Noble Emblem

Chapter 928: People with mental retardation don't understand

The role of the large-scale teleportation magic array is too great. As a means of transportation, it can solve the labor of long-distance fatigue and greatly shorten the time between the two places. In terms of promoting the economy, for the time being, there are no other modes of transportation that can be beautiful, or even far worse.

And if it is used for military purposes, rapid troop deployment and rapid logistical supply are all things that can determine the outcome of a war.

So in the beginning, Beta did not dare to take out the large teleportation magic circle. Until now, the **** of wealth has become a climate, and with the ability to protect himself, he dare to release this big killer.

A lot of powerful magic does not necessarily require terrible attack power.

For example, for spells such as Large Enchantment and Power Healing, no one dares to deny their 'effect'.

The large teleportation array can have a very positive effect on the entire world. Beta estimates that the only thing that can be compared to it is the "resurrection" level of magic.

The resurrection legend level can be learned, but only the demigod level can ignore its side effects. Even if the legend, the use of postoperative surgery will not only leave the subject with great hidden dangers. For example, life expectancy is reduced, intelligence is reduced, and so on.

As for what the casting material is too precious, it is a trivial matter.

The elder also knew this, and he wrinkled his face and said, "In this world, there can be nothing more valuable than a large teleportation magic circle."

Beta smiled and didn't speak. Now that you know, do you dare to speak at will?

"Under the crown, you are embarrassing us." Da Chang said frowningly: "You can't help us on the understanding of everyone who is also the space magic truth?"

When Beta heard this, she immediately smiled: "A lot of people also want to learn space magic, but I don't see you giving space magic at will. Why do you want to give me your favor?"

"Anyway, we must learn from the magic tower of the teleportation magic circle." The elder's waist gradually straightened: "Otherwise don't blame us for using some means."

What is not soft is hard. Beta snorted softly and said, "I dare to release the teleportation, so I won't be afraid of others. You don't think it's colorless-the magic tower is well hidden, no one can find it? Isn't it some empty entrance to the north of the elves Not far away, anchored there with hundreds of constant dimension anchors. It really annoys me, I sent it over and completely dismantled the dimension anchors. I think you are colorless-the magic tower is not stiff enough. "

The elder elder's pale yellow face suddenly became frightened. He pointed to Beta, his fingers trembling constantly: "You, how do you know?"

It was colorless in the past-the magic tower was brilliant, it used to be 'arrogant', and then it disappeared, and then hid back in the magic tower. No one could find it anyway, so it killed a lot of enemies.

But the elder did not expect that the location of the colorless-magic tower was actually known.

There are no secrets in this world worthy of scrutiny, especially in the case of curiosity among players.

For a long time in the game, where is the colorless-magic tower? It has always been the top three players who are more concerned about the topic.

Territorial search, exclusion, backstepping ... As players' levels in the game gradually increase, and as they learn more and more about space magic, the location of the colorless-magic tower is finally discovered.

Players spread the news everywhere, and soon ... the indigenous NPC enemies gathered and launched a besiege against the colorless magic tower. The war lasted for more than twenty days, and the colorless-magic tower was greatly injured.

The players took advantage of this opportunity to quietly get a lot of benefits.

For example, the mansion, for example, the remnants of the teleportation.

Teleportation is magic, and teleportation magic is formation. Although the two magics are similar, they are actually quite different.

Although the former can also transfer a large number of people and materials, but can only specify an approximate coordinate for transmission, stability and security can not be guaranteed.

However, the large teleportation magic array is different. The ultra-high stability and security, and the relatively low transmission cost, make the practicality of the large teleportation magic array far beyond the simple large teleportation.

Colorless Teleportation-The Magic Tower is also known by some, but they have no way to combine them with Magical Teleportation.

The players did it. Under the joint efforts of Roland and Beta, and other magic players, the large teleportation magic circle was spread in the game. The two of them also made a huge sum of money, which was enough to buy real estate in Beijing.

Hearing that Beta knew the colorless-magic tower's location, the elder's face turned green.

It didn't take long for him to look normal yesterday, saying, "We have no malicious intentions, but only a means of negotiation."

Immediately he persuaded. Beta smiled, he was very clear, if it was a few years ago, when the gods had not yet reached the climate, they dared to take out this big teleportation magic array, colorless-the magic tower would definitely think of a way to rob it crazy, it would never be like this 'Good talk'.

Although the colorless-magic tower has indeed fallen, but because no one knows where their ‘old nest’ is, they always have something to do with their fear, so they ca n’t fight but just run away. Speaking of the ability to escape, the space magician said that he was second, who dare to call first.

But the problem now is that Lao Chao is known to everyone, and this person seems to be higher in space magical accomplishments than all of them.

Beta remembers that the game is just a projection of this world, and the death of the characters in it will also affect the people in this world. The colorless-magic tower of this world has fallen, mostly because of their relationship during the game.

But this has nothing to do with Beta, things are done by themselves, no one can blame others, and the main force of the siege is not the players, but the indigenous NPCs.

"I just thought I didn't hear it." Beta smiled. "It's okay if you want a large teleportation magic circle, but I still have to say that I have to find something more valuable than it for exchange."

"More valuable than it ..." the elder said helplessly: "Can't it be of similar value?"

"Because I don't know what you will find." Beta explained: "After all, something that is extremely valuable to many people may not be so useful to us and our theology. But the teleportation magic circle The interests of us are too important for us. Do you think it is possible to divide our interests evenly for something that may not be very useful at the moment? "

"We can guarantee that this big teleportation magic array will never be passed on." The elder smiled and said, "Will you lower the price under the crown?"

Beta didn't speak, just shaking her head slightly.

Shirley, who knew his heart, stood up and said, "This old gentleman, our pope is very tired, please ..."

Very tired? The youngest pope, or legendary, will be tired? This is obviously a rush, and the elder stood up and said, "We will look for something of value, but we can't find the same thing, but we will look for diversity and add up. Please wait patiently."

Watching the elder leave, Shirley said dismissively, "I don't know the courage he came from, he just wanted to threaten us."

"No way, you can see that it is colorless-the magic tower is poor now, and they think that they are safe in hiding in the void. There is no real absolute security in this world. Even the kingdom of God may be broken."

"Speaking of the kingdom of gods, the goddess asked me to inform you just now that she would pull you to the kingdom of God to talk about something at night."

It may be because of the last Oolong incident, the goddess seldom fell to Shirley now, preferring to spend more faith, but also to bring Betara to the kingdom of God.

After midnight, Beta fell asleep in bed, and it didn't take long before she arrived in the kingdom of God.

But he was surprised to find that it wasn't Woking who sat on the throne, but Akua, the water god.

The water **** standing high, looked at Beta with a smile. She was wearing a skirt with her legs slightly apart. Because of the angle, and because Beta has strong eyesight, at this glance, in addition to a pair of white long legs, you can also see something that should not be seen.

"Where's the goddess Vol'jin?" Beta was a little surprised. But he did not think that Akua was capable of dealing with Woking, and the two of them had a good relationship, and some dog blood bridges could not happen.

"A little movement happened over there just now. She went to look at it." Akua suddenly rolled her eyes and stretched out her right leg, her white and delicious toes facing Beta: "There are only two of us now, Give you a reward, come and lick it. You human men are all good. "

Beta was sweating, and Vol'jin was right, the goddess Akua really had some mental retardation.

Stretching her legs and waiting for Beta to react, Akua suddenly figured out what she had figured out.

"Don't like feet, don't you like to lick ..." Acuya said shyly as she pressed her skirt: "No, no, this is so exciting, I'm not ready yet ~ ~ Beta felt that the blue veins in her brain were faintly tingling. He was wondering if she would become Yunlong, and she pulled the mentally retarded goddess back to her kingdom.

As he was about to put his thoughts into action, there was a wave of fluctuations in the kingdom of God, and the goddess Vol'jin suddenly appeared in the kingdom of God. Then she saw Akua on her seat on the throne, her eyes were cold and wild, and she rushed up to use her hands and legs.

Acuya screamed, rolled down from the seat of the god, and landed right in front of Beta.

She lay on the ground with her back to Beta, then a frustrated gesture.

Akua didn't like to wear panties, and the skirt was not long. When she rolled down from the seat of the throne, the skirt folded back on her back. She knelt on her stomach and just put all her spring light on Beta. Before. And the posture is extremely tempting. The distance between the two was extremely close, and the height was just right. Beta could move the sword into the sheath as long as she advanced a little step.

Beta turned her face ... Although Akua was mentally retarded, she was still beautiful and attractive as a goddess.

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