Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 186 - Epilogue

Immediately after the former emperor was dethroned, the western region found a chance to invade the Empire together with the Eastern region's help. Akashi sent his own secret army together with some recruits from the Capital to face the Eastern region's invasion. That army was led by Taeko, Kurome, and Ichika...and together with the help of the rest of Oarburgh's members, they very quickly defeated the invasion without many casualties. Oarburgh even went as far as to sneak inside the Kyoroch city, where The Path of Peace's HQ was located in. They ȧssassinated all major people in power and captured The Lord himself, giving opportunity for Akashi's army led by the girls to invade and completely crush them without much resistance.

As for the Western region...well, the only ones who went to face the invasion were Akashi and Esdeath all alone without any infantry. And after the biggest battle where they faced more than 100 thousand of soldiers alone, it was safe to say that the Western region would never try to invade ever again as long as those two are alive. After the battle, Esdeath obviously felt a need to fool around with Akashi and he didn't mind it since, after such large battle, it always felt better.

Akashi didn't choose to invade them since he had to stabilize his own country before invading another one not to mention he already heard about the invasion of the Eastern region so managing 2 newly captured territories would have been unnecessarily troublesome.

The Revolutionary army was still functioning as before however they were in a frozen state, waiting for what's to happen next, although when they heard about the battle against the Western region, their morale dropped down and a lot of people started coming back to the Capital without even waiting for the changes, of course, it was only once smaller groups were accepted back and were given opportunities to do what they do best without any problems.

Jun, Akashi's father became new emperor even though it took Akashi a lot of persuading since his father wanted him to become the emperor because Akashi did most of the work and since he is young but old enough to be one, however, Akashi pressured him enough to accept with the help of his mother, of course, her help didn't come for free...

The one who took Honest's position of Prime Minister was Chouri with Spear always by his side. He was quite surprised to see her so interested in government and politics so he started teaching her, letting her come everywhere with him to the meetings. In his mind, he was already set on teaching her everything before he will leave this world, he wanted to make her first female Prime Minister. Of course, in those meetings, there were a lot of people she could meet and possibly marry so everything was playing into his cards.

Akashi was obviously helping his father and he also implemented a lot of laws from his old world here but not everything was usable so he selected only a few of them that would overly help prosperity. A lot of people were disagreeing with his plans, even Chouri who found his plans interesting however due to immense financial pressure they represented, he had to agree with other people. Thankfully, this wasn't the democracy so Akashi shut them down with a few words and promise that in the next 5 years they will see unbelievable changes and that the prosperity of the Empire will grow beyond the time during the First Emperor's reign. Such a claim was a big deal but Chouri in the end chose to believe in Akashi.

In a few months after the former emperor's abdication, most of the chaos died down and Oarburgh clan continued doing their job by targeting people who were tainted by sin. Akashi's biggest joy was that the people here had very low standards so even "minimal wage" brought them the biggest joy, they were able to pay for their housing and food which was very unusual during Honest's presence. People were also much more hardworking than in his old world, while there were a few corrupted ones who always tried to get more than offered, they were quickly shut down. Akashi put a high priority on public security and this corruption inside guard's ranks and practically everywhere.

Seeing the progress, what remained from the Revolutionary "Army", returned back to the Capital to be accepted once again as the Empire's citizens. couldn't have been called army at that time...

With a few more months, the Capital which was the current and biggest Akashi's goal quickly transformed into very beautiful and prosperous city. The actual crime rate was 0. Yes, 0, mainly because most of the thieves and murderers were already caught and security at the gates was very tightened. The Imperial police force was also cleansed of rotten members and quickly replenished with even more members since the security was tightened even on the streets.

After the Capital looked even brighter than during the First Emperor's time, people had complete confidence in Phoenix's house and were completely loyal to them. Jun who became emperor brought his most loyal maids from the mansion to the palace to take care of his meals and other necessary things since he was willing to put his life in their hands, therefore his security was quite secured with the help of a few Oarburgh members.

Najenda went back to the Capital, acting as its general.

Bulat also returned to the army right under Najenda's command.

Lubbock obviously followed after Najenda, always trying his best to impress her which left her only smiling at him, leaving him at a delicate situation.

The trio from the village decided to return back to their village since life conditions across the entire Empire was improving with the improvement of the Capital, and Mine unexpectedly chose to go with them with the words "I don't want to return to the Capital, I have too many bad memories on that place. I just want a quiet place to stay at."

Of course, only after a few months, it would be shown what was her real reason for leaving exactly with them and not with anyone else. Sheele who had nothing to do since her only talent was to kill decided to try to join Akashi's special ȧssassination unit where she met a lot of new people who didn't mind her mistakes and airheadedness.

Leone returned back to the Capital to exact location where slums used to be where after a long search, she found a few of her childhood friends from the time when she still worked in a massage parlor. With the money she earned as an ȧssassin she took all of her friends and started her own tavern...well, her friends were responsible for the business while she herself just kept enjoying unlimited alcohol for free while occasionally going outside to hunt a few Danger Beasts for fun.

Akame returned to Kurome's side, at first, she was very awkward since she almost caused the downfall of their relationship but with time, she learned that Kurome has already completely forgiven her even though she never mentioned it. Akame also apologized numerous times to Akashi personally but he always just waved his hand with a faint smile. She also began regularly visiting Kana and Tetsu, helping them with their lessons and Tetsu's swordsmanship.

Najasho and Cornelia who were for quite a long time missing suddenly showed up in front of Akashi. The only reason they returned was that they heard of the changes inside the Capital and because Cornelia's situation was worsening each day. Akashi helped to carefully remove the parasite in her eye however, it turned her blind to one eye, thankfully, she lived on without feeling pain each second. Even The Lord's miracles couldn't restore her sight.

Akame and what remained from their Elite Seven group were quite nervous about Cornelia since they were aware of how much she loved Gozuki and practically everyone in their group...Unfortunately, her amnesia was so strong that the only person she could remember was Najasho who kept taking care of her all that time. Akame and others were a bit sad but it was also a small relief for them.

Since Cornelia could no longer feel pain, she turned more cheerful like before however she was quite distrustful towards other people and therefore she always stayed by Najasho's side. In the end, in next a few years, they even started dating since they were always together.

---10 years later---

"Dad, mom! Look at my Iaidō! I have improved once again!" A small 9 years old girl swinging wooden katana started shouting in the garden with a cheerful smile at 3 people standing and watching her together. This girl is Akashi's and Taeko's child and she took a lot from her mother. She has black hair going slightly under her shoulders tied up in a short ponytail, even her eyes had lime color after her mother. The girl herself never got any talent in controlling flames however her flame resistance was incredible, she could bathe in flames and nothing would happen to her, even as a child. However...despite not having a ability and talent to control flames, her talent in swordsmanship probably exceeded her mother and father's talent. It was as if Taeko and Akashi's talent were literally combined together, her physical capabilities were also extremely high. Her speed and ability to hide her presence from anyone were also superb which gave some troubles to her mother however it also gave birth to her playful side.

"Onee-chan! Dad had already given you enough attention, I also want him to look at my creations together with mom" A small 8 years old boy said while pouting. He has short hair with one half in crimson color and another half in a very light blue to white color, even his eyes were of light blue color and another of crimson color. He was sitting on the ground, playing with miniature ice sculptures in forms of guards fighting inside a small fire circle.

This boy is obviously Esdeath and Akashi's child. The boy himself had actually just regular talent in close-quarter fighting however his control over the flames and ice was flawless, the only thing he was missing was quantity of the flames and ice he can control. His physical capabilities were definitely below his sister's but he had his own advantages.

"Now, now, I am capable of watching both of you at the same time, Shoto, Sako. Isn't that right?" Akashi said with a playful smile before asking two women standing next to him while pulling them closer to him.

"That's right, Shoto" Esdeath wearing blue dress said with a peaceful smile while watching her son play around.

"Sako, be nice to your little brother" Taeko wearing a white dress said to her daughter with a gentle smile and look in her eyes.

Esdeath's character completely changed over those years...At first, it was kinda hard with her when there were no wars but when she finally had her son to take care of, she actually turned into a normal gentle mother, looking like any other gentle women.

Even the trio's appearance didn't age that much which had a lot to do with Akashi and him...ehm, giving them his..."life force" almost every night. Akashi's constitution has already exceeded regular humans by many times which also granted him a longer life which he was sharing with 2 of his wives.

'In my previous life, I have failed to be a good father but not this time!' Akashi thought with a nostalgic smile while firmly holding girls's hɨps, making them blush a bit.

"Eeew, parents are getting lovey-dovey again!" Shoto exclaimed while turning away from them.

"What is wrong with it? I think they look adorable~!" Sako reprimanded her brother while looking at the trio with a cheerful smile.

Sako and Shoto never really questioned the situation of them practically having 2 mothers, they never cared, or more like they felt content with having more people to care about them.

----------THE END-------------

Well, I tried to end it somehow...hopefully it is acceptable, I am not good at this.

Anyway, my future plans are simple...start a new slice-of-life fan-fic just for relaxation, no grand plot or goals, just regular things, and dialogues.

If you have any questions, I will try to answer all of them in the comments. It was nice having you supporting me and this story until the end. I am aware that I rushed it a bit but it was kinda necessary for me, at least I completed it.

I am aware that I probably missed a lot of characters and what happened with them but...There are simply too many characters and it's kind of expected that I will forget a few of them, however, I tried to mention all the major characters.

Also...I couldn't help that reference to Shoto Todoroki xD

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