Noble Emblem

Chapter 982: Come and go

Beta's popularity in the Elven Forest is now quite high.

After all, the elves are very simple. Although they are proud, they don't have many twists and turns. When Beta was building a large teleportation magic circle, a mage's hand used a magical axe and magical powers. The magical powers were magical and exquisite, and what made their scalp numb was that none of the elves who watched it looked Understand what the magic circle is all about.

Elves do not worship people who are particularly strong, but they worship people who are particularly technically capable.

The large magic teleportation array is an advanced application of ‘skills’. From the point of view of the elves, it is stronger than those violent mages who are in a big storm with a wave of their hands.

Magic should be used to improve life, not to fight.

When Coco Yala took Beta to visit, they met other elves. They just glanced at Beta, without any expression.

But now, when they see Beta, they will say hello and even smile.

Angie was surprised: "Beta, why are you suddenly so popular?"

Coco Yarra smiled beside him: "If he can stay with our elves, there are countless beautiful people who are willing to follow him."

Hearing this, Angel immediately grasped Beta's arm and looked a little unhappy.

Coco Yarra smiled again, and smiled Anger's face turned red.

Next, Cocoara and the little queen took Beta and Angel to several famous attractions outside the city of the elven king.

For example, Morning Star Valley, Hua Yutian, etc.

In the evening, Beta ate a light but rather delicious fruit dinner of the elves in the cabin, and when she was about to rest, she heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door, and there was a beautiful female elf outside, and handed him a straw basket covered with a white towel: "Thank you for saving me before. This is my heart."

Bringing the basket to Beta, the female elf bent down slightly, and then left.

Beta returned to the room, opened the white cloth on the basket, and found some fruits inside, exuding a delicate fragrance.

Angel was a little strange: "Do you know any other elves?"

"She was rescued from the slave traffickers before." Beta's memory is quite good. The temperament of this female elf has changed greatly from the original. There is no cynicism on her body when she was just rescued. It seemed a lot quieter, and I came out of the shadows: "I almost forgot about it, I didn't expect her to remember it."

"Everyone will remember such an important thing." Angie smiled. "Sherley confessed before she came. If any elves want to seduce, they must be stopped and you must be squeezed out. Lest you stay I don't want to go back in Elves. "

"It's OK to squeeze it now." Beta slaps Angel's waist.

The next day, Beta and Angie woke up. Beta was no different from yesterday. Angie looked radiant.

Coco Yarra brought the little queen over, and the four sat chatting for a while. After two days of getting along, the little queen was not as wary of Beta.

She even asked curiously, "Do you guys, men, like our elf women very much? I saw this in my book and said that you specifically caught our women and went back to be wives."

Angie wanted to laugh a little, and was a little awkward.

Beta thought for a while and said, "Elf women almost overlap with the perfect female image in the eyes of us human men."

Oh ... the little queen nodded.

Coco Yarra then asked, "Did you go back today?"

"The first magic circle has been built, and we can teleport directly." Beta smiled. "I will prepare the follow-up magic materials soon, and I will be back in a few days. The large teleportation magic circle promised to come down, I It will be built for you for free. "

Coco Yarra said: "It so happens that the queen and I, as well as the royal guard of honor, also passed along."

"So urgent?" Beta was a little surprised.

He had long guessed that after the completion of the large-scale magic formation, the little queen would definitely come to visit Holeibon or Okinkin City, but did not expect that she would follow the same path when she returned.

"I had this idea for a long time, but it was only a long way, that didn't let the queen travel." Coco Yarra laughed. "But now with a large teleportation magic circle, the meaning is different. I have to say that this is a miracle invention."

Although the elves usually live very leisurely, once they decide something, their execution is not bad. Only half a day, the honor guards had been selected, and there were even some elves who applied to visit Okinawa City.

They've heard that the Elves have a reserved area over there, sheltered by a small enchantment in the mother tree.

They really don't like going out, but if there is a ‘small family’ over there, it ’s not a bad thing to go out occasionally.

Calvert was among them, and he wanted to meet his wife.

In the afternoon, many people gathered beside the large teleportation magic circle. A guard of honor wearing a turquoise robe, some citizens traveling with the past, and a group of onlookers.

World Tree stood on the high platform, watching the large magic array sigh slightly. She also wants to go out for a walk, but it is a tree, and the spiritual body cannot be too far away from the body.

Otherwise she will also enter the magic circle.

After a farewell, more than a hundred people entered the magic circle with Beta, and then disappeared into a white light.

In the large teleportation magic circle in the center of Okinawa City Temple Square, a bright light began to emerge. A few seconds later, more than a hundred elves appeared in the magic circle.

After a brief vertigo, the elves looked around and found that they really left the elven forest ~ ~ they couldn't help crying.

Coco Yala shouted, "Honor of honor, raise the banner of the king."

The tall blue and purple giant tree heraldic flag fluttered in the breeze. Because there is a large teleportation magic circle, and there are many travelers waiting for the next teleportation, they are a little surprised when they see the high Elf King Banner.

Because this is the first time that the Elves have been sent to another country in the past thousand years, no one can recognize what this purple giant tree coat of arms represents.

But the more than one hundred elves' honor guards could well indicate their identities.

What's more, wearing a crown and a majestic little queen is extremely attractive.

Beta led the guard of honor to the city's main government house. The little queen and some important personnel lived in. The members of the guard of honor naturally assigned to the Ying Hotel for a temporary stay.

Then less than a day, with the joint efforts of the mercenary union, the assassin union, and the bard union, the whole country of Holebun knew one thing.

The new elven queen envoys to Oklahoma City.

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