Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 143 - #142 Esdeath's special

[A/N: After reading through this chapter once, I realized that I made Esdeath slightly dumber in regard to the relationship between man and woman than she previously was. Sorry about that but I am too lazy to change it now. So if you feel like it's not her, please be like me: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Thank you for being so smart and understanding readers you are ???? ]



----Chapter START----

"Well, for now, come in and close the door if you don't want to die" Esdeath said with a harsh tone and the ice spear retreated some distance from Akashi's neck, leaving him some space to step inside and close the door.

Akashi did exactly as she said since he was aware of why she wanted it. The steam was constantly escaping through the open door so he would be able to see her in all glory if he waited a bit longer.

"...Are you a quiet type of person?" Esdeath asked when she noticed that the figure covered in steam did as she asked without any shaking but never spoke out a single word. She was quite intrigued by now who is this person.

'This person knows how to attract someone's attention...I have no idea who is he so killing him would be reckless. Maybe he is aware of that fact so he is trying to take advantage of it...interesting. Anyway, by his build, I can ȧssume that it is a man but to think that he has his hands in pockets. He must be really confident.' Esdeath thought while sparing a side glance at the figure standing in front of the closed door. Her entire body was submerged in water except for her head and hand that was holding that ice spear. Despite the fact of having the ice spear in the room full of steam, the temperature never changed, be it the temperature of the room or the spear itself.

"..." Akashi already opened his mouth to speak out but he found this situation quite entertaining so he decided against speaking out. He was looking forward to what Esdeath's next actions would be.

"...I can appreciate quiet and obedient subordinates but I hate when I ask a question and someone doesn't answer just to act to be mysterious!" Esdeath frowned and this time she was truly offended and instead of pointing her ice spear at Akashi's neck, she lowered it a bit.

'Don't tell me...' Akashi also frowned when he noticed where she stopped her ice spear.

"Therefore you won't need this anymore." Esdeath said and pushed the ice spear forward, attacking Akashi's treasure.

"Oi, oi, it will still be useful to me in the future so let's stop." Akashi exclaimed while quickly grabbing attacking ice spear with his bȧrė hand but he was still able to stop it without getting harmed. He didn't even feel any coldness from it since it was all instantly negated upon the contact with his skin.

"Finally decided to drop that mysterious act?" Esdeath asked with a slightly provoking tone.

'How was he able to stop it so quickly? I haven't used much strength but that only confirms that this person is anything but ordinary...Wait, that voice?' Esdeath thought with a slightly curious expression and a small smile across her face before a slightly surprised expression of realization appeared on her face.


"Akashi?!" Esdeath exclaimed and immediately stood up and waved her hand in front of her to disperse the steam at least a little bit.

"Yo, long time no see...I see that you have become even more beautiful than last time." Akashi said with a forced smile while holding up his hand as a greeting once the steam dispersed and they were able to see each other's faces. He was aware that he pretty much screwed up by not even contacting her since he promised her to owe her for escorting Kurome some time ago, therefore he used the trick all men use once they are facing angry woman...flattery.

"Y-Y-You-!" Esdeath pointed her trembling index finger at Akashi's face with an upset expression.

"Ha-ha, sorry? Something came up and I-" Akashi released an awkward laugh before he started explaining, however, before he could finish, Esdeath dashed forward and jumped on him.

*Thud* He didn't sense any killing intent coming from her despite seeing her angry expression so he didn't dodge and let Esdeath push him on the ground.

She sat down on him and locked both of his arms with her hands. This Esdeath's entire dash and jumping on Akashi made most of the steam to disperse so when Akashi was lying on the ground with Esdeath sitting on him and he looked down, he saw two jiggling and mesmerizing melons.

He quickly looked up not to be caught staring since Esdeath was already upset enough.


The Three Beasts outside of the Esdeath's room also heard some kind of commotion but they couldn't pinpoint the sounds. Since it didn't sound like someone's scream before dying neither like a peaceful conversation. Nevertheless, they continued minding their business since they were aware of how strong their general was.


"You know, I wouldn't have run away..." Akashi was the first to say anything ever since Esdeath sat down on him.

"One never can be sure enough with you." Esdeath replied, still frowning but her angry expression was relatively cute, at least for Akashi. If it was anyone else that would see her expression, they would have pissed their pants.

"Well, you didn't have to make my clothes wet just because of that. Anyway, aren't you embarrassed by this position and the fact that you are nȧkėd?" Akashi asked with a small smile while looking up straight into Esdeath's blue eyes despite having two beautiful and jiggling melons to look at just below.

"Why should I? This is how we are born. Or are you perhaps embarrassed?" Esdeath asked and her angry expression slowly disappeared and was replaced by a curious one with a teasing smile.

"Well, I definitely can't deny the fact that you were born to become beautiful. And no, I am not embarrassed, who would be since you are showing me something nice..." Akashi shook his head and replied with a smile. This time, it wasn't just flattery to calm her down but Akashi's honest opinion.

"...You like what you see in front of you?" Esdeath asked a strange question with a combination of curious and confused expression. Most of the women would ask in a different way, trying to tease the one in front of them.

"Yes but not sure if it's worth having my clothes getting wet over it." Akashi replied in a teasing way.

'She really must be a vɨrġɨn...The way she speaks about this situation...*sigh* She slightly resembles Taeko in this way.' Akashi thought.

Despite saying this, Esdeath started feeling something poking her as if it was telling her to get off Akashi.

Even Akashi was slightly surprised how quickly his member woke up since he was already used to seeing a woman's nȧkėd body and he has even undergone training against the seduction so his member wouldn't get up unless he would be with the person he really likes or because of romantic and special atmosphere.

He didn't deny that he quite likes Esdeath but there wasn't any time to develop any romantic feelings towards her so he denied that. Neither the atmosphere was any romantic or special.

'It must be her body...There is quite a nice temperature in this room, of course, for regular humans it is a sauna with high temperature but despite feeling nice temperature, I can feel her cool and almost cold body grinding against mine even through my clothes... Her body temperature isn't changing at all despite the environment or contact with me. It definitely is a satisfying feeling, feeling something cold grinding against your body while you are in a hot environment.' Akashi thought and found reasonable cause of this.

While Akashi was thinking, Esdeath who felt that thing poking her buŧŧ frowned down. She was never really interested in the relationship between man and woman with a few expectations when she was around Akashi but she still never researched how exactly humans reproduce. She was aware of what was poking her but she didn't know that it has also other functions other than emptying yourself on the toilet. Well, she was also aware that it hurts a lot when being cut off from her torture sessions, after all, she has to be aware of each organ in the human body to know where to strike in what situation.

Therefore she took that poking as some kind of challenge so instead of getting up or making more space, she sat down straight at it and slowly started moving forward and back.

"?! Esdeath? Can you please get up and I will forget about the matter of getting my clothes wet." Akashi also noticed how she started moving on his member so he asked with a calm smile.

"Hmph! Have you forgotten that you owe me? What if I use that favor to use you as my towel?" Esdeath snorted and snapped her head to the side, making her long blue wet hair hitting Akashi's face.

"Pfft! I am sorry but I already ate the meal so I am not exactly hungry right now...As for how you decide to use that favor, that is your choice." Akashi blew a few of her hair out of his mouth and commented with a slightly regretful expression as a joke. Akashi didn't exactly want to act as her towel but it was much better than her asking for something more bothersome.

"So that means you accept to act as my towel for a while?" Esdeath asked with a sadistic smirk and narrowed eyes.

'It is really weird how sadistic smile can even look cute at the same time...' Akashi thought with a blank expression.

"Alright, BUT! I won't be controlled by you since I am not just normal towel, I am talking and capable of movement therefore I see no reason for you to use me with your own hands." Akashi said since it would feel humiliating being used in that way even though they are practically friends.

"Hmm...I guess it would even be more comfortable that way, not having to do it myself...Alright! I accept your terms but you must use your clothes and not a normal towel!" Esdeath muttered with a thoughtful expression while holding her chin before she pointed at Akashi and said in a raised voice.

"Alright, I acce-" Before Akashi was able to finish his sentence...

"Wait! You can't take those clothes off! And you must use your current clothes that you are wearing to dry me off." Esdeath shouted with a triumphal smile while pointing at him.

'You are basically asking me to grope you!!!' Akashi wanted to say that she should just say that she wants him to grope her but he recalled the fact that Esdeath is similar to Taeko in this regard.

"Has anyone told you that your intelligence matches your brilliant beauty?" Akashi asked with a twitching smile since his plan to take off his shirt and use it as a towel and then dry it with his flames and use it once again as a towel failed.

"Nope, but right now I can say 'you'. Thank you for another compliment but flattery won't help you...I won't let you off until I am completely dry!" Esdeath replied with a big sadistic smile and her hands long stopped pinning Akashi's arms on the ground and now they were on top of Akashi's ċhėst.

'Completely dry...? Does that involve that place too?' Akashi thought with a blank face as his eyes wandered deeply down even further down than before when he saw those 2 melons.

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