Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 112 - #111 Death Tagool

----The Capital, Phoenix's Mansion----

'Was this decision of mine really alright? What if something happens to her?' Ichika's gentle smile disappeared and was replaced by a worried expression when Kurome stormed out of the office.

'...I will just have to bear consequences once the young lord comes back. Anyway, judging from her earlier expression, it was apparent that she would go even if I didn't bring it up or even if I have forbidden it. Not like I could have forbidden it since Akashi gave his approval of her acting independently.' Ichika released a helpless smile when she thought that she didn't have much of a choice. She could also offer her help and she wanted to but she was aware that there was simply too much paperwork and even if she could leave it to Akashi's father, she was aware that her existence was still mysterious or unknown. It would be better if she stayed in the shadows so she could be of a better use for Akashi.

----(Akashi's POV)----


While on my way back to the capital, I decided to take a little detour because I was informed by Mera just before I left their hideout that there are extremely strong Danger Beasts in this area however I didn't expect to find such a masterpiece here.

"This one must be at least around Super Class...this is simply awesome" I muttered while jumping a few meters away to dodge one of its punches.

*BANG!!!* The punch didn't found its target however upon the impact with the ground, the entire ground shook and numerous debris flew around.

I am definitely not stronger than that beast when it comes to raw strength power, at least I am much quicker but there is something unsettling...I have absolutely no problem dodging its relatively fast attacks, however even Kurome would have no problem dodging them...Could it be?!

I thought before an idea struck me and I widened my eyes.

*ROAR!!!* The beast opened its mouth and started gathering some kind of black energy in its mouth and next second, the beam of black energy attacked me but thanks to me figuring it out before actually seeing the attack, I was able to dodge within time.


The terrain where I stood and behind was completely destroyed and any trees or boulders were completely destroyed, there was even numerous big holes in the ground.

Such destructive power...Even I wouldn't be able to do it unless I would spend all of my energy.

I thought and became warier of this Danger Beast.

"Wait, aren't you Death Tagool? I thought that you are a bit too similar to that species" I muttered with a slightly surprised expression before I smiled.

It looks exactly like Death Tagool, a giant dinosaur-like Danger Beast. Even its ability to use energy as a form of attack is the same.

*ROOAR!* It evidently became enraged when it was me successfully dodging its attack and then just standing in front of it without fleeing or fearing for my life. It threw another punch at me, trying to make mincemeat out of me so I quickly jumped to the side, narrowly dodging its attack and then drew my sword without wasting any time while still in the air after dodging it.

[Health: 730/780]

[Hail of Blades]

[Energy: 1465/1515]

I let my sword drink my blood and instantly sent a slash of crimson energy at its hand while also summoning 4 broadswords to attack its head.

My attack successfully landed and blood spurted out of its hand but the wound itself was pretty shallow at least when I take into consideration its size and how much blood it has in its entire body. As for my 4 summoned broadswords that attacked its head...the moment they got into contact with its head, they were instantly repelled away.

Just a superficial wound, huh? It is even intelligent to a certain level...It actually closed its eyes just to prevent those broadswords from hurting its eyesight and when they failed in their attack, it used its other hand to repel them.

I thought while I was still falling down from my previous dodging of its attack. I had to jump to the side and up to summon those broadswords much closer to its head but despite this, I still failed to injure its head.

It's quick to counter-attack...

I thought while narrowing my eyes and using my energy to form wings of flames on my back to maneuver in the air and dodging its fist by a hair's breadth.

[Energy: 1370/1515]

I am still not used to summoning them in such crucial situations so the consumption of energy is very high and maintenance will be costly too. I didn't want to damage materials too much but let's try it out.

I thought with furrowed brows and I flew high in the sky even above its head.

The beast raised its head while angrily roaring at me as if telling me 'come down ant!'. I just looked down at it with a cold smile and raised my hand, pointing at the sky above me.

[Sun's wrath]

[Energy: 1070/1515]

Normally, one cost only 150 energy but I strengthen it instead of summoning another one.

*Booom!* The enormous explosion as the result of my attack and curtain of dust was everywhere making it impossible even for me to see its figure.

I heard a sharp sound and suddenly, a black beam o energy pierced through the curtain of dust, aiming straight at me.

This attack caught me off guard and I didn't dare to act surprised and instead, I let my sword suck even more of my blood since I didn't know how effective are my flames against that black beam of energy.

[Health: 530/780]

"HAA!" I shouted at top of my lungs while swinging my sword down in a vertical arc, releasing an enormous crimson slash of energy.


The moment, two attacks met, my slash easily cut the beam in half and continued straight through it right at the beast.


Despite negating its attack, the energy still exploded due to being interrupted like that but its explosion was some distance away from me and it was definitely weaker than before so I had no problem escaping its damage.

I stopped maintaining my wings and landed on the ground since I felt a sharp pain in my brain, most likely due to an abrupt loss of blood. After all, that attacked drained me of one-fourth of my health. Still, to think that it would be able to survive such an attack that drained so much of my blood. But I guess it's understandable considering its strength and also the momentum of that slash was greatly decreased by cutting through its attack.

I quickly recovered in case it would try to attack me right away but when I saw that it was also recovering, I decided to attack it while it was still resting.

I can make numerous slashes of that crimson energy just by consuming 50 points of my health but that previous attack drained everything and used it in one attack. Also, it looks like this danger beast has big resistance against fire.

I thought and slowly summoned back my wings while running towards it.

[Health: 480/780]

I once again filled my sword with my blood and started sending slashes at its limbs. Before my attacks were able to hit it, the beast was done resting and punched a few of those attacks away except for a few of them which have caused only superficial wounds but none of these attacks were meant to truly hurt it since I already expected such result.

While it was busy protecting itself, I closed in on it and appeared in the air right in front of it while sending a horizontal slash of energy aiming at its neck. In this attack, I used all the remaining blood in my sword so the power of this slash was several times bigger than previous ones.

When the beast noticed my sneak attack, it already had no time to protect itself with its hands so it opened mouth and sent a quickly gathered beam of energy that couldn't be compared to its attack before but it was still able to make my attack slightly weaker.


The beam of energy once again exploded right in front of its face but it didn't as much damage as my sneak attack. The blood started pouring down from its neck but such dangerous beasts are very tenacious and the wound didn't even reach half of its entire thick neck. Still, it wasn't any superficial wound either. It was apparent that if it didn't rest and try to recover any time soon it would die after some time from the blood loss.

The blood also started pouring down from the corners of my mouth but it was just to indicate that I wasn't faring any better than my opponent and that I lost a lot of blood. Still, I had yet to use many moves and I am in no way in the same condition, I can keep on fighting without resting for days while it will die in a few hours at most.

Our destructive fight made strong wind and a lot of trees were plucked out of the ground and leaves were flying everywhere one looked at.

Anyway, it will be much harder to cut its head off now that it figured out my sneak attack. It will be much more careful and even if it's not the most intelligent species, this lesson made the beast learn it hard way.

Anyway, I am quite surprised by its defenses and raw strength. Not to mention its beam like attacks that are extremely destructive...The only thing this species lacks is the agility. It's not exactly slow but definitely not the fastest Danger Beast I have ever seen. I wonder if I could make an armor-like Teigu from its materials. The one similar to what Gai was using...

Anyway, this isn't time to think about that...

I thought and focused on the fight once again just to see it once again resting, most likely slightly stunned from the explosion and my sneak attack that aimed for its neck.

I was contemplating what kind of attack to use since my flames were almost useless against it and even if they did make a lot of damage if used with a lot of energy, it would only destroy materials. As I was about to move out to attack once again, I stopped and quickly caught flying leaf near my head, and an idea instantly struck me when I looked at the leaf in my hand.

I threw the leaf imbued with my energy towards its skin but even the tip of the leaf didn't penetrate it. The beast itself continued resting as if it didn't even felt my attack.

...As I thought, but I already expected as much. I just wanted to try it out of curiosity. I am becoming stronger each second I am more and more injured so it doesn't stand much of a chance if we could be said to be equal in our peak conditions.

"Still, there are already so many spots that are no longer covered by your thick and tough skin...It would be shame if something invaded your body through those spots~" I said while my eyes widened a bit and a slightly sadistic smile appeared on my face without me even knowing about it.

[Energy: 967/1515]

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