Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 116 - #115 Mount Hakuba 4

"Let's go!" Najasho shouted, turned around, and started running towards the bandits blocking their way out.

Poney immediately followed after Najasho without any hesitation with Tsukushi resting on her back.

"Stop them!" Suzaku finally stopped ignoring Mudi and Mashiro's wish not to interfere and immediately commanded his units to stop them from breaking through this encirclement.

"Tch!" Mashiro clicked her tongue with a face full of hatred while glaring at the retreating backs of her enemies. She calmed herself and instead of sending numerous bullets, she just focused on Poney's head. Since she was focusing her everything into one shot, she would be able to predict the travel time of the bullet and Poney's position right after the shot.

*Bang!* The sound of gunfire resounded, however it didn't come from Mashiro's gun but instead it came from Tsukushi's shingu, Prometheus.

Mashiro was caught off guard that Tsukushi could still fire so accurately but she was still extremely experienced and quickly reacted to it by jumping to the side to dodge the bullet.

However, the thing she didn't expect happened, and the trajectory of the bullet suddenly curved and followed after Mashiro, ultimately penetrating her right shoulder.

"AGH!" Mashiro ġrȯȧnėd in pain with a distorted face in pain together with hatred.

"Mashiro, are you okay?!" Mudi run to Mashiro's side to check on her.

"Grrr, I am fine but they are getting away!" She replied to him while gritting her teeth.

"Don't worry, there are a few thousands of rebels here, they won't be able to get away no matter what." Mudi tried to comfort her a bit while glancing at injured Cornelia who stood beside him.

'Tch, if I want to use her more, I should wait until she recovers.' Mudi thought and dispelled any thoughts of sending Cornelia after them.

"Stop them!" More than twenty people stepped in Najasho's group way, trying to halt their advance.

"MOVE!" On the contrary, instead of stopping, Najasho speeded up while sprinting straight towards them with his narrowed eyes.

"Kill him!" When they saw that he wasn't slowing down, they instantly jumped towards him with their weapons. Numerous types of weapons which for a normal person would be extremely hard to defend with only 2 free hands.

However, Najasho was anything but a normal person or ȧssassin in his transformation.

*Clang* *Splash* *Clang* *Splash*

Numerous flashes of Najasho's attack were seen while he was running straight through those people, leaving only headless bodies or half of the bodies behind him.

Those people underestimated him however when others saw this, they got ready once again since there was more than 100 people in front of Najasho, and more of them were still running to help them and others were also running towards Najasho's group from behind to completely overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

"That guy is a monster..." Some of the enemies were even avoiding crossing his path when they saw his face covered in blood.

Poney kept with Najasho's speed and Tsukushi provided cover fire while resting on Poney's back. Somehow, they were able to get away from the encirclement but it cost Najasho a few smaller injuries however with how his energy was depleted, recovering quickly was out of the question. Despite being injured, they kept running straight toward the town.

"Kids! Are you alright?!" As they hoped, after running for less than 5 minutes, they met Gozuki on his ways towards the location where he saw the red smoke.

"We are mostly fine but there are a lot of things to report, however, I am now more concerned about Green's group" Najasho as a leader said while holding the worst injury he attained while running away on his right shoulder. While it was the worst injury, it was nothing life-threatening, it was simply the biggest one out of all of them.

'To think they ended up in such a state...I need to hear their report of what had happened but first I should take care of their wounds.' Gozuki thought with frowned brows while looking at their wounds.

"Let's return back to the town to take care of your injuries, you can tell me everything that happened on the way there." Gozuki said while turning around in the town's direction.

"W-What about Akame and others?!" Tsukushi instantly asked with a worried expression, she didn't want to lose any more of her friends.

"Green has yet to send a signal, once they send out the signal, I will rush to help them but right now we don't even know their exact location or even if they need our help. We need to take care of your wounds so you can fight once again if any particular situation arises." Gozuki glanced back at Tsukushi and explained with a slightly defeated expression.

'Green is smart, so either they have yet to encounter any enemy or they encountered enemy he thinks they can take on. Either way, we have no idea where they are so we would be only blindly looking around plus I can't leave these injured kids alone either.' Gozuki wanted to look for Green's group when he saw Najasho's injuries but he knew that it was much more dangerous than returning to the town while prioritize treating those that are currently in his sight.




Back to Mudi's group

Suzaku started collecting bodies of his dead subordinates while cursing Mudi's carelessness inside his mind.

Mudi already stopped his bleeding and started treating Cornelia's wounds since he still had plans for her.

"This was a complete failure...If we didn't play with them, trying to break their fighting spirit, we could have won. If I aimed at that brown-haired girl's head right from the beginning, at least one of them would have been dead by now." Mashiro commented while holding her shoulder after she removed the bullet from it. She was aware of their weakness, however, she couldn't help it, she simply wanted to make them suffer for killing her lover.

"We weren't able to take care of 3 of them...Who knows how many they have in their group...Looks like I will be forced to go and ask 'him' for a help." Mudi said with a pained expression while tightly gripping his cut-off hand.

"?! Do you mean to say that you could have rope in another ally but you didn't?! Why the hell would you do that?!" Mashiro was shocked by hearing his words but at the same time, she was feeling extreme anger towards him.

"Calm down and let me explain myself. 'He' isn't someone you want to have as an enemy but you also want to avoid the situation of having him as an ally. Plus I wasn't even sure if he would be interested in helping us.

"? What the hell does that even mean?" Mashiro asked with a raised eyebrow while looking at Mudi strangely.

"He lives far west of my former tomb and what I meant is exactly what I said. He makes you disgusted just by fighting him and he has no qualms about torturing his own friends either. He is simply a crazy person who can smile and laugh while getting beaten up or cut into pieces. However, he isn't mȧsȯċhɨst, he is simply a loser who was always bullied and also killed numerous times already, however that helped him to become strong, by enduring all the pain without making a single sound." Mudi wanted to continue his explanation but he was stopped by Mashiro.

"What?! What do you mean that he was killed numerous times?!" She was completely confused about how he could have been killed more than once.

"Heh...I also don't understand it but it looks like he can heal from any injury and death is no exception. No one knows much about him, therefore, no one knows what is the cause of his ability to resurrect since even Danger Beasts don't have such power." Mudi released a pained chuckle before he explained what he knew about that person to Mashiro. After listening to everything, her expression became a bit complicated since she wasn't sure if she wants to work together with such a person despite thirsting for revenge.

---Green's group side---

Green's group has already started their attack despite the fact that Akame and Green would rather avoid such conflict with those people in front of them.

Green was currently fighting the cloaked person using strange strings as a weapon while Akame, Gin, and Natala were attacking an armored person who was also defending Najenda while she was providing support with her Teigu Pumpkin.

Despite it being practically 3 against 1. Their weapons couldn't do any damage to the armored person and the worst of all was that person was extremely fast, something that Gin and Natala stood no chance against. Only Akame was able to keep up with that person's movements, however, she was having a problem defending herself from Najenda's ranged attacks.

'If this keeps up, we will be defeated! I should send the signal right now since it has been a while since Najasho's group sent it.' Green thought while his face was nonstop sweating from the pressure when facing that clocked guy. Although he was aware that the cloaked guy liked more quick and silent killing, his combat prowess was still something amazing. Green was even suspecting that their opponents are using Teigu which was way superior to their Shingu. Not to mention that he was using a whip that could move according to his mind which was rendered completely useless in front of those strange strings.

"Agh" When Green pointed the gun at the sky and wanted to fire the signal, he felt a sharp pain in the hand and was forced to let go of his gun.

"I can't let you do must be a tool that created that red smoke in the sky from before, right?" The cloaked guy said with a playful tone while stealing the gun from the ground with his strings.

Green already retreated a few more meters away from him to checked his hand just to see it pierced by some kind of silver dagger.

"...Dagger made out of strings?" Green exclaimed with a surprised expression before he finally realized that this guy in front of him was much more dangerous than he previously thought.

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