Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 105 - #104 Saving

When I was done with my opponents, I looked in the Spear's direction. She just defeated her first opponent with an overhead slash, making a deep cut across the entire Troll's body and most likely also cutting his treasure off. I couldn't see much during this but her footing was good and her handling of the pole of the spear was also good but when I saw her fighting her last opponent, I was able to see some room for improvement.

I am not well versed in this world's spearmanship but I have some knowledge from my previous world.

"And this is the last one!" Spear shouted with a confident smile while she dodged Troll's attempt to grab her. She drew her hand holding the spear back and then performed a series of thrusting attacks, making the entire troll full of holes.

That wasn't a bad technique, her speed was much better than usual and also the strength of those attacks was much higher. Our proficiency in using spear is on around equal level. Although I can see some mistakes she makes, it doesn't mean that I would be able to perform it perfectly myself. I have never trained in her spear arts but I would perhaps have fast improvement with how I can see a lot of her mistakes. A spear was never my favorite weapon but it definitely has a few advantages like range and one can use it for many acrobatic tricks, unfortunately, such spear is rendered useless once in narrow places.

"Hmph, good! Akashi, are you done on your side?" She snorted when she saw the troll in front of her fall down and then turned around while asking aloud with a cheerful tone.

However, the moment she shows her back to the cave's entrance, I saw a similar troll charging at her with a much higher speed. Its fur was red instead of snow-white.

Maybe my time has come.

"Look out, Spear!" I shouted at her while running towards her while maintaining believable speed.

When she heard my shout she instantly snapped her head back with just to see another troll in a different color than others, throwing its fist at her head, intending to make minced meat out of her.

Her body froze as her eyes opened wide when she saw the big fist nearing her.

*Bang!* Just when she was about to get hit, I jumped at her from the side, taking her with me and narrowly dodging its fist that created a small hole in the ground. We began rolling on the ground together since I jumped towards her at full speed and grabbed her with me. While we were still rolling on the ground, I took another dagger from belt and threw it precisely at its eye.

*ROAR!!!* My dagger hit directly its right eye despite me throwing it while we were still rolling on the ground. The troll quickly slapped the dagger away from its eye but it only caused it more pain and damage which enraged it even further.

I thought with a genuinely happy smile due to remembering my past when I was usually only working with throwing daggers.

"A-Akashi?!" Spear exclaimed when she finally recovered from her shock after we stopped rolling on the ground. I was currently on top of her on my knees and hands but I didn't even bother looking at her.

...This troll is around 5 times stronger than the previous ones and its speed is also something not to be underestimated. These trolls were weak mainly due to their poor speed but this one is quite fast.

I thought while glaring at the rampaging troll with narrowed eyes but a happy smile never left my face.


'H-He saved me? Why? He knows me only a few hours...why would he risk his life to save me?!' Spear was only staring at Akashi's face with a mesmerized expression. To her, Akashi was currently making a very particular expression that truly mesmerized her and she couldn't describe why. He looked so fearless and confident with that smile across his face while also serious with his narrowed eyes.

While Akashi saved Spear, our two hunters that were responsible for Spear's safety witnessed everything.

"FUCK! Let's go help them, we can no longer keep hiding! Lady Spear almost died if it wasn't for that guy's fast reaction!" The second more serious guy shouted at his colleague and they instantly jumped out of their hiding while reading their guns.


I quickly helped Spear up and patted her clothes of the snow.

"I-" She still looked a bit startled but I interrupted her.

"You can thank me later, let's focus on the problem in front of us, looks like our friend finally stopped rampaging and recovered." I said while making her focus on the troll in front of us.

"?! His eye...Did you do it, Akashi?! When?" She exclaimed with a shocked expression since she couldn't remember anything related to it.

"Be careful, his left eye is still functioning just right" I ignored her question and just warned her and she got the meaning that she should focus right now.

While we were getting ready for its next onslaught of attacks two hunters I saw previously follow us jumped out of their hiding.

"You two! We heard sounds of fighting so we decided to take a look, let us ȧssist you!" One of them said with a serious expression but the other one was slightly awkward most likely from playing this act.

No to mention...what kind of idiot would bring a gun for hunting...its loud gunfire can attract more Danger Beasts but whatever.

*bang* *bang* *bang* They started shooting at it to slow its advance to show us that they truly want to help us.

Spear didn't look surprised by the newcomers and instead looked down with a slightly guilty expression.

"Spear, what do you say? Should we believe them and show them our backs?" I decided to play ignorant and see what she will do.

"I- They are my bodyguards...I am sorry for lying to you and not saying everything, I promise that I will explain everything once we are done with this opponent." She said with a low and weak voice, even I had a bit of trouble hearing her.

"Oh?! Don't worry, it's good that we can trust them" I tried to look a bit surprised and then I said with a small smile while looking at her if she is ready to attack.

She firmly gripped her spear and nodded her head with determined eyes.

With the support of gunfire from those two bodyguards, we were able to focus on attacking its sides. I took right side while Spear attacked left side, due to too many targets, the beast was getting exhausted and after accumulating numerous stab wounds, it tried to run away but both I and Spear used the chance of it being off guard and both of us slashed out spears at its neck, cleanly decapitating it together.

[+15 XP for killing your enemy while limiting your strength]

Class: Blade Master (Lv. 8; +15 Str, +15 Agi, +7 Const) 49/1280 XP

"Yay! That was good teamwork, Akashi!" Spear exclaimed with a cheerful smile while holding up her hand.

"I guess none of us can tell who truly finished it off, heh" I said with a chuckle before doing a high five with her.

"Are two alright?" Both men who provided help approached us and asked us with a concerned expression especially while they were looking at Spear.

"It's alright you two, I have already told Akashi your true identities." Spear said with a small smile and they seemed to be surprised by this information as they glanced at me with an open mouth in shock.

"Nice to meet you." I introduced myself and shook hands with them

However, we had no time to remain here any longer since we were just producing loud sounds that could attract other Danger Beasts and not to mention that stench of blood in the air.

As we were walking back to the town...

"Akashi...I want to properly thank you for saving me so if there is anything you want..." Spear said while nervously gripping her coat and occasionally glancing at me before looking down at the ground.

Of course, her bodyguards were walking some distance behind us after they had some discussion with Spear.

"Hm? No need for anything like that." I looked at her with a slightly surprised expression before looking in front of me with a stoic expression and replying. I was slightly tempted to tell her to lead me to her father but...I don't really want anyone to question me why. Although Spear would perhaps do so without much hesitation since I saved her. However through this hunting session, I was able to see what kind of person she is and if her father has a similar character, he is definitely worth this hassle. However, I can't say that I didn't enjoy this since I was also able to get some nostalgia from fighting while truly limiting myself.

"Mmmm, are you sure?" She pouted before asking with pleading eyes.

"...Then do you know how to cook?" I asked her with a curious expression when I suddenly got an idea. I knew that if I truly didn't want anything it would look slightly bad and since it looks like she really wants to repay me, it would be impolite not letting her do that much.

"Huh? Um...Yes a little bit, why?" Spear asked while nervously gripping tightly her spear as if something was about to attack her. She was evading eye contact.

Of course, she knows, despite training in martial arts, her father wouldn't allow her not to learn how to behave like a true lady and few essential things for marriage.

"Then how about you cook me something from those Snow Wolves we hunted today? I have heard that their meat is quite tasty. We took some of them with us after all." I suggested with a thoughtful expression before looking at her with a smile, expecting her answer.

"?! Y-You want me to cook for you? But that is..." She raised her head while looking at me with a surprised expression and exclaimed with a disbelieving tone.

"What? Is there any problem with that? I can change it if it's inconvenient for you." I said with a confused expression.

"Ah! No, no, no! It's alright and we can go right away since it's almost lunch time." She quickly waved her hands to stop me and then said with a cheerful smile.

"...I just wasn't sure if you truly want that after getting to know that I am not just a common resident. I can't tell you everything but I will try to explain as much as I can..." Spear said while looking down and started explaining a few things.

"...and thus we had to run away from the Empire...Do you still want what you have asked for?" Spear finished her explanation with a slightly sad smile while glancing at me.

"I see, so that's who you are. Thanks for telling me, as for my request, it still holds" I said with a smirk and she looked at me with wide-open eyes.

"Mm! Let's go back and I will cook something for you!" She nodded and said with a happy smile.

Spear...she isn't bad girl but she needs some kind of training...She seems to be too trusting. Just because I saved her once, she is going to take me to her house, however, it could also be that they have more houses and she will invite me to the one where Chouri isn't hiding. Let's see what will happen...but with those two around and Spear, I am already confident in finding Chouri even if they have numerous hiding places.

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