Noble Emblem

Chapter 963: Feel you like mom

Although Monica's expression of "I think again", I also conducted a very severe assessment on this young mercenary squad, which made the young people in this team lose confidence.

But in the end, Monica agreed to recruit them: "Although you are not capable and have insufficient experience. There is not enough cooperation, but I can see that you are very enthusiastic, which I prefer. If you like, we will Sign a contract. "

The squad of seven young mercenaries erupted.

The fledgling mercenary squad can go in two directions.

One is to take the task directly to the mercenary union. Even with inexperience, they dared to charge their heads. After encountering blood, either the mercenary team was disbanded or the mercenary team evolved into a mercenary group after changing a large number of people. The survival rate of this method is a bit low.

The second method has a much higher survival rate, which is to find a big man, hold his thigh, and join his majesty. Eating a fixed salary, slowly training their skills, understanding things in the mercenary world, and exploring outside intelligence. Occasionally complete the tasks assigned by the big men, and in the free time, you can also pick up some simple tasks to train the team members. In such a few years, a mature mercenary squad can take shape.

However, the big men usually train their own team, know the basics, have high trust on both sides, and high loyalty, and rarely recruit people directly from the outside.

Therefore, although mercenaries all like the second route, unfortunately only about one percent of the mercenary squads can find suitable, long-term cooperative employers. Most mercenary squads sign short-term contract contracts.

And it was still the kind of contract that was used as cannon fodder.

After the members of the mercenary squad started busy, Zhang Luo signed the contract. Since there is going to be a master, it is natural to be diligent. The other is that they want to make a good impression on Monica.

Very beautiful and young mistress, or the archbishop ... what if she blinded her eyes and saw herself? Can fight less for decades.

With a few hard-working, highly-actionable lads running errands, the signing of the contract was completed in a matter of minutes.

After closing the contract, Monica pointed to Beta and said, "This is your second person in charge. If I encounter any emergency when I am not there, his words will be the same as mine. Understand?

Seven young men stared at Beta, with a slight hostility in their eyes. This is not the kind of hostility with bad intentions, but simply the hostility of young people to see 'love rivals'.

Such a look Beta sees much more.

Young pastors with large votes under their own hands, although most of them admire themselves, will often show such expressions.

Who told him to take over the top beauties such as Shirley, Emma, ​​Judy.

Man itself is a rather contradictory creature, and it is not surprising that there is worship and hostility towards someone at the same time.

In this way, the hostility to female instincts is not a big thing, as long as it can be controlled, it is normal.

After recruiting his new squad, Monica took them to the church in the northwest for job transfer.

The holy city of life gods is very large, and the area in the northwestern suburbs is roughly equivalent to a small city with a population of nearly 600,000.

When Monica appeared at the door of the church, the two temple guards guarding her looked at her with unfriendly eyes.

They know who they are coming from, but it is also because they know it.

No matter which deity is the rule, a temple holds all the activities of believers around it, receiving their ‘donations’ and their beliefs.

The transfer of jobs means that they can no longer stay here. Although they are guards, as long as they rely on the temple, they can also get good benefits, and they can scrape a lot of oil and water from the believers.

With their departure, all of this will be a thing of the past, the good old days will disappear, and they may even face the risk of 'unemployment'.

Again, breaking money is like killing parents. It's strange that these guards can give Monica a good look.

Entering the temple, I saw an old archbishop doing his salute.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the old man turned around and looked up and down Monica for a while.

And Monica was looking at him.

The old man was very old and his eyes were almost covering his pupils. According to the common sense that a professional can live for a long time, Monica estimates that he should be at least over a hundred years old, but the vitality in the other person's body is still very strong, which is a little stronger than ordinary young people.

"You're the new archbishop, and the only female archbishop?" The old man's voice was quite indifferent, and there was even a little discomfort in it: "You better be careful yourself."

Monica was annoyed at the earless words: "Archbishop Rofiss, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

There was a smile on the corner of the old man's mouth, then he waved his hand and took a few of his men to let them leave with salute.

Monica squinted and watched Ruffells leave, and stood still for a while, wondering what he was thinking.

Not long after, Harriman, the captain of the California Hotel Squad came in from outside, and said to Monica: "Master, the old man took all the guards away."

"It's normal." Monica looked at the empty church with a smile on her face. "Go and see what remains of this church. Give me a list."

The squad immediately acted, walking around the huge church.

At this time Monica asked Beta: "Why do you want me to recruit these young people. They are not strong, they are not well connected, and it is difficult to support this church."

"But it's better than what you call, the so-called 'veteran'." Beta explained: "The veterans don't know what they will think about, and they don't know if they are from other forces. The composition is very complicated. Archbishop, the information is too bad. If you mess up, you will only be taken advantage of by others. You are now under the fence, not in the palace a few years ago. "

"Yeah, it's quite different." Monica smiled bitterly. "I was a princess and a shadow queen at the time. Now I'm just an archbishop without power and power. And I'm a weak beauty."

Beauty is real, but weakness is not necessarily.

Although Monica is now beside her, she is harmless. But if someone really offends her, where she can't see it, that person will definitely die terribly.

Thinking of this, Beta remembered that the three mercenaries before them had disappeared.

Beta didn't know where they disappeared.

Looking around, Beta thought she had nothing to do with herself and said, "Take care of this church yourself, I'll go out and walk."

"What are you going to do?" Monica stared.

There was a faint demeanor in which the wife asked her husband if he wanted to go out and fooling around. Beta rolled her eyes helplessly: "It doesn't seem like you need to agree, I just want to say something to you."


Monica also scratched her smooth chin with her little fingers, which seemed very awkward.

Beta turned, waved her hand, and walked out of the church.

At this time in the afternoon, the street traffic here in the Northwest District is obviously not as good as the center of the city. And compared to several other areas of the Holy City, there seems to be a gap.

Walk casually on the street, occasionally snacking. Towards the evening, he had seen four brawls on the street, and one more weapon.

Beta always watched, and no one helped.

Because these four fights can't see which side is good and which side is bad, both sides seem to be fierce, and most of them are black forces fighting each other.

By evening, Beta had shot.

An ordinary-looking woman screamed and was dragged into the alley by two big men. There were many pedestrians around, but everyone thought they had not seen it, but accelerated away.

Beta followed them to the alley and watched quietly.

When the two former Han women pressed against the wall, when they were about to start, they saw Beta and were very upset and said, "Shit, get out."

The woman saw Beta, struggled hard, and yelled for help.

Beta followed closely and looked at them.

The two big men looked at Beta's dress, and then looked at the long sword around his waist, a little daunting. One of them said, "Boy, don't come here to die, we are from the Black Fox gang, and we are all in the western suburbs."

"Black Fox Gang? Is it amazing?" Beta asked curiously, "Your boss must be fierce."

"Of course." One of them said, "Our boss just chopped up a whole family of sixteen a few days ago and threw them to pig farms for feed. There are always so many dozens who are not afraid of death every month. The dung of pigs keeps them white and tender. They can be released in less than six months. "

Beta sounded.

"Boy, get out before we get angry."

Beta gently nodded: "Well ~ ~ Very good. The first Liwei's object was found. So sometimes a woman's luck is good, just walking around can help her find a **** that opens the situation . "

Hearing this according to the woman's big man, Li feels a bit wrong, Li Li asked: "boy, what do you mean?"

Beta didn't speak, and Jianguang flashed. Two great people landed on their heads.

The woman screamed and ran out of the alley.

Beta then went to the tavern and came out about half an hour later. Two silver coins asked the situation of the Black Fox Gang. To snoop on such a small black force, it is not necessary to use the power of the mercenary union or the assassin union.

Moreover, the fees of these two unions are also very expensive.

Beta is not short of money, but thrift is still a good habit.

Back in the West End church, Monica looked at him dissatisfied: "We are here to clean the church hard. You'd better go out and play until it gets dark."

Beta squinted at her: "How do I feel like you and my mother."

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