Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 181 - #180 The time has come

Akashi approached Mez and Suzuka and burned their restraints. They in return looked at him with confused expressions.

"What exactly is happening here?" Mez had no idea if Akashi was a friend or enemy and even if he was an enemy, she had no confidence in going against him.

"Yeah, I didn't mind it, it actually felt pretty good and even better when being watched...I guess I discovered something new about me thanks to everyone." Suzuka however had other priorities although Akashi could see that she was just joking.

'Quite carefree despite being around so many people who can kill her in a second...' Akashi admired her ability to discard the pressure she feels.

"You shut up already!" Mez growled at Suzuka before turning at Akashi.

"It is simply as it looks, I am going to kill Honest and take over the Empire" Akashi bluntly said, making two girls slightly dumbfounded.

"...Why weren't we killed if that is the case?" Mez asked after collecting her thoughts.

"Because there will be a lot of work to do and I need capable people plus we already worked together once, haven't we?" Akashi explained while putting his arms on their shoulders and pushing their faces closer, forcing them to take a closer look into his eyes.

*Gulp* *Gulp* Both of them gulped down their saliva but each for a different reason than the other.

"Ha-ha, if you have even General Esdeath on your side then I guess there is no one who can stop you..." Mez released an awkward laugh but she still agreed that Honest has no chance.

"You also owe me one, Suzuka" Akashi said with a "friendly" smile.

"Huh?" Suzuka had confused expression which was enough to tell Akashi that she has no idea what he is talking about.

"Do you remember that night...when you tried to sneak into my tent?" Akashi asked with a cold smile.

"Ah...that...T-That was just fun, you know..." Suzuka replied with a nervous expression.

"I see, so you think of raping someone as a fun...interesting" Akashi nodded his head in "understanding" with his eyes closed.

"WHAT?!!" Everyone except for Taeko and Mez exclaimed with dumbfounded expressions.

"W-Wait! I wasn't trying to **** least it wasn't my plan at first!" Suzuka quickly denied his words just to practically admit it later on.

Everyone looked at her with blank expressions, making her feel as if she was being judged, not like Suzuka minded it.

"So it was my fault that I was sleeping and looking so "defenseless", right?" Akashi asked with a smile.

"Yes- *cough* I mean no..." Suzuka replied awkwardly.

'I guess that should be enough' Akashi thought and let two of them go, taking a few steps back. His intention was just to make them feel more comfortable, although he was aware that they don't fear death, the right mood was still required to make them more cooperative.

"Tell me, why do you work for Honest?" Akashi asked with his arms covered in black scales folded.

Hearing his question, both Mez and Suzuka looked at each other with a confused expression before turning at him.

"Because he is our employer...?" Mez answered.

"Because he is the one in control of everything...?" Suzuka added.

"I figured as much...girls, you should also learn something about loyalty. Heck, you weren't even friends with other Rakshasa Demons..." Akashi said while grabbing his forehead with a tired expression.

"I might try if you will let me have a taste-" Suzuka tried to say something but she was quickly interrupted by Mez who glared at her.

"Those 2 were a pain in the ȧss but at least they could have been called rivals...However, if I have to call someone a friend, it would be you, Akashi. It was the first time I truly felt entertained out of the battle, you have a serious side to you however you can also accept some childish acts from Suzuka." Mez folded her arms and said while looking sideways.

"Brrr, that sounded even more embarrassing than when I said this in my mind." Mez shivered a bit since this was really out of her character. She was usually playful and not serious like this.

"...Hey, I have a proposal for you two." Akashi said after observing them for a bit.

"Hm?" Both of them focused on him with curious expressions.

"I won't kill you so you have 2 options to pick from. You can either join me and help me after I kill Honest or you will be forced to accept banishment from the Empire. Of course, I won't let you act as you want to if you will join me and if you will truly fuċk up at that time, I won't be so kind the second time. Therefore, choose very carefully." Akashi said with narrowed eyes, one glowing with orange color and other with crimson color.

"We will join!" Both of them said in unison without any hesitation.

"Good...I will be watching you" Akashi turned his back at them and said while glancing being him.

Both Mez and Suzuka just nodded their heads with a wide smile across their faces.

"Still, Great General Budo might prove to be quite annoying, no?" Mez caught up to Akashi and asked while standing next to him, leaning forward, observing his changed face more carefully.

"Let him oppose us, I always wanted to fight him" Esdeath said with a cold smile and a sadistic look in her eyes.

"No, Budo is someone I want to convince to join me." Akashi immediately refused Esdeath's dėsɨrė to fight.

"Convince him? You are aware of the fact that he is the most loyal person to the emperor, right?" Mez asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"I am not planning to kill the emperor, and his family is loyal to the Empire and not to the emperor. At least that's what I have found out while investigating his family's history." Akashi explained with a cold look in his eyes.

"Isn't that the exact same thing?" Suzuka asked while rubbing her right wrist.

"Not at all, anyway, there is no need to explain everything. After all, Honest is still your employer, isn't he? I will let you join me only after I kill him, until then, you will be under the close watch of Night Raid." Akashi said.

"Huh?! Why do we have to do this kind of job?!" Mine asked with an annoyed tone.

"It's alright, we can look after them for a longer time. When are you going to kill Honest?" Najenda said to Mine before turning at Akashi.

"...Tomorrow, I will request the audience with the emperor, with the pretense of wanting to ask him for his blessing for my marriage with Esdeath." Akashi replied, sharing his plans with everyone.

Esdeath immediately frowned when she heard how she is going to be used by Akashi but she hasn't said anything.

"...W-Wait...tomorrow?" Najenda exclaimed with a dumbfounded expression.

"The longer we wait, the more suspicious will Honest get since your group and Revolutionary army became too quiet these days. Not to mention that you just got rid of his personal squad." Akashi nodded his head before intending to leave with his group.

Akashi left Mez and Suzuka in Night Raid's hands so he was sure they wouldn't interfere with his plans, he could even release them and make them return to test if they truly mean it with the thing joining him but there was no need to since everything would come to the end tomorrow.

'...' While following Akashi through the forest at night, Esdeath kept spacing out, she was feeling very complicated from following Akashi around. It was a kind of uncomfortable feeling, having to follow him around, however, she still had a chance to change everything tonight.

"Well, I will be returning home..." Mera said to Akashi with a smile.

Mera turned at Taeko and saw her unwillingness to leave.

"I guess you want to remain here, right?" Mera asked Taeko who in return firmly nodded her head.

"Then do as you wish" Mera shrugged her shoulders before turning around, intending to leave.

"Have a safe journey, could you also do me one more favor?" Akashi said before asking with a small smile, making Mera stop at her tracks.

"Sure, we will escort your new Prime Minister back to the Capital" Mera turned sideways, replying with a playful smile.

"You always know what I want..." Akashi said with a grateful smile.

"Thanks for the praise~" Mera replied in playful tone with a confident smile before turning around, leaving, swaying her hɨps on her way.

Akashi already canceled his transformation which gave him back his previous appearance, unfortunately, his stats also dropped down but it was safer walking down the streets in this appearance even though he had a cloak hiding his body.

"Can I use your bathroom to take a shower?" Esdeath asked while giving a strange challenging look to Taeko.

"Sure..." Akashi nodded his head. Hearing his answer, Esdeath went to the next room connected to his study. Although it was his study, the room even has a bed and all the necessary things here since Akashi spends here a lot of time.

"I will be going back to the guest room..." Taeko looked at Akashi before saying, making him frown down.

"Wait, is this about that look Esdeath threw at you?" Akashi was quite perceptive but, unfortunately, he didn't understand the meaning behind that look.

"It's about the thing I suggested. When I saw that look in her eyes, I immediately knew she was daring me to leave for one night, that is if my challenge still stands." Taeko nodded her head.

"..." Akashi didn't say anything and only got closed to Taeko, pulling her close to him.

"Are you really fine with this?" Akashi asked with a serious expression yet with a gentle look in his eyes.

"...Stop keep asking me unless I really say otherwise...Of course, it feels uncomfortable but I also know that I can't take care of your needs all alone, not to mention your family, your lineage needs to also continue and I can't guarantee you a child. However! Please don't feel bad or anything like that, I am tolerating this only because I know that you truly love me and also because you keep asking me whether I don't want you to stop or not." Taeko's eyes grew moist but her overall expression was extremely happy while looking at Akashi, when she was finally done saying this, she wrapped her arms around his neck, deeply kissing him.

"...I understand" When their lips finally parted after numerous seconds passed by, Akashi nodded with a serious expression.

"You better show her your true self...maybe she will even leave you after this night. *giggle*" Taeko said with a confident smile before she covered her mouth while she was giggling. She was usually a calm and stoic person but around Akashi, she always showed a lot of different emotions and even she herself liked it but she was unable but do the same thing around anyone else.

"*inhale* *exhale* You really want to make her regret her ideas, don't you?" Akashi took a deep breath before answering with a playful smile.

"She thinks that my Akashi is your regular man...she deserves it." Taeko replied with the same playful smile, maybe slightly sadistic.

"Heh, I won't let you down." Akashi chuckled and said with a smirk.

"There is one more thing I want to ask you before you leave." Akashi said and brought his mouth closer to her ear, whispering something.

During his whispering, Taeko's expression changed numerous times, mainly to a shocked one.

"It is alright if you want to refuse, it is just a suggestion but it might help the entire situation." Akashi said with a smile.

" sounds kind of exciting although maybe a bit crazy" Taeko said with a slightly sly smile.

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