Noble Emblem

Chapter 954: Plan step 1 succeeded

Jack lay on the bed, thankful. Common people like him are everywhere, even a few people have the same name. There are four Jacks in his army.

In the previous battle, he was cut off by the enemy with both hands. He thought he was dead. But the young priest, wearing a white robe of Phnom Penh, applied himself to surgery and his arms actually grew back.

Although he was as soft as root noodles and couldn't move in bed for several days, it was better than being a waste.

Now the hands of the newborn are gradually beginning to use their strength. The young priest in white robe Phnom Penh visited him once and said that he would be on the front line again in three days.

He was so happy inside.

One more battlefield, he will get one more reward, kill a few more enemies to go back, and he can even make his home a little rich family.

As long as you don't die, you no longer have to worry about becoming a waste person.

He heard the wounded soldiers around him say that the priests in Phnom Penh's white robes, even if their younger brother was broken, could help to be born again.

As long as they don't get their heads cut, and now the heart, they are almost immortal.

This situation is very common in the Eastern March.

King Hollevan, who was sent by the imperial court, looked at the report given by his men, and sighed longly: "The fortune gods really have taken their heart. All the chaplains sent by the army are elites, and everyone will break their limbs Surgery and severe injury treatment, because of their relationship, our casualty ratio has dropped to 10% of the original. "

A general next to him said: "The declining death rate of wounded soldiers has brought a very high morale to the entire army. Now almost everyone dares to run up and our combat effectiveness has increased by at least 20%."

Another older general said: "I think that in the future we can let the priests of the Fortune Gods come to serve in our army. They are at least practical, unlike other priests, to be uncles."

"Why do the priests of the Wealth theology seem to treat serious injuries and regenerate amputations." King Hollevin raised a question: "And the priests of the life theology, even the light theology, seem to be able to do this Not many. "

The generals didn't quite understand!

In fact, this matter is very simple, it is Beta's request.

Generally, other temples train priests by adopting the method of one division and several disciples. Each senior pastor teaches a few qualified senior pastors.

Although the strength is similar, there is a gap in the level of teaching. Some pastors teach well, and it is easy to produce talents.

And fortune gods, there is a special pastor school. The textbook is written by Beta and is very detailed. Even a pastor who does not know much about teaching can be a qualified instructor with this textbook.

The Academy of Fortune Theology does not require priest students to master too much theology. But there are four types of divine magic that must be learned, otherwise you cannot graduate from school.

The four types of divine magic are 'Dazzling Golden Light', 'Severe Injury Treatment', 'Detoxification', and 'Regeneration of Broken Limbs'. As a priest, you can learn most of these four things.

Dazzling golden light can be used for protection, and the other three can be qualified treatments. The rest, based on personal habits, learn some attack and defense magic, which is a good priest.

In addition, apart from the necessary moral and academic lessons, wealth theorists will spend most of their time contemplating the pastors.

This makes the priests of the wealth gods have higher average magic storage and recovery speed than the priests of other gods of the same level.

Therefore, they can use the regenerative art of amputated limbs.

And the most important thing is ... under the persuasion of Beta, believers of the Fortune Gods use these four divine skills to consume less mental power than the priests of other denominations, only about a percent Sixty mental power.

Borrowing power from the gods requires mental energy.

Beta's point is simple: It doesn't matter if you lose a little faith. First, build the professional impression of our pastor. Later, when people think of a reliable pastor, they will definitely think of us first.

This is the brand effect.

The birth of the pastor with the army was also based on this concept.

Anyway, now King Hollevin really feels that the priests of the God of Wealth are quite good.

He thought for a while and said, "I'll write a letter and ask the Fortune God to send more chaplains with the army."

The generals felt quite happy when they heard this.

At this time, the holy city of life gods, the pope was furious, because another alternate bishop died strangely at home and could not find any wounds in his body.

In other words, even after the bishop selection day, the assassination of alternate bishops continues.

In the Pope's Hall, the leader of the heresy interrogation group held his head extremely low.

The whole hall seemed to have invisible pressure, which made people breathless.

"The alternate bishop died four, but you didn't find anything." The pope spoke in a low voice: "I don't know if you are too stupid or the enemy is too powerful."

Team leader cold sweat DC.

The pope has a habit. The more angry he is, the lower his tone is.

"I asked you to protect the five alternate bishops secretly. You didn't do it well. I let you find out the true murderer, and you didn't do it well. What the **** are you doing? Are you playing outside every day?

The team leader spoke in a hurry. He knew that if he didn't speak again, he might not see the sun of tomorrow.

"We have put all our energies on monitoring the five alternate bishops. But we find that they are completely the same. Even your most suspicious Celia has never left our sight."

The Pope nodded: "Selia is too calm, she seems to have the appearance that I will not be killed. I have always suspected that she is, but you have been watching her and have not let her out of your sight. Eliminated her suspicions. "

Celia is a pseudonym for Monica.

The group leader continued: "The other four did not leave our sight either. But when Thor died the day before yesterday, the person we were responsible for tracking also died. Their strength is at the forefront of our group's use, the enemy's It's quite powerful. "

"Then protect them first and let them take refuge in the cathedral." The Pope thought about it and said.

But at this moment, a knock came outside the door, and it seemed very urgent.

The Pope was upset, and the team leader immediately opened the door.

A high-ranking priest outside the door was one of the pope's confidants. As soon as he came in, he shouted, "The pope, it's not good. Another alternate bishop died."

The pope stood up sharply: "What the **** is going on!"

The senior priest hurriedly told the story.

It turned out that they were trying to protect the remaining four alternate bishops. In the middle of the escort, a man in black and a knight in the armor suddenly came out of the crowd.

The slashing of the four alternate bishops was very powerful.

Two people were directly hacked to death, and the remaining two were also seriously injured. Although they have been rescued, they have to stay in bed for a short time.

The pope's face was almost twisted, and the green hair automatically turned without wind: "Have not caught the murderer."

The senior priest looked embarrassed: "No, they are very strong. We were severely wounded. If he didn't see us all coming around, he had to go, otherwise the two remaining repairing bishops might have to die. "

The pope asked: "What two are left?"

"Selia and Valentine."

The Pope took a deep breath: "Protect both of them. They will be promoted directly to the rank of bishop. After they are injured, they will be allowed to form guards to protect themselves."

The senior priest nodded and left the Pope's Hall.

The pope said to the heretics interrogator: "Continue to investigate, find out who the two are, and which power they belong to. They can kill two reserve bishops under the protection of the **** team. The strength is at least a master or more, close to the legend .But I didn't feel the strong power fluctuations, so they should not be legendary yet. Follow this clue to check slowly. "

The team leader immediately ordered to leave the Pope's Hall, and he did not dare to stay here.

The Pope's Hall became quiet again.

A white skull did not know when to reappear in the hands of the Pope.

"Mary, you say in this world, why in this world, so many things can't work as I want? Last night I received information and sent several assassins to assassinate the Pope of Fortune. They became part of the wealth gods. "

The white skull did not move.

The pope's face gradually became crazy: "How can I be the word of God, then everything in this world will definitely change as I wish, are you right?"

The skull remains silent.

But at this moment the pope's expression suddenly calmed down, as if the crazy man just now had never appeared.

And Beta, at this time has returned to Okinawa City.

The sanctuary of the Temple of Life will surely go crazy at this time. When killing people on the street, the alternate bishop is still killed. This is the face of the Temple of Life.

No matter who it is, it's crazy to take such a slap ~ ~.

So Beta had to leave, crazy people, what they couldn't imagine. If Beta is still there, it will definitely be checked, and all foreigners will be checked.

Beta's identity was originally fake. If she checked more, she would definitely have problems.

It would definitely be nice to leave the shelter.

But Beta really admires Monica, and for the sake of her superiority, she dare not even use the spider avatar to beat Beta.

Beta was afraid that she would go down with a sword, and accidentally used too much energy to chop her to death.

But she really believed in Beta.

At that time, she had a big fear on her face, but she didn't have any scared expression in her eyes, instead she only had expectations.

Such a woman, Beta has seen two in the game, not surprised, but just sighed.

A creature like a woman sometimes cannot be guessed at all by common sense.

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