Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 108 - #107 Beginning of Trouble?

"...Are you perhaps planning on taking the throne?" Chouri asked with a completely serious expression.

"?...Throne? Pfff, I haven't even thought about it but I guess someone would need to become emperor afterward. People wouldn't be able to accept the current emperor so substitute will be needed." I was slightly surprised by his question before I had to repress my laughing. In the matter of a second, I instantly stopped chuckling and said with a slightly bored expression.

"So you aren't aiming for the throne?" Chouri asked me with a slightly surprised tone.

"Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't let just some random imbecile sit down on the throne, it's just that I can't imagine myself sitting on the throne. As you can see, right now, I should be preparing for war against Rebels or do some political shit instead of doing just that, I am being here, talking with you, having lunch with you, having a fun hunting Danger Beasts together with your daughter..." I explained while leaning forward and supporting my chin with my hands on the table.

"I see...tell me, who is Spear to you? Was she just a tool for you to find me?" He suddenly asked me a completely irrelevant question that didn't relate to our earlier discussion.

...What a troublesome question.

I thought with a small forced smile since I knew that Spear was eavesdropping on our entire conversation. All thanks to my wrigglers since I would be able to feel her presence anyway in such a small house so I wouldn't be able to tell if she is eavesdropping just by sensing her.


Right behind the corner, Spear who was listening to everything with a disbelieving expression on her face suddenly flinched when she heard her father's question, and only now she realized this fact. A sad expression appeared on her face but she still chose to hear Akashi's answer first. Although two of them knew each other only 1 day, she really liked Akashi and not just because of his superior looks over the locals here but due to his calm demeanor and collected thinking. She was never bored while talking with him.

"That's right." When she heard Akashi's calm reply she tightly gripped her left arm while biting her lower lip in frustration.

"However, if I wanted to just find you, I wouldn't have to go eat breakfast with her, I wouldn't need to hunt Danger Beasts with her." When she heard Akashi's next words, she raised her head with a slightly surprised expression, she stopped tightly gripping her arm and a small smile appeared on her face.

"True but we have never met so you had to be sure about my character. By exploring my daughter's character, you also came closer to figuring out my own character. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Chouri said with folded arms.

Why do I feel like on interrogation when I am the one in advantage? Haha...Anyway, he is quite smart.

"You once again impress me, former Prime Minister Chouri. It's the truth that I have also done that but I was sure about her character already after we were done eating the breakfast. So I still didn't have to bother myself going out to hunt some Danger Beasts together with her. What I can tell you is that after spending half of a day with her, I view her as a nice, kind girl who has great potential and not just in martial arts." I explained with an honest smile.

"...Haha, good! Sorry about drifting away from the subject we were meant to discuss." He released a hearty laugh before apologizing with an embarrassed smile.

"Don't worry about it, I understand your concern. After all, she is your daughter." I waved my hand to show that I didn't mind and after that, we started discussing our cooperation and my wrigglers informed me that Spear left in amidst of our talk

We settled on simple cooperation without any big promises since he has yet to confirm if my words are believable. Therefore, he will most likely travel one day back to the Capital. I will need to prepare for it in case Honest will try something.

"Well, that should be everything, thank you for your time. I am looking forward to our cooperation." I said while getting up from my seat and taking my coat on.

"Yes, it has been a nice talk with you, Akashi. I wish you good luck on your way back, be aware of bandits, there have been a few bands lately patrolling around major roads." He also got up and extended his hand for a handshake.

[Congratulation on roping in one of the prominent figures onto your side]

Noble (Lv. 6; +10 Cha) 272/360 XP

"Mm" I nodded and shook his hand before going to the hall leading out of the house where Spear was also waiting for me while leaning her back against the wall.

"You are leaving?" She asked me with a confused expression but her tone was obviously awkward.

"I am sorry if I have offended you with my words but I just said my honest thoughts." I said out of nowhere.

"Huh?! W-What do you mean-" She was surprised by my words but I halted her words by my hand while having closed eyes.

"I know about you being naughty, not listening to your father. However, next time it would be better to just let two men have their talk alone. Anyway, I truly meant what I have said earlier, I know that you are a kind girl that didn't mean any harm and was only worried about her father." I said with a smile while patting her head a few times before retracting my hand.

"I-Whaa~" A blush crept up her face while she had difficulty answering which was a quite amusing sight. It must be quite embarrassing hearing that her little eavesdropping didn't go unnoticed.

"Don't worry, I didn't say anything to your father. I will be leaving and you probably won't see me for some time so I will quickly explain who I am if you didn't catch it amidst my conversation with your father." I reassured her with a teasing smile before I started explaining who I am and my position.

"I see, well, I already knew most of the things from your conversation but it's still more reassuring hearing it right from you. I want to thank you once again for saving me and even though you most likely did it because I am the daughter of the person you were looking for, I am still grateful." She said politely while bowing down.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue seeing this and quickly performed karate chop to her bowed head.

"Ouch! What is it?" She instantly straightened herself and started rubbing the top of her head with a clueless expression.

"I saved you because you are a nice and kind girl and most importantly because you were already my friend at that time. So stop being so polite. The next time we see each other, I hope to see you improve your skills in using spear and others. I also recommend you to learn a few things about politics from your father, you might need it in the future." I said while opening the door to the outside.

"I- thank you! Thank you for everything today! However...women usually don't enter politics so I doubt I will need it." She stood in the middle of the doorway while shouting at me who was already outside in the snow.

"Trust me, you will need it, don't neglect it. You can learn it while resting from your practice. By the way, the lunch was incredible so don't neglect also your skills in cooking or you will grow rusty in that area. You will still need to satisfy your future husband's stomach" I said while walking away and waving my hand behind me.

"?! Don't be like my father!" *bang* She shouted at me with an embarrassed and upset voice before shutting the door with force.

Now...I should return to Oarburgh's hideout and inform Mera of my success. I will make them guard him which should be enough, I doubt that Honest will ever send the entire army after him if he will even send anyone but considering his personality, he will. He wants to have full control over the Empire without any obstacles.

I thought while walking towards the city's gate while pulling up the scarf over my mouth.

I have a feeling that the real war will erupt in a few months, maybe a year at most.

I looked up at the peacefully looking sky filled with snowflakes with narrowed eyes.

1 man and 2 cloaked figures were traveling through the dense forest, their destination was exactly Mount Hakuba.

"Mudi, you have said that we will have our revenge but why are we traveling to the location occupied by bandits?" One figure walking on the right side of a man named Mudi asked with an annoyed tone. It was obviously feminine voice and also it was more than visible under that cloak was hiding woman with a maybe too well-developed ċhėst.

"We will have our revenge, aren't we slaughtering Imperial Spies here and there? And it's not like you don't know about the situation on the Mount Hakuba. Those guys are only playing to be bandits while it is one of the major Revolutionary Army's camps. We need to keep slaughtering those spies to quell our rage and to also pinpoint the attention of those who are responsible for our suffering to the Mount Hakuba." A man named Mudi replied, just judging from his clothes, it was apparent that he was one of the Gravekeepers from Putolu Tombs. He had 5 skulls attached to his loose clothing that was hanging over his shoulder.

"Hmph" The cloaked woman just released a dissatisfied snort.

"Mashiro-san, don't be like that. We will avenge your dead lover and my brethren. Both of our goals align with each other, do you think that I would abandon our main objective? However, we will need their help because there are only 3 of us, am I right?" Mudi replied with a forced smile before turning his attention to another cloaked figure walking right next to him who was silent the entire time.

"Yes, master" The figure replied with a voice almost devoid of any emotions but it was still apparent that it was a feminine voice. The most distinguishing thing about this woman was her metallic gauntlet on her right arm while her left arm was just fine.

"Making her call you are really creepy" Mashiro said while glaring at Mudi with narrowed eyes and darkened face.

"Come on, don't give me that death-stare, let's just focus on slaughtering that Imperial filth while we will be slowly closing in on Mount Hakuba. It's not like I have ever done anything with her." Mudi replied with a slightly awkward smile.

'After we are done with our revenge, I will also dispose of her. I would definitely not mind her but she wouldn't actually mind that with that special parasite of mine inside her. It wouldn't be fun if she actually didn't suffer while at it.' Mudi thought while looking at the cloaked figure on his left side with cold eyes devoid of any mercy within them.

Thus, the group of 3 people continued their onslaught of massacring Imperial spies within random villages and towns, hoping to garner the Empire's attention.

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