Noble Emblem

Chapter 93: Battle begins

Liang Lidong quickly discovered that in addition to Katrina, there was another person in the room, the girl Tina. She sat beside Katerina with a smile on her face, and they looked very close, like sisters and mother and daughter.

"Ms. Tina is also ready to participate in our operation?" Liang Lidong asked.

Gavin had a bitter smile on his face: "She is not too young, so in order to become a qualified homeowner in the future, you should also try to participate in major events in the family."

Liang Lidong asked curiously: "Are you afraid of danger?"

"The aristocracy is a danger in itself. She is the next owner. She must be used to such things." Gavin said flatly. "The people of the hibiscus family are not afraid of danger. I have been with my father since the age of nine. There are even more dangers when dealing with family affairs. Tina is now sixteen years old, and it is relatively late to start contacting family affairs. "

Gavin has no son and his wife has died for many years. If he does not plan to marry another wife, then Tina is properly the next owner. This is indeed a good way to train the next homeowner. Liang Lidong can't find any excuses, but he has other views: "Siege the necromancer is a very dangerous thing. The upper hand, but the necromancer's fighting style has always been weird, and we cannot guarantee the safety of Miss Tina. "

At this time, Tina's eyes moved over, and she coquettishly said with the girl's peculiar, sticky voice: "Her Beta is so powerful, she will definitely protect me, right?"

Liang Lidong looked at her calmly. "I have no obligation to protect you."

Tina froze for a moment, then a look of surprise. She is very beautiful, in Winterwind. Whenever she attends a dinner, she is always one of the brightest protagonists in the venue. Among the girls of the same age, the only one who can barely overpower her scenery is Barbara. After all, Barbara's identity is too attractive to others, and she also has a pair of majestic snow mountains. In contrast, Tina ’s The snowy mountains are shorter.

But even so. Tina is still very much sought after by young and middle-aged talents in Winterwind, as long as she is coquettish. Many young people are willing to do something extraordinary for her. Over time, she has become accustomed to using this method to achieve her small requirements, but did not expect. In front of this red **** official Beta not only refused, but also refused very simply.

Caterina stunned and laughed, and Tina was ashamed, struggling to scratch Catalina's two ribs, the two beautiful women almost rolled into a ball.

Gavin coughed heavily, and when the two women were quiet, sitting still, he said, "Tina's safety is naturally protected by the clan guard of our family. Now let's make a plan. As we all know, to deal with the necromancer we We cannot use the number of people to pile up. We must follow the quality-based fighting method. So this time we have a small number of people, plus four of us, which is twelve. "

Liang Lidong and Katerina both nodded, which is indeed the correct approach.

Necromancers have the ability to turn corpses into skeleton soldiers. Sending ordinary soldiers to fight is all about sending combat units to Necromancers. This will cause the Necromancer to have more and more troops, and in the end there is no way to fight the Necromancer.

A master necromancer can easily destroy a heavily defended large city. The legendary Necromancer can even destroy a medium-sized country.

Liang Lidong asked, "Are there any paladins in your clan?"

The paladin has a devout aura, which can improve the resistance of surrounding allies to dark element magic and spiritual will magic. Necromancers are very good at these two types of spells; the other is that the paladin has 'exorcism', Creature 'and other special professional abilities can deal well with the dead sea of ​​the necromancer. If there is a paladin in the team, the success rate of surrounding the necromancer will be much higher.

Gavin shook his head.

"Is there a pastor? A pastor from the good camp." Liang Lidong continued to ask.

Gavin still shook his head, and then said, "Now in Winterwind City, there is no other pastor of the good gods except the pastor of the Temple of Life."

"That's okay." Liang Lidong waved and let Rose's priest join the team. What's the difference between joining an enemy: "I can visit the priest for a while, but my willpower attribute is not high, so Do n’t expect too much of my light magic. "

Katrina smiled. "It's better than nothing."

"My plan is like this." Gavin took out his manor map and placed it on the table, and then continued: "Here is the rest point of the necromancer. There is an entrance on the left and right. By the time Katrina His Excellency Beta is in charge of attacking the enemy from the entrance on the left, while the clan guard and I guard the other exit ... "

I have to say that Fat Gavin does have two brushes, and his action plan is well done. No matter offense, defense, or even the retreat plan, at least Liang Lidong can't pick up anything wrong.

At this moment Tina raised her hand: "Father, what can I do."

"You just have to look at it. You don't have to do anything." Gavin patted her daughter's head. "Now you don't have much fighting power, but you can look at me and learn how I can command and dispatch the clan guard, which will lead you to the clan in the future There are great benefits. In addition, observing the battle at close range will exercise your courage and will, which is also a necessary factor for becoming a qualified homeowner. "

Tina nodded again and again.

Several people made their plans again, and about half an hour later they stepped out of the room and headed towards the back of the manor.

The old woman who is suspected of being a necromancer is a famous gardener. She has been working in the hibiscus family for more than thirty years. It stands to reason that she could not have been a necromancer, but Liang Lidong knew very well that the necromancer could not only manipulate the body And they can also host the soul in other creatures, or non-living.

So they guessed that this old woman should have been deprived of her soul by the necromancer, and she poured her soul into the old woman's body and replaced it.

About fifty meters behind the manor. There is a small wooden house where the old woman lives. There is a fence between the manor and the chalet, and there is only one entrance. There are usually two personal guards on guard, but today they were removed from their posts. Their strength is low, and they are not suitable for participating in the battle surrounding the Necromancer.

Liang Lidong and Katerina walked side by side on the manor's sidewalk, and the moonlight brightened the manor. The night worms murmured around, making the night of the already quiet manor more quiet.

Under such circumstances, it is very suitable for men and women to get along alone. It's just a pity that Liang Lidong and Katerina didn't call at all, otherwise it would be a good place for a tryst. The two walked for a while. Already can see the exit of the wall of the manor, at this time Catalina suddenly said a word.

"Beta, you are a nobleman. Do you think male noblemen will have true love every year?"

Liang Lidong turned to look at Caterina. He didn't understand why the woman asked so suddenly. And now that the war is imminent, she actually asked such questions and focused on her emotional problems, instead of thinking about how to fight for a while. Is it because she is too brave or she has no brains?

Honestly, Liang Lidong didn't know much about women, although he had been with Persian cats and Xiaobaishen for a long time, and the three had lived together for eight years. But he could feel that the Persian cat and Xiaobai were different. They did not have the pride of ordinary beautiful women. It won't be awkward, nor will it do something inexplicable.

In the game, he played with a lot of women in the guild. He had seen the girls' coquettish make-up, they had seen their unreasonable trouble, and they had seen their hysteria, although there were good girls. But compared to the Persian cat and Xiaobai, they are still far behind. Get along with them both. The less interested he was in women in reality.

He thought he was going to have a lifetime with two "untouchable" female ghosts, but he didn't expect that he was born again in this world, and the Persian cat and Xiaobai also left him a letter, which meant that One day they will reunite and then really hold them both in their arms.

At the end of the day, he is interested in only a Persian cat and Xiaobai. The other women don't want to pay too much attention. As for what kind of thoughts they have, he doesn't want to guess too much. So after Catalina asked this sentence, Liang Lidong did not want to respond, but considering that the two are temporary comrades-in-arms, they said, "The love of the nobles is nothing but beauty and benefits. Maybe the nobles will have real Love, but I have never seen it. "

Liang Lidong is not talking in a random way, this is the conclusion he reached after years of observation in the game.

Catalina said with a look of longing: "But Gavin is different. His wife has died so long, but he still loves her and does not want to marry a new wife. This should be very few of the nobility. See you, really good man with affection. "

"So you want to marry him?"

Katrina admitted generously: "Yes, that's right. I've been chasing him for three years, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in me. Lord Beta, you are also a noble, you know how to capture a man The heart of a male aristocracy? "

Liang Lidong Liang Fa is certain that this woman's brain circuit has some problems. At such an important moment, she was still considering her own emotional problems. He sighed long in his heart, and suddenly had no confidence in the encirclement, but he still politely said, "You have a great contradiction in this statement. You think Gavin is unwilling Marry a new wife, so it seems very affectionate, a good man, so you want to marry him. But the problem is, if he marries you, his prerequisites as a good man are gone, then the man you marry He is no longer a good man. "

Catalina faced a little, exasperated, "Gavin's love is one thing. If he is willing to marry me, it is another thing. There is no conflict at all. These are two completely different things."

"Well, you're right." At this point, the two had reached the exit of the fence, and Liang Lidong said, "I'm about to fall into the scope of the necromancer. Let's get some energy, don't think about irrelevant things. . "

"Mr. Beta, you must have no woman's love." Katerina scolded Liang Lidong, then took a breath, and her expression changed immediately.

After all, it is the president of the killing club, and Katrina's combat literacy is quite good. Seeing this, Liang Lidong returned a lot of confidence.

The two went out of the manor from the exit, and then by the silver moonlight, they saw the old cabin that looked very old 50 meters away.

The roof of the wooden house has been covered with moss, and many parts of the body have decayed. Liang Lidong even saw a few small mushrooms growing on the external wall of the wooden house.

It is now midnight. There is no nightlife in this world, and most people should fall asleep. But there is still candlelight in this cabin, and the front of Liang Lidong is the window of the cabin. There was a piece of old brown linen at the window, which served as a curtain, blocking the sight of the outside inquiry. However, because of the candlelight, a shadow of a human figure appeared on the curtain, and it seemed that what was being done, and as the candlelight swayed, the figure on the curtain was shaking strangely, as if it were a twisted shadow of the devil.

"The target should be in the house," Katerina said in a low voice.

Liang Lidong looked to the right. After a while, he saw several figures appearing on the right side of the cabin. Although it was far away, Liang Lidong had a real vision, so he could see it clearly. The fat man was carrying his daughter. The black guards have reached their intended destination.

Soon Catalina found them, and she waved her hands quite happily.

"People are here and ready to act."

Liang Lidong made a gesture to Gavin, then flicked his wrist, and found a scroll with a light yellow magic luster from the space backpack, and threw it to the cabin without hesitation. After the scroll was three meters away from the hand, it immediately became the size of a wooden barrel, an orange fireball, with a whistling burning sound ~ ~ hit the cabin at a very fast speed.

After a blink of an eye, the fireball hit the cabin. The violent explosion sound was even more deafening in the quiet night, and the wreckage of the burning wooden house scattered like rain flowers toward the four sides, with a trail of black smoke.

"Is this successful?"

Caterina watched the chalet be blown apart, and even a flame of fire within a radius of more than ten meters from the center of the explosion dispelled the surrounding night. Even when far apart, you can still feel the amazing heat emitted by the flame. Ordinary professionals have absolutely no chance of survival under such an attack.

Liang Lidong shook his head: "Then it didn't!"

As he spoke, he found another scroll from the space backpack.

A black sea appeared in the center of the sea of ​​fire, and it was slowly moving outward. It walked very slowly. With each step, the surrounding flames disappeared by itself. After it came out of the center of the sea of ​​fire, behind it, A 'footpath' without flames was created, directly connected to the center point of the explosion. (To be continued)

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