Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 147 - #146 The most difficult date

[N/A: In this fan-fic, Aria is a bit older than original, just for a few people who would like to complain about it or point it out.]


"Hello Aria, I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long, I had to deal with a few things before leaving the mansion." Akashi said with a charming smile when he arrived at the restaurant and met up with Aria.

Aria is a sixteen years old girl, she has blonde, slightly over shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy light blue accessory and blue eyes. She was currently wearing a blue dress that suited to her eyes.

"Not at all! Please sit down!" Aria smiled brightly while resting her chin on her hand and pointing at the seat across her.

'At first, I didn't really like what my parents set up for me, this entire marriage thing, but after seeing who will be my husband, I have changed my opinion very quickly. I even thanked my parents. Not only is he powerful and feared by many, he is also extremely handsome compared to other fat nobles! I just hope that delay wasn't caused by any whore-maid.' Aria thought behind that bright and kind smile.

At first look, Aria looks like a kind and gentle girl but a very small amount of people know how twisted she truly is...

"Alright, even though you say that, as an apology, I would like to pay for today's lunch. We can also go shopping afterward, I will also cover those expenses." Akashi sat down and suggested with a kind smile while looking into Aria's eyes with full of gentleness and love.

'Fuck, who knew how hard it is to keep that 'polite' smile...Women are truly creatures not to be underestimated.' Akashi cursed inwardly behind that kind smile of his.

"I-I don't know...Are you sure about that?" Aria asked with an uncertain expression while playing with her hair in a nervous way.

"Of course! Anything for my future wife." Akashi nodded his head resolutely while winking at her.

'Hehe, this is truly like a dream came true...His eyes are full of gentleness and love. He is powerful, has status and money and he is even handsome. Kiyaaa! I just realized that he has practically everything any woman can dream of from their husband! He doesn't even give me any perverted looks, therefore I might have a chance at controlling who he is sleeping with!' Aria who heard his words blushed while looking away in a shy way and when she thought to herself about her catch, her blush only deepened as she glanced at Akashi who was looking at her with a patient smile.

"You are really adorable when you blush." Akashi complimented her with a smile.

'Ugh, it's really much harder than keeping a poker face.' Akashi thought.

What was Akashi doing right now could have been called a miracle at controlling his emotions and feelings. He was capable of looking at someone he doesn't give a shit about with full of love. It was also hard to compliment her since he knew all her deeds but he was able to set them aside and started accepting the girl in front of him just in her physical form and completely disregarded her personality. Thanks to this, he was able to look at her without any problem since all he saw in front of him was a fairly beautiful blonde girl in a nice blue dress. He was practically looking at her as if he was looking at a doll.

'If this bitch makes me bleed too much, I will take it back from her family treasure anyway...' Akashi was able to keep his smile on his face without any change also thanks to repeating this sentence a few times in his mind.

"Hello, are you ready to order?" A waitress came to us and asked while standing by our table with a small notepad and pen in her hands. While she was asking this, she also threw a quick look at Akashi and they suddenly made a brief eye contact which made her look into her notepad.

"Yes! We would like to have..." Aria started naming numerous dishes as if she was hosting an army but Akashi kept smiling although there were a few twitches in his smile, he always covered it up with his hand.

'Bitch! I will make you bleed in a different way after today.' Akashi thought.

While the waitress was writing down our order, she occasionally kept glancing at Akashi out of the corner of her eye.

'I knew it! This bitch is actually checking out my future husband! Thankfully, it looks like Akashi isn't aware of it. Too bad that this is quite high-end restaurant and I can't just do whatever I want here...' Aria thought behind her smile as she kept observing the waitress.

'Please stop looking at me if you value your life, lady' Akashi thought with his eyes closed and a bright smile across his face. When Akashi saw how Aria looked into her handbag, he threw waitress an apologetic smile while extremely quickly shoving a few gold coins into her pocket.

The waitress was slightly startled by this but when she saw his apologetic smile, she got his meaning. She was able to see how Aria could get jealous or angry so she gave a grateful nod to Akashi before she stopped bothering them after taking their order back to the kitchen.

Despite this, Akashi was able to notice the same waitress peeking out of the kitchen window at him, thankfully, the kitchen was located behind Aria so she had no idea.

'Her looks are above average and slightly below Aria if I strictly judge just appearance, however, next to Aria she still looks like an angel that descended on this earth. Maybe I will be able to live through this date by secretly looking at her instead of Aria. Aria won't be able to find out since she is right behind her.' Akashi thought while making eye contact with the same waitress who started blushing.

And like this, Akashi was able to survive the meal together with Aria, all thanks to a mysterious waitress. If he wasn't constantly under Aria's eyes, he would even ask for that waitress's name and asked her parents for her hand in marriage for such a help she provided him today.

After the meal, they went shopping and Aria bought a "few" dresses.

"I held back quite a lot today..." Aria muttered while looking at numerous bags carried by Akashi who was constantly smiling. One would even ask if his lips got stuck in one position since his smile never changed throughout the whole day.

'I will definitely not hold back' Akashi thought while he was walking her home. At this point, he already began replying to her every comment in his mind.

"Here we are! Thank you very much for today, Akashi!" When they arrived at Aria's mansion, she spun around at Akashi with a bright smile. She called for her guards to take the bags back to the mansion which left Akashi and Aria all alone.

"No need to thank me. Seeing your happy smile is already big enough thanks" Akashi suddenly said quite a cheesy line with a really charming smile like never before since he already saw freedom, he finally saw the end of this date so he got carried away.

"..." Hearing his line, Aria's mouth remained open as she kept staring at Akashi's face with a dumbfounded expression.

'I don't know why but I have sudden urge to...' Aria thought while taking a few steps closer to Akashi.

"Still, you were quite a gentleman the entire day, I think you deserve at least a little reward." Aria said while standing on her tiptoes and aiming at Akashi's lips.

'FUCK NO. I can pretend to look but no physical contact, thot!' Akashi immediately felt cold sweat pouring down his back, he felt as if death itself wanted to kiss him.

"W-Wait." Akashi quickly stopped her by placing his hands on her shoulders which quite surprised her.

'She can even make sad expression?!' Akashi thought when he saw Aria in front of him to look dejected.

"Can I ask a slightly personal question?" Akashi asked with a reassuring smile.

"...Hm?" Aria raised her head in confusion but still nodded.

"Would this be your first kiss?" Akashi asked while trying his best to form a small blush.

"Y-Yes" Aria replied, slightly nervous.

"Mine too. In that case, let's wait until our marriage, wouldn't it feel more magical?" Akashi asked with a gentle smile.

'Shit, I am really good at defusing...I also think that I am going a little mad with all this talking to myself...Aria is more formidable opponent than I previously thought.' Akashi thought and those stupid jokes were a large part of the reason why he was able to survive a date with Aria without garnering her suspicion.

"...You are right, thank you for stopping me!" Aria thought for a while before she answered with a bright smile.

'I can't believe he has yet to kiss anyone with his looks and status. However, imagining both of our first kisses during our marriage ceremony is truly something else...Hehe, I can't wait until then! I will definitely be restless these few days, maybe I should find a few more people to play with.' Aria thought and parted ways with Akashi.

'I can't believe that I almost let her kiss me...' Akashi thought as he made his way home.

----Village near the borders with Northern Tribes----

"We will be on our way, chief!" Said a young man of average height with green eyes and medium length brown hair wearing a black coat over his brown sweater and black jeans. He also had quite plain-looking black broadsword on his back with his backpack. There were also 2 other people standing next to him, one young man and one young woman.

The other young man had short and somewhat unruly, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a white martial arts headband and an identical black coat over a similar sweater to the first man. He had an axe on his back together with his backpack.

The young woman had long black hair and black eyes. She was wearing a white buŧŧerfly hair accessory and a similar black coat to her friends'. She also had a bow with a quiver of arrows on her back attached to her backpack.

"Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo, you have learned a lot of things here and I think you are more than ready to use what you have learned to make a name for yourself in the outside world." The old man, most likely chief of the village said with a slightly sad smile, standing in front of them.

"Leave that to us! We will make the village so wealthy that no one will starve to death ever again!" Ieyasu said while pointing at his face with a thumb showing off his smug look on his face.

" will most likely break some rules due to your recklessness and end up on the guillotine" Sayo said while looking at Ieyasu like on an idiot.

"W-What?! Don't say such things! What if they happen just because you mentioned them?!" Ieyasu immediately snapped at Sayo while pointing at her with his index finger and upset expression on his face.

They began their bickering and the elder used this chance to give something to Tatsumi.

"Hm? What is it? Are we to sell that so we have some starting money?" Tatsumi asked with an excited smile while holding a small wooden figurine.

"NO! This is my parting gift to you. If you keep that on you at all times, god will surely look after you." The elder said with a serious expression and Tatsumi couldn't help but grip the figurine tightly before thanking the elder.

They said a few parting words before they left their village with the Capital as their destination.

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