Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 1 - #1 "Jack" and "Arno"

Here I am, returning home by bus. My name is...That's not important because I am just nobody, a university student without any special traits.

My personality...? I am lazy, unsociable, however, I am not unsociable because I don't want to talk to others...I just don't know how to talk to them. Especially girls...In University, I could be called average looking or slightly handsome when compared to the other boys but I have never known how to talk to the girls and not only girls...I simply find it too hard to find a good subject for holding a conversation with anybody.

And I won't lie that I find it tiresome to talk to them...most of them are stupid or just thinking about stupid things but I guess it depends on everyone's perspective, it's just how I see it...

But just judging from can tell that I have yet to date anyone...not like I care. If I could I would just marry my bed, she has been my good companion for numerous years, we also did many things together...*cough* I mean I did many things there.

"This is the last stop, everyone, please get off the bus" The announcement came through the speakers installed in the corners of the bus.

*sigh* Finally, why do I have to live so far away from University? I should have applied for the dorms there, however, that would mean that I would be at school 5 days out of the entire week. Don't want that...well, they have pretty cheap pizza there. That's probably the only thing that would be able to convince me to move into their dorms.

I got off the bus while looking around the bus station with half-opened and uninterested eyes.

"Help! Thief!" Some old lady shouted so I stopped walking and turned around to look in the shout's direction.

I saw a hooded man with a slim built running away from the old lady with her handbag. He was running precisely towards me.

Robbing during the broad daylight...? Are you stupid? I couldn't help but stare at him with a weird expression as if I was looking at a dumb person.

I always thought that this city is relatively least during the daylight. Certainly surprising to witness the robbery in the broad daylight in this city. I must be really lucky...

I was busy thinking about such useless things while still looking at him with the same weird look as before as he was running towards me. The others who witnessed the robbery and were in the direction where the man was escaping already moved from his way in fear that he has some weapon.

"Boy! Move away, do you want to get hurt?! There is no need to play a hero, the police will solve it later!" Someone shouted at me with a masculine voice from the sidelines with a worried tone.

I am not interested in being a hero...My life is indeed extremely boring, however, becoming a hero isn't my taste...It's too embarrassing and I would rather lie down on my bed or play video games instead of doing that shit.

"Get the fuċk out of my way, boy!!" The robber finally neared me and took out a knife from his jacket while running.

When I saw him pointing his knife at me I finally woke up from my thoughts.


I shouted in my mind and quickly slapped his hand holding the knife pointing at my stomach to the left while also stepping to the right side to have a better chance at dodging it.

I was able to dodge it and the man was shocked to see my sudden reaction. He tried to stab me while he was running pretty fast so it was only given that he tripped down after my sudden evasion while I also slapped away his hand, interrupting his entire balance a bit.

Ugh, I didn't want to get involved but now that I interrupted him like that, he won't let me go even if I wanted to since someone most likely already called the cops. Better to make sure that he won't be able to hurt me while he is still on the ground...

I thought and kicked the knife from his hand away while putting his hands behind his back and immobilized them by kneeling on them. I also grabbed him by the back of his neck and forced him to stay down even with his head. I didn't want to risk anything.

"Hey! Come help me with his legs!" I shouted at the man who most likely shouted at me to move to the safety previously.

"Wha-? Ah-! Y-Yes! I am coming!" He had dumbfounded expression and he was still recovering while he was running to help me.

He quickly came and kneeled on the robber's legs and just in case he also held them with his hands.

"Thanks" I nodded at the man who agreed to help me.

Fuck...this scared me a bit...Nah, it's probably just adrenaline running through my blood. Even caused me to wake up from my half-sleep mode, this totally ruined my day. I will no longer be able to fall asleep when I return back home.

I thought with a sad expression

*Nee-naw* *Nee-naw* We could already hear the police sirens from the distance.

"Grr! Let me go, you shitheads!!! You boy, you totally ruined my life. I won't forget your face!" The robber was growling at us while trying to wiggle out of our grip.

The man who was helping me immediately widened his eyes in fear because the robber wouldn't be in jail for long and he could come back for revenge. I, on the other hand, had to process what he just said.

'You totally ruined my life.'...? I was usually a calm person however this time something within me snapped. My eyes were twitching when I kept repeating his words in my mind.

"Ruined your life hah?! Now, listen to me you fuċker!!" I fully shouted out of my lungs and strenghtened my grip on his neck and forced him to face me.

"It's not my fuċkɨnġ problem! Who are you even to be such a dumb fuċk to rob at the broad daylight?!! Next time, go rob at night, I hope your little brain will remember my advice when you will get out of jail!" I started shouting and everyone was just looking at us with understanding expressions.

However, that wasn't the end.

"I don't give a shit for ruining your life! I didn't ask you to attack me! Instead, you ruined my entire day when I could just peacefully go home and sleep! Now I will have to go with the police fill the fuċkɨnġ forms for your fuċkɨnġ mistake, WELL DONE TO YOU, THANK-YOU!" I continued shouting at him and everyone's understanding expression immediately changed to dumbfounded expression once again.


'How is ruining someone's life and day equal?!' Everyone couldn't help but shout inside their mind.


"Now stop talking to me or I might do something that will get me into jail with you...well, most likely without you at that time." I calmed down a bit and said while giving him a death glare.

"..." The robber was so shocked and confused from my words that he had no strength to respond.



After a few hours spent at the police station, filling the forms and other stupid shit, we were finally free to go but they still informed us that they might call us for additional information.

"Boy, I must say that you really are a hero, haha! Do you practice martial arts?" The man heartily laughed while praising me and then asked with a curious expression.

Huh? Not at all...

"No, I don't" I replied in short.

"Really?! You reacted really fast even though he was just in front of you...I thought that you froze in place due to fear but you actually waited for the right moment, right?" He asked with a surprised and excited expression.

'Reacted really fast'...That's probably due to my "supernatural" ability.

I like to call it that way but it's just an inborn talent or something...

Basically, even though I just laze around at home and eat unhealthy stuff, I still have quite a good body, be it my weight or height. My height is enough to play basketball or volleyball, yet I am not called extremely tall. It's because I compensate it with my jumping power which is quite abnormal. My speed is also among the best ones in University despite not training anymore. Of course, stamina, for example, is something that I can't gain through talent.

Of course, I wasn't lazy my entire life, during my high school days, I was playing football a lot and pretty much any sport in PE lessons. I didn't care which sport we were playing because even though I have played that said sport for the first time, after a few minutes I was already on a level comparable to the students who were focusing numerous years on that sport. I was a fast learner.

At that time, I was extremely happy to be able to learn any sport so quickly, however, soon after, I discovered its weakness or maybe curse. Unfortunately, no sport kept me interested long enough to learn further and get on the professionals level and in the end, sports started to tire me.

"Hey, have I said something wrong?" He asked me with a concerned expression and his voice woke me from my daze.

"Eh? No...anyway, I will be going home, finally" I said and started to leave the police station.

"Wait, do you want me to drive you home" He asked me and I stopped to turn around at him.

Hmm...It's pretty late already...maybe I sho-

"Wait a minute, gentlemen" One of the police officers stopped us.

"Is there a problem?" The man with me asked with a confused expression.

"No no, but I would like to have a word with that young man" The police officer replied and the man looked at me.

I just nodded at him as to say that he should go ahead and don't wait for me.

"What is it, sir?" I asked with a slightly tired and annoyed tone.

"No need to be so formal, my name is Arno" He said and went for the handshake.

"Jack" I said with a straight face and accepted the handshake.

"Hm? That's not the name stated on your ID..." Arno said with an amused smile, awaiting my reaction.

"Sir, you didn't tell me your real name either, right?" I shrugged my shoulders and said with a bored look.

"...Hahaha, not only strong but also smart. That's right kiddo, it's my codename. Now that I have seen your strength, intelligence and the most importantly your eyes, I really want to offer you something." At first, he frowned but after a few seconds not seeing any change in my expression he immediately started to laugh.

"My eyes?" Instead of being interested in his offer, I wanted to ask him what he meant by mentioning my eyes.

I always only thought that they are a bit weird in, blue, yellow mixed together, like they couldn't agree on who is going to take a lead so they mixed together in such a weird combination.

"Yes...your almost lifeless eyes...You are extremely bored in your life, aren't you?"

"...What's it to you?" I replied with a question.

"Hehe, I am looking for people like you. People who are uninterested in anything in their life...My offer is..." He didn't say what is his offer immediately to see my response if I was getting impatient or if I was intrigued and when he saw my usual bored expression his smile grew even wider.

"Do you want to join our ranks?" He asked me which slightly surprised me.

Do you need to act so mysteriously to recruit someone into your ranks? Plus don't I need to finish a specific school for doing a cop work? No...he wouldn't be acting so mysteriously if he wanted me to join in normal ranks...

"What kind of ranks? Is there some kind of organization behind this city's police?" I asked with a suspicious expression.

"Hmm...kid, you are really smart but it's not nice to call it that way...They aren't doing bad least to the people who are behaving by the law, quite opposite, they even protect people like you." He answered with a thoughtful expression while observing me carefully.

Maybe it's some kind of anti-terrorist organization. I must admit that this "Arno" was able to draw my curiosity and since I spent here already a few hours, I might as well remain here for a few more minutes.

"And what does that job entail?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Hehe... an ȧssassination" He said in a low voice and carefully observed my expression.

Is this some kind of test to see through my character?

"...I see" I muttered with a thoughtful expression, however, there was not an inch of surprise visible on my face which once again surprised Arno.

...Why are you so surprised?

I thought with a weird expression since I found my reaction to be totally normal...

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