Noble Emblem

Chapter 937: New ideas

Coco Yarra is a demigod. She would worry about her safety? This is almost impossible. Even Beta had to become Yunlong to fight her.

And now recalling that at that time, Cocoara did not use the summoned creatures to fight Beta, but she used a large range of magic she was not proficient to attack Beta, causing herself to be 'empty blue' in advance, which made her Makes it possible to fight.

If she summons a large number of powerful magical creatures from the beginning, the outcome is another story.

In any case, Beta is almost impossible to win.

Cocoara decided to stay here for a few more days, mostly for two reasons. Let's see if Druid can live well in this place. Another reason is to help Beta.

She won't take the initiative at the beginning, and if Beta can't support it, she will help, so that the **** of wealth and Beta will owe her a favor.

Things like human feelings are the hardest to return.

Especially to achieve the big people in their position, the human relationship is even more difficult to return.

After hearing that the assassination team in the Temple of Life was coming, Beta and a group of high-level Woking executives held a secret meeting.

In fact, to make it clearer, he had a short meeting with a group of his own women.

The enemy was clearly directed at Beta. A group of women said that they would set strict checkpoints and even temporarily close Okinawa City.

But Beta said, "It's hard for us now that Okinawa City is now prosperous, and it will soon become the commercial center of Hollevan. If there are several enemies coming, we will close the city. Wouldn't it let us before Effort, at least half in vain. "

"But they came at you." Shirley said, "You are the most important core of the wealth theology. If you have an accident, the temple will collapse."

Beta waved his hand: "No, the goddess is the core of the religion. I am just a substitute. Now the system has been set. As long as we follow the current guidelines, there is no problem with the religion for at least five hundred years. . "

"No, you are the most important person." Shirley held Beta's hand and looked at him quietly: "You have an accident, the theology can really collapse, even the goddess can't save it. Even if it is barely saved It ’s not the wealth **** now. "

Shirley's eyes were hot and firm. She is serious, not just talking casually.

Beta was silent for a while, and said, "Well, let's set aside this matter first. We can't stand up when we hear a little news. The gates cannot be closed, but the enemy cannot let them in."

Emma asked, "What are you going to do?"

"A multi-pronged approach. Mercenary unions, bard guilds, assassin unions, etc. are all commissioned. Find out the enemy's trace directly to one hundred gold coins, detailed information directly to two hundred, if anyone can kill them, One thousand gold coins. "

Speaking of which, Beta chuckled: "At the same time, let the major temples secretly convey the news to those believers. If you find something wrong, you can report to us quietly. Of course, the rewards will be issued as above. Will The enemy stayed out of the wetlands. "

"We have worked so hard to run Hollevin to this point, not that anyone can bully us."

There was a sneer on Beta's face, and if the people in the Temple of Life really came, let them taste what the people called the ocean.

Emma was once the Storm Lady, and the money of the Storm God has always been small, and she was used to it. Hearing the reward number, he used to say, "It's too expensive."

"You haven't been used to coming here for so long?" Shirley looked at her with a hatred of iron and steel: "For our wealth gods, as long as we can solve it with money, it is a trivial matter."

Emma sighed sighing, thinking about the cost of wealth theology since this time, said suddenly: "Okay, you have more money, you have the final say."

Angie pulled her little face aside and corrected, "It's 'we.'"

Emma's face suddenly turned red.

Judy sat silent, she had flew back from Sicily.

After the policy is finalized, it is ready to be arranged. Shirley was about to leave the conference room, but suddenly a beam of light descended.

The momentum of Shirley in the beam of light continued to rise, and finally reached the legendary level directly.

All the girls are envious, don't think about it, this must be the gift of the goddess Vol'jin.

Shirley closed her eyes and felt her new power, and then she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Beta, the goddess said they were impatient, and dared to run into trouble in Okinkin City. Don't give her face, catch one and kill one , The enemy ’s soul will pass through my hand and be directly transmitted to the kingdom of God, and the goddess will personally manipulate them later. "

The girls looked at Beta with ambiguous eyes.

Emma whispered, "I really like him."

In this case, Beta doesn't know what to say.

In Sicily, reconstruction is already underway. As wealth theology is quite good at infrastructure, the reconstruction progress is extremely fast.

Although the pterosaurs returned, the defense force of Sicilia increased without any diminution due to the alligator cavalry and many temple guards.

The king, with the armies of the major lords, had already reached the pass.

The other side also seemed to have received news, and a large number of troops were deployed in the narrow aisle.

It is almost impossible for more than 200,000 troops to pass through that narrow passage.

But this time the King was well prepared. He didn't know how to convince the brown magic tower and brought a soil mage group directly. These two days the mage has been changing the terrain of the canyon, turning it into hills, and finally intending to become a plain.

On the other side, I tried desperately to stop it, but unfortunately I was just doing nothing. The earth and fire dual-line magicians originally cultivated by the desert kingdom were almost killed by worship.

Those who worship the fire teach only how to set fire to destruction and not how to create and build.

When Katie thought that the city of Sicily was stable, she caught a rather suspicious person in her night watch last night.

To what extent is suspicious? The dark elements of this person fluctuated, and almost all overflowed. This is clearly a sign of the instability of a master magician.

In order to prevent this person from 'exploding' and hurting others, Katie arranged for him to go to trial outside the country, but he couldn't ask anything.

This man went back and forth in two sentences.

‘Ancestral God is coming. ’

‘Goddess Sophie is dead. ’

Hearing these two words, Katy's full hair and cold hair stood up. Things related to God, whether true or false, are big things.

The next day, the unconscious master black magician blew himself up.

The magical radiation produced directly deserts thousands of square meters of land. Diablo is such a disgusting thing that directly destroys all vitality.

When hearing the news from Katie, Beta was a little unbelievable. Just two or three years ago, Beta talked with the little Sophie who was named after the goddess Sophie in Sicily.

She said that the Shinto religion has mastered the method of making paper. In the future, the Shinto religion can not only make a lot of money, but also expand its faith. Or Goddess Sophie can mix multiple artistic deities.

But after waiting for more than three years, I did not see the paper becoming cheaper, nor did I see the paper spread.

Suddenly, I heard the suspected death of the Sufi goddess.

Beta directly contacted Shirley with the goddess, and he met Woking in the kingdom of God.

Compared to the last meeting, Woking seemed to be another two centimeters shorter. But the two clusters of jelly on the chest seemed a little bigger.

I don't know if it is an illusion.

Woking could feel Beta's gaze falling somewhere on her own, but she didn't care about it at all, and frowned and asked, "What are you running up to?"

There was a disgusting look between the words.

Although looking at Woking's tone similar to before. But Beta still felt it, and she seemed a little weak.

This should be a forcible promotion of Shirley to the legacy of the legend. Beta also knows why she suddenly promoted Shirley to legend, and definitely wanted to give herself more combat power.

But this should have a great deal of damage to her body, otherwise it would not look like this.

"There may be something wrong with Goddess Sophie. Can you feel her breath?"

Woking froze, what happened to Sophie? She didn't think Beta would be entertaining herself.

I quickly closed my eyes for a moment, then she opened her eyes and shook her head, "Sophie's kingdom of God seems to be still there. But I'm not sure if something happened to her. After all, as long as the godhead is there, the kingdom of God can last a long time .I'm not sure if Sophie is in the kingdom of God. "

"Well, goddess, can you create a specific spell?" Beta suddenly said.

"Huh?" Woking raised an eyebrow. "What kind of spell."

"Spells that require very little." Beta said: "Even a shallow believer can use it. It is a faint light group that can continuously heal the user's body and can serve as a lighting tool. Even if the effect is very weak, there is nothing Problem, but it must have growth. This spell can slowly be exercised, and eventually, with the skill of the caster and long-term practice, it can become a very effective continuous healing technique, golden lighting. "

"In this way ~ ~ divine magic seems worthless." Woking was puzzled: "What's the benefit for us? Making a new spell out of thin air requires a lot of faith."

"My thinking is just the opposite." Beta said: "The theology of our wealth theology should be easy to learn and difficult to master."

Beta continued: "The more common theology, the better it will be to propagate our faith. This is the only way we can transcend light theology."

Speaking of belief spread, Woking was immediately interested: "Talk about your thoughts."

"Goddess, you can think so." Beta explained: "Many civilians have no way to treat themselves, whether it is to see a priest or a medicine doctor, it is very expensive. But suddenly there is a divine skill, ordinary people can also Use it as long as you believe in it casually. Even if the effect of this spell is not very obvious, it can be used daily for a long time and you can have a good body. Do you think those civilians will be interested? "

"And this spell has the potential to grow."

Woking looked at Beta, his eyes were astonishing.

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