Noble Emblem

Chapter 976: Road to flowers

Who is standing behind you?

Although Joan is still immature as a maiden, she is very clever and studies hard. Especially after becoming a saint, she studied with Angel for a year.

From etiquette, to feminine gestures, dance, appreciation of art, etc., she was all attracted. By the way, she also has a good relationship with Angie, and she often listens to Angie's talk about the former court's interesting things. This includes some startling political struggles.

Therefore, her first reaction to seeing Loga's move was ‘someone borrowed this idiot ’s hand to find trouble with the gods’.

Loga froze, then became annoyed: "What's behind? I don't understand what you're saying? Anyway, this territory is mine now. What you want to do, you must get my consent."

Joan sneered and went to the horse.

The horse in this area seemed to be deterred by her momentum, and actually stepped back step by step. Loga's face on the horse became more ugly.

"Do you know, what does the maiden represent in a divine religion?" Joan looked at him, his eyes were ice-cold: "I can wear a sackcloth, I can carry dung and carry water like a farmer. But It does not mean that you can bully me as a peasant woman. Most of your appointments were stolen from home. "

Loga was frightened: "You ..."

I do not know when, a dozen priests, and dozens of temple guards surrounded the place.

Joan smiled coldly: "Isn't this normal? All our lords have good relations with all the lords of Hollevan. Even if there is some dissatisfaction in the secret, it is only a matter of interest. On the bright side, we help the poor get rich. It's essentially helping the lords increase their taxes. They welcome the time before they can prevent it. "

"You are messing around in the territory, and every lord dares to say nothing to you. Even my father is the same!"

As Roga growled, Joan shook her head: "You are really stupid. Except for your identity, your insight and ability are no different from ordinary civilians."

Many aristocrats, the most disgusting thing is that others downplayed his identity, Luo Jia is also one of them.

When he heard this, his face was flushed. He just looked at the encirclement next to him. He pressed down, but his hands holding the commission were shaking.

"Anyway, I am now the owner of this town of Edo." Roga shouted fiercely: "Now, you give me a break."

"Here is your father's territory. Of course we can go." Joan said lightly: "But you have to understand that once our deities leave from here, then the roads and temples in this territory will Withdraw, this territory will be added to the blacklist of our theology. "

Roga yelled angrily: "Your deities withdraw, and new deities will come in. Do you think you are necessary?"

"Your father doesn't think so."

Joan made a 'please' gesture: "You can leave now, but remember me, if I don't get an accurate answer, I will leave Ido town and leave this territory tomorrow."

Loga left indignantly.

Things soon passed to Beta's ears, and he sent Joan a magic message: Well done.

The Joan who received the message breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although she was very strong in front of Luo Jia, she was still young. Although she felt keenly that something was wrong and could make such an important decision, she still had no bottom in her heart.

I'm afraid that my judgment is wrong.

He was also afraid that the Pope felt that he was making his own claims.

Beta was dealing with government affairs in the study, while saying, "It seems that not only is there a force against me outside, but some people in Holebun also look at us unpleasantly. Let Katie go and find out what's going on and make it clear. . "

Shirley nodded. "Well,"

"In addition, the few days I visited the Elf Clan, you folks who are staying in Okinawa City must also pay attention to safety. Now as our power increases, we gradually appear in front of the world stage, noting our There will be more and more people. "

Such caring words are rarely said by Beta. After listening, Shirley smiled and said, "Relax, I am also a legend. I dare not say that you are better than you, but there are no problems if you want to protect a few women."

Beta thinks so too.

In Winterwind City, Barbara is wiping tears. She hugged her four-year-old son and weeping, "Where is the battlefield, do you have to go? Do you care about our mother and son?"

Kyle smiled slightly bitterly: "I heard my blood screaming, and it made me immediately rush to the land that was infected with evil."

"You are the father of two children now, not a brave man." Barbara hugged the child in one hand and hammered Kyle's chest weakly in the other: "You are gone, in case something happens, let me What about children? "

Looking at his wife who was crying with pears and rain, Kyle sighed longly: "But ..."

"I agree with Anna as your lover. I don't ask anything." If Barbara was crazy, the magic began to flow: "So the head office, don't you go?"

The little boy in her arms saw her mother cry, and she cried.

This was a sign that the magical spirit was about to run away. Kyle rushed over immediately, hugged his wife and children, and said painfully, "Okay, okay, I won't go, I won't worry."

Barbara was relieved, and Kyle put the wiped suit back and sealed it in the small warehouse.

That night, Anna was received by Barbara to the castle, and the two magicians were less ... women tried their best to make Kyle admirably.

It was also from this night that Kyle became very unmotivated. At first Barbara thought he was being squeezed too hard by the two of them, but after a few days, Kyle's spirit did not reply, but the whole person became weaker and weaker.

Barbara was at a loss, and didn't figure out what was going on with all kinds of magic.

In the end, Sofila, who was rushed back from the Blue Water Port, told her daughter, "I estimate that this is the consequence of Kyle's resistance to his professional 'responsibility'."

"What do you mean?" Barbara's voice was a little panicked.

"He is a brave. The duty of a brave is to fight evil." Sophia smiled bitterly: "Knowing that there are evil gods there, but can't clean it up. If it is force majeure, he may still feel at ease, but now he is estimated to face professional ethics and blood instincts Double torture. "

Barbara squatted and cried.

"If you continue this way, he will definitely die." Sophia also said with a pained expression: "He is your husband. If it is possible, I do not want to persuade you like this, but he may not be able to return when he goes out. It is better than staying at home. It is much better to die because of conscience. "

Barbara couldn't help crying.

In the evening, Kyle, who had been dozing for a day, suddenly felt some strength on his body. He got up and found that the brave suit was put on his bedside sometime.

He smiled, slowly descended, and began wiping his gear again. His spirit was gradually recovering, and his expression gradually became firmer.

In the middle of the night, well-equipped Kyle came to the attic. Every time their husband and wife quarrel, Barbara always hides in this place and becomes sullen, and this time is no exception.

Looking at his wife's thin back, Kyle said, "Help me tell Belin so she doesn't worry. In addition, Anna, please help you take care of it."

Barbara did not move.

Kyle stood for a moment and turned to leave. After a while, a majestic warhorse left with a young soldier.

Barbara's shoulders kept trembling.

Flowers are raining around the elven forest.

Beta emerged near the magic coordinates, and then released Angel from the mansion space.

Wearing a purple lady's long dress, she looked around and said with surprise, "What a beautiful place."

"This is part of the Elven Forest, and of course it is beautiful." Coco Yarra descended from the air as the voice came. "Your teleportation magic is so powerful that you can teleport so far."

"It's not too bad, it's broken three times."

Beta looks at Coco Yarra, probably because of an official visit. Coco Yara is now dressed very beautifully. Flowers of different colors are painted on the turquoise silk. Such complex and changeable colors, if worn on the body of ordinary women, can only be a vulgar feeling.

However, Coco Yara has held up this dress with a very high value, slender and soft body, fair skin, and the queen's aura.

As if only this many colors dress style can match her.

Angela looked at Coco Yarra with envy, she just imagined the effect of wearing this kind of clothes on her body.

Totally spicy eyes.

Coco Yarra walked up to Beta, and then looked left and right: "Where are your magic coordinates? I can't feel it?"

Beta pointed not far away, under a bush of flowers.

Coco Yarra walked over to ~ and felt it again for a while, then said helplessly: "Your space accomplishment can make all space magicians commit suicide."

Beta laughed: "At least the world tree can be found casually."

Beta remembers that World Tree almost immediately exiled him to the void.

"Mother is of course different." World Tree said for granted: "Well, let's go in now."

She waved her hand, the trees in front leaned to the sides, and a path appeared in front of the three. This is not over, many flowers of different colors suddenly appeared on both sides of the path, and some flowers even shone.

The dark forest trail reflects like a crystal fantasy world.

Angela exclaimed on the spot: "So beautiful!"

Beta said quietly: "The road to flowers, the elves' highest hospitality etiquette."

Coco Yarra was a little surprised: "You even know this? You seem to know a lot about our elves."

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