Noble Emblem

Chapter 957: Monica's ambitions

"Don't be afraid to destroy the person you played before?"

Faced with Beta's question, Monica chuckled and said, "Not afraid. It is normal for a woman to be emotional with a handsome man. Moreover, as my current status, I was originally a poor man, and now I'm taking it one step further.

Beta was a little surprised: "You know a lot about human nature."

"It's not understandable, it's just that I've observed this kind of woman from a poor man, and suddenly it's high, what kind of performance it will be. Most of them will be like this, only occasionally one or two can be more restrained."

Beta nodded. "Men and women are the same in this regard."

Monica went on to say, "It's you, the Pope of the Wealth Goddess, but would play a little white face, wouldn't you feel very embarrassed. And if anyone is found, your reputation will be lost."

Beta touched her dyed hair and a pair of eyes disguised as brown: "The average person can't see it. And who would have thought that a pope would run to the enemy's base camp undercover."

Speaking of this, Monica also admired it very much: "You are the boldest high-powered person I have ever met. This matter is usually done by subordinates, and the head goes into battle. I still saw it for the first time. . "

"Next, what should we do?" Beta asked.

Monica thought for a while and said, "It depends on how much time you have. If you have enough time to stay in the city, then we can act cautiously. If you have less time, then use some radical method."

"Be careful," Beta said. "After all, safety comes first."

Monica looked at him with surprise: "Are you worried about me?"

Her expression suddenly became excited: "Is this how you think of me?"

Beta said lightly: "After all, you are the oldest sister of Salsa, and I have no direct conflict with you. As long as you don't blame me for being bad in France."

Monica said happily, "Let's go past. Anyway, I'm not as interested in the throne as you think."

Beta always thought that Monica was an ambitious woman. But she knows that after Sarah became a queen, she didn't have to go back to find Salsa, but instead ran to the holy city of life and re-started from scratch.

I have to say that capable people can survive everywhere.

It only took more than a year that she actually climbed to the position of bishop.

"Now that you have enough time, then I can take it slowly. Do something that will build up your reputation first." Monica thought for a while and said, "I continue to treat the poor for free. But I ’ve been short of money recently. Beta Or else you invest in me, just like other businessmen invest in the young aristocrats they like. "

"How much do you need?"

Beta's tone was light, but she had a sense of confidence.

Hearing this confidence, Monica said politely, "The more the better."

As soon as Beta waved, a pile of gems scattered on the table. There are at least a hundred, each about the size of a baby's fist.

These colorful, ‘stones’ reflecting bright light, made Monica wow a cry.

Although when she was in the Kingdom of France, she never felt how beautiful these things were. But now that she is in a different position, she is very short of money, and she also knows how to appreciate the beauty of these gadgets.

After all, people are short-minded.

Moreover, due to Beta ’s “merit”, most types of gemstones have risen to become a strategic resource. According to different uses, the price has at least doubled, and some rare gemstones have increased in value several times.

Take out one of these gems casually, and the gold coins in exchange can maintain her activity funds for a long time.

"These are mine?"

"It's all off to you." Beta nodded.

"Whether I support you, or do you support me?" Monica sighed. She snapped her hands together and said, "With these gems, I suddenly have an idea."

Beta looked at her, waiting for her explanation.

"Our goddess, loves gems very much," Monica said. "Maybe I can use these gems to connect with her. Do you have any opinion?"

Beta shook her head: "I'm not familiar with the theology of life. Come on your own steps."

Monica smiled lightly, and even her gloomy coldness was weaker: "You really trust me."

Beta just smiled and didn't speak.

He always feels that there is no doubt about employing people, and that suspects don't need to. If the other person really hurts himself, it is also unknown to him, and he can't see the true colors of the other person in a long time.

This is a question of ability.

The use of people is a matter of method.

The two do not conflict.

"Then you rest here first, and go to the slums with me to help them for free tomorrow."

Beta looked around: "There seems to be only one bed here."

"We can sleep together ..." Monica suddenly pretended to be aggrieved. "Do you have the heart to let me sleep alone on the floor?"

Beta chuckled softly, and then she entered the mansion space.

Looking at the empty bedroom, Monica snorted and looked rather unhappy. But she knew that Beta must be looking at herself in another plane.

Then she slept in the clothes. She fell asleep and fell asleep. When she woke up, the sun was on the bed.

Monica woke up, suddenly got up, and saw a picture that made her a little scratched.

Beta was sitting at the table, slowly eating a rich breakfast, and beside him, there was a pretty, but cold maid serving.

The maid's clothes made Monica feel a little familiar, and when she thought about it again, she realized that this was not the suit that Beta gave her after she broke her clothes last time.

It was this woman ... No, Monica was completely awake from the confusion of getting up at this moment.

"Beta ... who is this woman? And these breakfasts, where did you get them?"

Beta patted the table gently. "Don't ask so much before you eat breakfast."


Although eating breakfast, Monica looked at Julie with a look of somehow. After all, she stared at Beta intently, hoping that he would explain it to herself.

Any woman who sees another beautiful woman in her home will have a similar reaction.

"This is my maid, Julie." Beta said, "usually she takes care of my daily life."

"Usually?" Monica was very clever, and she immediately thought of a quite reliable possibility: "Your magic space can hide living people."

Beta nodded, and waved her hand to put Julie into the mansion space.

"It's really amazing," Monica said slyly, "the space where you can hide big living people has not appeared for many years."

Beta smiled indifferently.

Monica looked at Beta, and said nothing.

"You can't learn it, give up." Beta knew what she was thinking, and blocked her mouth first: "You don't have space talent, I can see it. You can barely learn the magic of space, But the space theory involved in mansion space is not something you can touch. "

Monica sighed long, a little bit lost.

There must be a lot of magic space to hide people. With such a large space, whether it is home or going out, it is quite a thing to make. After all, important things are put in it, who can get it, access is convenient, and it can save a lot of effort.

"Then let's go to the slums."

Monica walked out of the bedroom and saw three professionals hired yesterday waiting just a short distance ahead.

The three looked strange when they saw the hostess and Beta coming out together. Anyone who wants to arch the cabbage is arched by others, and everyone will be upset.

Departing from the rich area, after reaching the slum, Monica walked into a low house. There is a simple table and a simple chair.

Monica sat on the chair, and the poor next to him saw each other and immediately ran to each other.

"Ms. Selia, come and give us a free treatment again ~ ~, seeing this scene, Beta is a bit surprised.

And then what surprised him even more happened. When Monica treated the poor, she had a fairly mild smile on her face, and even if the poor were dirty and stinky, she was not impatient.

This expression continues from the beginning to the end.

The hard and unpalatable dry food delivered by the poor could bite a few bites casually.

Since getting along with this time, Beta thinks Monica is definitely not such a patient person. In order to realize your ambitions, you can hide your nature completely, which is also a skill.

At least Beta doesn't think she can do that.

In the evening, Monica dragged her tired body and walked back. The three eyes that looked at her, both with * and some disdain.

After only one day, their eyes changed a lot, at least a little more admiration.

Most of the mercenaries are of civilian or even poor origin. They will respect this pastor who is willing to treat the civilians for free.

Back in the bedroom, Beta casts a magic spell to relieve Monica's fatigue, and then says, "If you can continue today's things, the maiden will probably compete in the future."

"I don't want to!" Monica shook her head: "The maiden can only be a dozen or twenty years. In the meantime, he can't find a man. More is just a symbol. "

When Monica spoke, the ambitions in her eyes began to burn like flames.

Beta felt that Monica was full of mobility.

Just to be a pope is somewhat difficult. After all, there is no precedent, it is more difficult than becoming a queen.

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