Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 103 - #102 Spear

The next morning when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the ceiling of the room. I was actually sleeping in sitting position and when I looked around myself, I saw Mera sleeping using my left shoulder as pillow and Gil sleeping using my right shoulder as a pillow while Dora was sleeping in lying position on our legs.

"..." I looked back up at the ceiling, trying to remember what exactly happened but I got a little headache, however, I ignored the pain and tried even harder to remember because I wouldn't want to not be aware if I actually banged all three of them...But considering that they have their clothes are on...although a bit tattered, they are still wearing them.

"Ugh..." I released an annoyed sound because I had a problem remembering anything except for our talk before we drank more than 20 bottles of wine.

Nah, it is impossible for me to actually bang all of them and not be aware of it. However, if they will suddenly act as if we have really done it then I won't know how to react.

"Mm?" Maybe my sour mood and fidgeting around a bit woke them up. All of them looked at my face with a slightly surprised expression.

"..." I just glanced at each of them without saying anything while keeping my guard up.

"Pfff, you look too cautious!" Gil was the first one to laugh and she sat up straight before giving me a morning slap on my back. Although she was laughing it was apparent that she was blushing a bit.

"..." Mera just took some distance away from me although I wouldn't call it a distance one would take from someone he hates. She was just staring at the empty bottles on the ground without saying anything.

"...?" Dora who saw both of their reaction looked confused, in the end, she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to using my ŀȧp as a pillow.

"Hey...I think there was enough sleeping for today." I said with a calm expression while trying to push her head away since I was having my usual morning reaction and she was dangerously close.

"...Oh, alright..." I think that she also noticed something poking her cheek so she easily agreed with slightly flushed cheeks, however, she quickly composed herself and sat down next to Mera.

"..." There was a long uncomfortable silence between all of us while we were just kept glancing at each other or more like they kept looking at me while I was glancing at them and trying to think of something disgusting to get rid of my morning wood.

"Does anyone remember what had happened the last night?" Mera broke the silence with a weak voice.

"Well...unfortunately, no..." Gil was the first to reply while scratching her left cheek with her finger.

Even Dora shook her head with a clueless expression.

"...I don't know. Since none of us know anything, let's just forget about everything. I should go meet up with Chouri before he will run away somewhere else." I said with closed eyes before getting up and intending to leave.

However, all of them stopped me from leaving and Gil with Dora were trying to convince me to remain for breakfast so I just agreed and left after a quick breakfast. This time I would be traveling without Taeko because I have already seen how deadly it can be if we travel together. We can't afford to be seen together so we can only be together within the darkness but it's not like we care since we practically live within the darkness.

Kiyomi took me close to the Northern borders before I let her rest inside my shadow due to strong wind and snowing. She would have a problem flying in such conditions and even though she would be able to endure it, I can also travel on my own, and sitting on my ȧss all the time like on the train is not my style anyway.

While on my way to the town where Chouri should be living right now, I decided to take a few stops in a few villages to change my clothes because most of the people here are wearing clothes consisting of fur or something warm. Just by wearing those clothes, I looked much more like locals.

I had no problem with entering the town but instead of rushing to see Chouri and not like I knew where he is hiding, I decided to look around first. To see in what kind of conditions people are living in here. After walking around a bit, I noticed that most people here had good living conditions despite snow being everywhere. However, it looked like they were quite cautious of their surroundings and only a few groups of people could be seen laughing and smiling.


Why is everyone so tense? It's like they are expecting some kind of war...

I thought with narrowed eyes while walking around and eating still warm freshly baked bread. I wasn't paying attention in front of me since I was too focused on people around me and no one would even walk into me if they saw that I am not paying attention.

At least that's what I have thought...suddenly someone came from around the corner and bumped into me.

"Ow!" *Thud*

I looked in front of me with a stern look when I felt someone bump into me and I saw a girl maybe slightly younger than me. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She has fallen on her buŧŧ after she bumped into me and she was still rubbing the place where she hit herself with one closed eye.

"Hey, can't you look-!?" She started complaining but when she looked at me she suddenly shut her mouth.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I didn't want to cause any scene so I quickly apologized while offering her my hand.

"Oh...It's nothing to worry about, it was partly also my fault!" She replied with a cheerful tone and a friendly smile while also apologizing. She patted her buŧŧ to get rid of dust and dirt.

"...Are you alright?" I wanted to continue my exploration of the town but she was blocking my way and it looked like she was looking at me with expectation. I had no idea what she wants so I decided to ask a question anyone would ask.

"Ah! Yes, sorry for bothering you. My name is Spear by the way, may I know yours?" She asked me with a smile while holding her hands behind her back.

Spear...? I thought for a while and then I remembered Mera's words before I left their hideout.

'Your former Prime minister Chouri seems to also have a daughter. Her name is apparently Spear and she is also traveling with him. She is also a disciple of the Imperial Fist so she knows how to protect herself but from what I have heard, she is definitely not a threat to you.'

Well, I can't be luckier, can I? I doubt that there are more girls with a name Spear in this town, she must be the one. I have yet to find out Chouri's hiding place and looking through the entire town would be bothersome. Thankfully I met his daughter, I can try to befriend her for the sake of better cooperation with him or I can simply let a few of my Wrigglers follow her. However, they can't remain outside in this weather for too long and I have no idea where she is going.

"Nice name, you must be devoted to martial arts. My name is Akashi, which means crimson." I took off my hood stuffed with fur and showed her my red hair together with my red eyes before I extended my hand to her.

"...Y-yes I can see why. It's nice to meet you, by the way, how did you know that I like martial arts? You hit the nail on the head with can't be just my name alone, right?" She stared at me for a while before taking my hand and shaking with it a few times before letting go.

"Looking at your figure and judging from your strong determined eyes I can guess that you are eager to make a name for yourself in the field of martial arts." I said while pointing at her eyes with a smile.

"I see...You don't look like you are local, do you perhaps need to get to somewhere?" She nodded her head with a satisfied smile and then asked me while curiously looking at my clothes.

Although I had clothes similar to Northern people, it could still be visible that I am someone from a small village instead of a big town.

"I actually arrived here just a few hours ago and I am looking around to see what this town has to offer." I replied with a small friendly smile.

"Ooh? Then do you want me to be your guide?" She asked me with a curious tone and slightly expectant look.

"Of course, it would be nice to have someone who lives here show me around but I wouldn't want you to waste your time on me." I replied with an embarrassed tone while scratching the back of my head.

"Don't worry about it, I was about to go and eat breakfast, we can eat together while I will guide you through the entire town. So...what do you say, Akashi?" She quickly explained herself while waving with her hands to deny my words before she asked me with an expectant smile.

"Sure, I will pay for your breakfast as thanks for going out of your way to help me look around." I said with a bright smile and closed eyes and thus we went towards the restaurant that Spear selected.

Meals weren't exaggeratedly expensive and some of them were even too cheap so I deduced that although she easily accepted my offer, she still didn't want me to spend too much money on her.

Anyway, she is a bit too trusting...I mean, my acting skills aren't bad combined with how high my charisma is...there is a low chance that she would be able to see through my intentions unless she would already know me. But there still must be some kind of reason for her to go out of her way like this...

I thought while we were eating our meals in one of the restaurants.

"Akashi, what you are doing for a living?" She suddenly asked me with a bright satisfied smile while she was eating her meal.

"Hm? Mostly hunting." I raised my head from my meal to look at her with a slightly surprised expression and then I replied with a small smile.

I am actually not lying here, there is some truth in it.

"Really?! So you must be strong...what kind of Danger Beasts are you hunting? Or did you mean normal animals?" She instantly asked with sparkling eyes before she looked at my delicate skin on my hands with a bit of doubt in her eyes.

"I am mostly hunting Snow Trolls and others that are around Class 3 - Class 2 strength." I replied with the same smile not being offended by that speck of doubt in her eyes

"Oh?! Really?! How about we go out for practice after we are done looking around?" She was slightly surprised by my words but it was apparent that she was pleasantly surprised, then she asked me in anticipation.

"...Maybe later after our tour around the town ends. Let's see how exhausted we will be at that time." I replied with a helpless smile.

Maybe I should have just said that I am a farmer or something. Well, as long as she will lead me to her father, I don't mind spending time with her. No...Maybe if we will go out and we will be attacked by some large strong Danger Beast, I can use it as a situation where I will save her and her father will also have a better opinion of me. I need to start gathering capable and honest people who are good at leading the country. There aren't many people like that so I have to be careful with Chouri.

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