Noble Emblem

Chapter 971: Strange things

As a hero, Ayros has not been happy recently. I finally found a very good city, and finally met a young girl who could make her heart love, which should be a double happiness, why suddenly this cute girl actually has a man.

He couldn't breathe because of his heartache. Recently, he was drunk every day, lingering in the tavern, lingering with the beautiful flowing warbler, hoping that he could forget the lovely girl in this way.

But he found that he couldn't do it.

Ai Luosi once remembered that one of his elders said: If you are emotionally frustrated, the best way is to find other women fooling around, mingling with each other. You don't need a month to forget what love is.

He did the same.

But no effect at all.

He came out of the pub that day and was drunk. After soaking in the cask for a night, even if he was a professional, he couldn't help his head from getting dizzy.

Then he somehow came to the city hall, and then just saw that Emma was going to work in the city hall.

Stupidly, when he saw the girl he liked, he immediately stepped forward, dissected his heart, and uttered all his words.

What you are my favorite, you appear in my dream every night, I see you, I can't walk, I will be good to you, I will love you all my life.

There were so many people coming and going in the city hall, and Emma was so embarrassed that she couldn't help it, and she was very angry. Just forcing the other party to confess her mind, she couldn't do anything, for fear of affecting the reputation of the city's main government.

It is always bad to hit someone for no reason.

Then she endured in front of the door and wanted to leave but found that this guy seemed to be the brave who left her some impression last time.

The man talked endlessly, and Emma made several attempts to interrupt the other party, but it had no effect.

Just when she was getting impatient, Shirley came.

Now that Shirley is no longer a virgin, naturally she is no longer a saint, and then her strength drops several levels in a row, at most she has more elites. Beta is thinking about whether she can be sealed as a second-level knight, anyway, Shirley still has a place there.

But Emma shook her head and refused. She said that she is still a member of the Storm God, and will not consider these things for the time being.

If Emma was still at the maiden level, she would not dare to say that she would win, but there is no problem in protecting herself, but it is not working now.

So Shirley's arrival directly reassured her a lot.

She could see that the young man was drunk, and it was not unusual for the drunk to do anything. At this time, Emma felt that Beta was better, she never drunk more, and never drunk.

At this time, Shirley, already legendary, flicked her fingers, and the intangible divine magic instantly explained Ayros' drunkness. The man stood still for a while, and his consciousness gradually woke up. He grinned a little, bent slightly towards Emma, ​​and said, "Sorry, it scared you."

Ayros' heart is really good, otherwise he cannot be a brave.

Emma took a deep breath: "It's all right, now that you're awake, I solemnly tell you that I have a man and I love my man so don't waste any more time."

This is already a very heavy statement, but Ayros has shown a strong tenacity at this time. He nodded softly: "Yes, I understand, sorry. Also, sorry again."

Bending down again and nodding slightly, Ayros left the city hall. Walk into the crowd. With a smile on his face, he stumbled across several streets, through alleys, and into unmanned undeveloped areas.

The last **** sat in the grass, covered her face, and cried like a child weighing almost two hundred pounds.

In the city hall, Shirley sat in a chair and said jokingly: "That young man is good, handsome and strong, and most importantly, he is infatuated with you, don't you really think about it?"

Emma reluctantly said, "How can it be, Beta is 1,000 times 10,000 times better than him. And even if someone is better than Beta, I depend on him. Do you want to drive me away, be alone? Exclusive Beta. "

Facing Emma's half-joking and half-serious expression, Shirley said gently, "A bit, I'm a woman after all."

Emma was silent for a moment, then looked up and smiled. "Thank you."

Shirley knew what she was thanking, and thanked herself for not having driven her away from the beginning. She thanked her for never telling her gossips in front of Beta and thanked her for teaching her a lot of ‘knowledge’.

"If possible, I want to be like a normal woman. Unfortunately, I can't do it, and Beta doesn't let me do it."

Although Shirley is indeed a scabbard, it is also a divine clone of Woking. But in essence, she is still a real woman, she has all the love and hate that a woman should have.

Every woman likes her own man and belongs to herself.

Just for Shirley, this wish will never come true. Her opponent is not Emma, ​​but a goddess who has the same appearance as herself, even more temperament than herself, Woking.

In a sense, she is still her mother.

In the country of Rulkan, a huge platinum dragon descended from the air, and those ants in black hats and black hats ran away like exploded nests.

Then the platinum dragon spit out a dragon's breath, from left to right, and then flew forward, then circled, and again.

In less than half an hour, these black 'ants' were almost killed. Although some people also tried to fight back, their little magic was impossible to leave a trace on the platinum dragon scales.

"It's boring." Noah looked at the remaining black spots below, and the huge dragon's mouth hummed softly. "I thought it could be a bit interesting, but the result is still vulnerable. Believers of the God of War, even the God of Wealth No believer can compare. "

As she was talking like this, a beam of red light suddenly shot out from below. Although she has a strong sense of magic and knows the power of this beam of light, the dragon's huge body becomes a burden at this time.

Noah could barely perform a maneuvering rollover, but the beam of light still hit the end of her right wing and cut the wing tip half a meter directly.

The angry dragon roared out, Noah looked down and was about to start the dragon's breath, but her eyes were shrunk, and her wings drew a force. The whole dragon lifted up and flew away. taste.

Flying back all the way, Noah circled over Woking City before falling into the appearance of an elf.

At this time, her face was a little pale, she exhaled, instead of returning to the Yingbin Building, she went to the city's main house and found Shirley.

"Call your man back, he's in big trouble."

Shirley frowned, but she saw Noah's look and asked seriously: "What the **** happened."

As a metal dragon, Noah was never afraid of the sky and the ground. The reason was simple, because she hadn't encountered anything that made her afraid.

But now she saw it.

"A meat ball." Noah's voice shuddered. "The divine meat ball is out. If I stay there again, I may die."

Shirley stood up. "I see."

She is a divine clone and naturally knows what is going on with the divine meat mass. Wen Yan's face also became a bit ugly.

At this moment, Beta received a message from Shirley in the sanctuary of life gods. There are only five words on the specially made blank paper: Important matters, please return quickly.

Beta shook gently, and the white paper turned into clear smoke. Then he went to the innermost part of the church, opened the door, and saw Monica changing clothes.

The ivory body caused blood to surge, Beta's eyes moved slightly, and then returned to normal: "Knowing that I am coming, why not shout in advance and say that you are changing clothes?"

"How could I know that you are coming." Monica put on her underwear unhurriedly. When she wore translucent silk underwear, she looked even more seductive.

But Beta didn't believe her words. When he came, he didn't deliberately lighten his footsteps. With Monica's ear strength, he could naturally hear footsteps and judge who came from the footsteps.

She was intentionally silent.

Beta doesn't want to pierce through this, he said: "I have to go back to Okinawa City. If you are unlucky, it may take a long time to come here. You must be careful here."

After hearing a word, Monica no longer wore clothes, and looked up and asked, "What's important?"

"It's definitely not a trivial matter for Shirley to send me an emergency message," Beta explained. "Of course, as long as I have free time, I will come and help you."

Monica smiled astringently: "Well, well, I know."

"In addition, this is the magic equipment for protection." Beta put a magic bracelet in front of the other person: "I know your spider incarnation is very practical, but in case of any tension, there are many life-saving equipment, and many more Some confidence. "

"Well, I know." Monica grabbed the magic equipment and smiled happily: "Hurry up, I don't have so much scruples after you leave, I don't know how happy I am ~ ~ Beta smiled at her, and then disappeared into the air with a whimper.

Teleport magic!

Monica put on her pajamas and sat on the bed, shaking her pretty long legs gently. The magic bracelet was placed on her lower abdomen, and she felt a warm breath flowing into her body.

"Dead man, a woman tells you to go back and go back, really no opinion!"

Beta teleported back to Ottawa, and found Shirley, Noah, and even Emma waiting in the study.

He asked, "What happened?"

"An evil **** came to life!" Shirley replied.

Beta froze, then said, "It's impossible! There weren't any fluctuations in alien space before, not even divine rejection."

Noah suddenly said, "I can see my eyes, but you can't doubt my dragon."

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