Noble Emblem

Chapter 986: Grinding disc

986 Untitled

Beta lay in the commander's camp for a while, with Judy's soft thighs under her head. And Judy gently helped him rub his temples and wanted to use this method to help him recover.

Katy began to screen out whether anyone in the coalition was ‘unstable’. The spiritual pollution of evil gods is generally quite severe. Even if there is a pastor, it is difficult to guarantee foolproofness.

As a Dark Archon, she has the special ability given by the goddess, and can see the general mental state of a believer.

After all, it is a sacred shadow scavenger. What can I do without a killer?

Kyle walked around the barracks with a team of mercenaries, as if the enemy was attacking.

Beta slept for about two hours, feeling more comfortable, and got up from Judy's thigh to find Woolley.

"Pope, is there anything I can do for you?"

Woolley saluted slightly.

Beta smiled. "Sorry, I have to take your command right away. I have to convene a general and have a combat meeting."

Woolley also laughed: "It's all right, this is what it should be, Pope."

Then he quit, ringing the bell for the generals.

Soon a group of people gathered around a round table.

This round table was conceived by Beta using the magic of the soil system, and a simple sand table was placed on it.

"The convening of a combat meeting was because I had an immature idea." Beta didn't say any nonsense, straight to the topic, this is the battlefield, not the parliament hall of Okinkin: "I looked at the terrain here and found that here is A good grinding disc. "

Most people didn't understand what this meant, but Woolley understood.

He burst into his heart and asked, "Pope, do you mean, we are going to stay here? Use the terrain to kill waves of enemies?"

Hearing Woolley's explanation, everyone else understood what was going on. Although it was not long before I ate the hero feast, I still had courage to strengthen my state.

But this has nothing to do with being weak, staying in one place, and the opponent's military strength is several times his own. In this way, it is true that the own side will have some advantages in the early stage. After all, but over time, the number of people on your side will gradually decrease due to casualties, and then gradually become a disadvantage.

Except for Judy and Katy, almost everyone frowned.

Kyle asked, "Teacher, do we have to stay here?"

"Don't stand still." Beta saw the expressions of the people around her, guessed roughly what they were thinking, and smiled: "Did you forget about our specials in Woking City?"

Everyone looked a little inexplicable.

Beta reminded: "Teleport magic."

As soon as this word came out, everyone understood it. Woolley was also relieved, not planning to build a flesh mill here.

Someone asked, "Under the Pope's crown, you can build large teleportation magic circles here?"

"As long as there is material, it can be anywhere." Beta continued: "I planned it that way. After the magic formation was completed, the injured were first sent back first, and then a group of people were transferred from the temple. Then the next day Send another group of people back, and draw another group of people. This way, about ten days, our people can rotate once, and with the large teleportation magic array, the transmission of materials is not a problem. We can build here. A defensive measure that consumes the enemy ’s strength. "

Kyle asked: "Aren't we taking the initiative?"

"How to attack?" Beta sighed. "Our strength is still too weak. It would be great to build a line of defense here, consume their power, and prevent them from crossing the border with Hollevan."

Kyle has also led troops to fight the Bear Clan for several years. After hearing this, I feel that this is indeed the truth.

Still, things cannot be perfect. Although the wealth theology has developed rapidly, its foundation is still unstable. Some areas are temporarily keeping up with the pace of development.

In fact, this is also normal. It can't be just a few years. Not only has the road been repaired, the reputation has been gained, but the money has also been earned.

Beta can do the first three, and the God of Wealth now has the power to protect himself. From the perspective of everyone, his leadership ability is already outstanding.

Can't ask for more.

A powerful army requires not only money and food, but also time for training and deposition.

"Furthermore, dealing with evil gods is not only about our wealth theology, but also the water religion." Beta said lightly: "Other denominations of order should also be shot. There is also the Liberation Army of Kebermanlang and so on. Being able to sustain a front is a great contribution. "

Everyone felt very reasonable.

"I'll build a teleportation magic formation in a while." Beta looked at Kyle and the other generals. "You must play a twelve-point mental defense during this time, try not to let people interfere with me."

"Judy, you are scouting in the air. If you find a character suspected of the enemy's leader, you can try to attack, but you and your team's safety must be the highest priority."

"Bishop Woolley, you are responsible for appeasing the spirit and psychology of the soldiers, so that they do not have war exhaustion, and tell them about it."

"Katy, you and the dark guard are responsible for wandering along the foot of the mountain, and try to reduce the number of enemies while keeping your own safety."

After everything was arranged, Beta began to build a teleportation magic circle.

Such a large magic will have a very strong magic wave when it is building. The followers of the evil gods began to surround themselves, but were first killed by a rolling stone, and then Kell led someone to charge back.

Although a great victory was achieved, dozens of mercenaries were killed. Even the corpses could not be recovered, and the worshippers of the evil gods got into the big resistance and turned into flesh and blood paste.

After more than half an hour, Beta's large teleportation magic formation was set up.

The first mercenaries and priests to return for rotation soon decided. After Beta talked about something, she took them back, and immediately held a high-level meeting.

The meeting soon ended, and Shirley began to give instructions to all the temples, asking them to deploy as many temple guards as possible, and young priests to Woking City.

She has even considered that if it is impossible to gather two or three thousand people, then she should consider letting the priests who go to the countryside temporarily stop poverty alleviation and return to all temples to alleviate the current pressure.

While Beta was taking a break, while coordinating military supplies, Coco Yala came to her door.

She changed into a very powerful magic robe today. Through the conversion of the magical robe, the leaked spiritual power turned into a ray of magic aura, and it was extremely scary to look at it.

"Ma'am, are you going to take the little queen back to the forest?"

"No, on the contrary, I want the Queen to see the real battlefield."

Beta was rather surprised: "Do you mean, want to take the little queen to the battlefield with us?"

Coco Yala nodded.

Beta frowned. "Your news is too well understood."

It has been only a few hours since Beta decided to use the teleportation magic array for material support and rotation.

But Coco Yarra came to the door.

"I figured it out." Coco Yarra smiled. "It's not that difficult. After you go out for a few days, you teleported back suddenly, indicating that you have established a large teleportation magic there. With this thing, the battlefield It becomes less dangerous. "

"But Wan Yisheng has no eyes."

Beta really doesn't want the little queen to appear on the battlefield, and there will be more forces on the battlefield. There will definitely be some more trouble on the battlefield, and maybe he will take care of this little queen.

"Rest assured, we won't pass by many people," Coco Yala explained: "I just want the little queen to learn something that can't be learned in the forest, and to see something that can't be seen in the forest."

Beta understands Cocoara's idea.

In order for her little queen to grow, she really had to work hard. Coco Yarra was a big man during the Elven Empire, and she knew what qualities a qualified queen needed.

Especially what kind of ability and insight the queen should have during the war.

It can be said that the current little queen does not have any ability and demeanor that the queen should have.

Beta thought about it and said, "It's a bit of a hassle."

"We provide a thousand tons of candied fruit for free." Coco Yarra smiled. "We are allies. We have difficulties. Shouldn't we help each other when needed?"

Coco Yala is playing emotional cards, and then supplemented by benefits, is a solemn conspiracy.

Beta smiled helplessly: "Okay, but we dare not guarantee the safety of the little queen."

"We can guarantee it for ourselves," Coco Yarra arrogantly said, and then the magic aura of his body became more obvious.

Yes, it is not difficult for a demigod to protect one or two people, not to mention the little queen's strength is not bad, at least he is a master-level professional, but he can't see his career for the time being.

Two days later, some mercenaries and temple guards, as well as priests, were assembled and sent to the front in two batches.

The little queen, Coco Yarra, and a dozen honor guard members were on the second transfer list. When the little queen and Cocoara appeared in the teleportation magic circle, the entire coalition cheered like a beast.

Beta twitched her mouth ~ ~ when they appeared, they didn't react so much.

Now the little queen of the elves appeared, they were all excited.

But it's normal to think about it, beauty is always more popular than handsome guys. Not to mention the little queen is an elf.

Human men naturally have an inexplicable affection for elf women.

In cheers, the little queen was not stage frightened at all, and she even waved to the soldiers around with a smile.

This made the soldiers even more excited.

Cheers were louder.

Cocoara is pleased with the performance of the little queen.

But two hours later, the little queen's performance was not so good. She hid somewhere in the camp and kept retching.

A sudden conflict half an hour ago, the battlefield where flesh and blood flew, the **** smell in the air, directly made the little queen unable to adapt.

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