Noble Emblem

Chapter 990: Divinity

? 990 Untitled

"No. Although we are short of troops, we still haven't reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted." Beta smiled. "If it doesn't work, we will put Solirana into the war."

There are four dragons in Okinkin, although two of them are baby dragons. But Solirana and the other Golden Dragon are not weak, and they usually stay in Okinawa City.

"I will stay in Okinawa City for a while," Beta said. "There is no need for me to go to the battlefield over the battlefield. There are large teleportation magic formations, and materials and forces can be guaranteed. Those evil gods will be killed Believers, it's not too difficult. "

Hearing that Beta was willing to stay in Okinawa City, Shirley was naturally very happy.

Beta intends to deal with the government affairs accumulated in Okinkin first, and then go to the Temple of Life to take a look and help Monica.

But things did not go as he imagined.

In the middle of the day, after he and Shirley ’s “hand-to-hand”, he was sleeping comfortably, but suddenly felt that someone was sitting on his body.

As a result of years of fighting consciousness, he was subconsciously a waist ... want to stand up, but when he heard a scream, he only saw Akua in a blue dress and rolled his hips.

Beta had a black line on his face, because he had just slept naked because of the flesh-and-blood relationship, and because of the domineering blood of the Dragons, when he slept, he usually did not fall.

This waist seemed to pierce into a narrow hole. Although only a small half went in.

At this time Shirley also woke up. She saw the water **** Akua on the ground and wisely said to herself, "Ah, I seem to have dreamed and continue to sleep."

Then he lie back and lay back.

Beta immediately put on her pajamas, and then sat on the bed watching Akuya roll on the ground for a while, during which the goddess naturally leaked all kinds of spring light. Finally he said helplessly: "Goddess Acuia, don't pretend. That injury has no effect on you at all."

Akua stood up stupidly, but soon she put on an unpleasant face and said, "However, you were blasphemy just now."

Beta froze helplessly. It is clear that the goddess is deliberately touching porcelain. Intentionally not wearing underwear, deliberately sitting on a naked man.

"What the **** is worthy of the goddess, you even want to insult your innocence and give me a set." Beta feels like she's going to be pitted by the other party.

Akua's jade-like hands patted, "It is indeed the future pope that Woking and I fancy at the same time. It is really smart. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Even goddess you can't do, how can I help you."

"You can't say that, there are many things that the gods can't do, otherwise there won't be any gods falling down, you're right." At this time, Akua's expression changed obviously, and that look was funny. The field was gone, becoming calm, and even being holy: "I need you to help me kill the hungry god, and then get me back his godhead."

Beta frowned. "Wait, who is the Starving God?"

"It's the one you want to deal with now." Akuya shimmered, holy and dignified: "He is the **** of hunger, once the **** of war."

"Why fall?" Beta was a little puzzled. "The **** of war should be a neutral god."

"He came to me." Akua's expression was not so good. "Anyway, you help me kill him, and then you take out his character and give it to me, it's that simple."

But God, this is not a simple matter.

Beta shook her head: "I'm not an opponent of evil gods, and I can't touch the godhead. Besides, goddess, you are the only **** who can act on the main plane with full strength. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with an evil **** who descended from God.

"In general, I am indeed better than him. But he has a few spells against me, not to mention the previous me, even if I am going up now, it is just that he is stunned."


Can the hungry **** restrain the water god?

Beta thought it was impossible, but looking at Akua didn't seem to be telling a lie.

Beta shook her head: "Goddess, again, I'm not an opponent of the evil **** now. I can't devote all the power of the wealth gods to dealing with the evil god."

Akua stood up and smiled, "I'm just here to inform you, this is my matter. Woking will find you later."

Having said this, Akua turned into countless blue light spots and disappeared from the window.

Beta felt a little confused, and she lay down on the bed and was about to sleep, so she could go to the kingdom of Workin to ask what was going on.

But when Shirley blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, she asked curiously, "How does the goddess feel? How is it different from us?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't touch her."

"Lying, I'm a woman. The expression of the goddess Akua is half-true, you must have gone in."


"Go in."

Mixing his mouth, Beta soon fell asleep, and then, as Akua said, he came to the kingdom of Vol'jin.

Woking stood in front of him with a childlike appearance, dressed in a pale gold dress.

A table and two golden chairs have already been prepared.

Beta was also polite and sat down. Woking sat down at the same time and said, "Presumably Akua has gone to see you just now, and you promised her terms."

Beta frowned. "I'm weak."

"I know." Woking smiled. "Akuya originally wanted to give you a certain blessing so that you have a powerful power in the short term. But the evil **** restrained her power, and most importantly, if you have Akua's strength will actually anger that evil god, and you will become his main target, so she has not blessed you. "

Beta didn't speak, and he knew that Woking had something to say next.

"So Akua converted a lot of faith to me. It cost a bit, and she really bleeds this time." Woking stood up, his face seemed a little reddish, but it wasn't obvious: "So this time I will bring the blessings. "

Beta suddenly felt that her soul was bound by invisible power and could not move.

Woking Yingying walked in front of him, then slightly spread her legs and sat on his legs. The two face to face, the 'air' exhaled can feel each other.

With strange heat.

"Don't think about resistance, otherwise the effect of blessing will be reduced."

When Woking finished speaking, he closed his eyes and the man stuck it up.

Her twin peaks first hit Beta's chest, and then her wet lips were printed on Beta's lips.

A bit awkward scented tongue went into Beta's mouth and tangled with his tongue.

The clear and sweet breath diffused from the mouth to the nasal cavity, and then spread to the whole body.

There were two elastics on the chest, and the warm jelly was on top. Beta felt very comfortable and cozy.

At the same time consciousness is slowly sinking.

When he woke up, he found himself back in the real world. The sunlight from the window came in. He got up, opened the system interface, and saw a piece of system information.

‘You have a state of divine blessing’.

Divine blessing: A deity uses the power of his laws and the power of the gods to use it. You get the following status.

Divine Body (False): All your character attributes temporarily increase by 2 (30 days)

Divine Mastery (Fortune Gods): You can use all gods below the fifth rank of God of Fortune without being restricted by the spell bar.

Seeing these two attributes, Beta could not help but be a little surprised, even if she was well-informed.

Whether it is a divine body or a mastery of divine skill, although the description is not complicated, the strength of the characters brought by it is longer, but it is real.

Beta is a divine nobleman and legendary. Now all attributes of the character are 12.6. All attributes plus 2 points are 14.6.

Divine nobles can't change their own attribute growth, but they can accept temporary attribute increases, such as giant power and sensitivity can be added to characters.

This is exactly a rocket overflight. You know, Beta improves one level, and it only grows to 0.35.

In other words, Beta now has the character attributes at the level of deities and nobles.

The use of the magic powers of all wealth gods below the fifth level has greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

He also noticed that there is no time limit for the mastery of divine magic, that is, he can use all the divine spells below level 5 in the future?

He opened his system spell book and turned to the tab of ‘Divinity’, and he found a dense list of divinations, which he calculated at least forty-odd.

The goddess was really generous ... When Beta thought about it, she suddenly thought of the fragrant tongue that stuck into her mouth. The sweetest tongue was the best tongue he had ever tasted.

It's more delicious than Shirley and Judy.

I want to eat again ...

Beta patted her face violently, then went to the study and sat down to handle government affairs. After a while, Shirley came over and asked, "Is there anything the goddess wants from you?"

"She asked me to agree with Akua's request," Beta said.

"It's a bit dangerous ..." Shirley frowned, and then she suddenly walked over to Beta, sniffed, and said doubtfully, "Why do you smell like a goddess on your body, and it's still so thick? Still emanating from the soul . "

Are women's noses so spiritual? Can you smell the soul?

Beta had to explain: "The female blessed me divinely ~ ~ Divine blessing?" Shirley's eyes widened, then her face collapsed: "The goddess is also very active."

Looking at Shirley's weird eyes, Beta felt uncomfortable all over. He excuses: "I'll get used to my strength."

Then went to the backyard of the city hall.

It's very big here. Simply try the power and spells without any problems.

After trying the arcane missiles, I found that the power is much stronger. After all, the charm and intelligence have temporarily increased by two points.

With such power and numerous divine skills, it is not impossible to deal with evil gods.

PS: Sorry, there is only one change tonight.

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