and taught her a god. "If there was no beta, who would know what God was."

"Well, that makes sense."

"It's a bit difficult for us to get his blood. Unless our goddess is willing to give in, it's impossible."

Amelia chuckled: "Actually, I think it would not be difficult for a lady to put down some positions."

Coco Yala looked at her with surprise: "You don't seem to dislike me using this method."

Elves are too proud. Most of them are not only not interested in the evil ways of beauties, but they will be very disgusted.

But Emilia behaved normally.

"Ma'am, you have been talking to me about Pope Beta in the past few days, and I think he is qualified to be worthy of most of our elf women."

After hearing this, Coco Yala was even more surprised. She found that Emilia's sense of Beta was not bad, but the expression of the other side was natural, unlike the expression with special emotion.

"Will you try to seduce him?" Cocoara stared into the latter's eyes.

Emilia smiled warmly: "Sorry, I already have a husband and two children."

"I just talked casually ~ ~ Coco Yarra waved his hand:" We will go back tomorrow, you stay here alone, you have to be careful. Although the city is also safe, it is also a human city anyway. If you encounter any problems, I think you can look for those with yellow skin. I think they should help. "

Emilia nodded.

"Do I need something I bring back?"

Emilia shook her head.

"Don't you buy a love knot? You don't need me to save it to your husband?"

"It just makes sense to give it yourself."

Coco Yarra laughed: "It's true. If I give it, it would be bad if your husband had a misunderstanding."

"If the lady wants it, I can give it to your husband." Amelia grinned, joking.

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