Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 43 - #43 Shocking everyone

Looks like I won't earn any experience points by killing my ally.

"..." We kept staring at each other in silence while the left flank was filled with very loud sounds of fighting.

"Ken" The man using strange metal wires as a weapon called out to the man wielding the big axe.

"Mm, let's resume our attack, we just need to push them more and they will lose morale!" The man named Ken nodded and shouted at his men standing ready behind him with determined expressions.

He rushed toward us with his men and the battlefield on the right flank once again became chaotic.

He jumped towards me and swung with his big axe at my head in the vertical line. I jumped to the side, easily dodging his attack that caused a lot of rubble to fly around, making this chaotic battle even more chaotic.

I don't really care about this big muscle man...I am more interested in that other man using wires, he has yet to move from his position, why?

I thought with a calm expression and dodged another horizontal attack from the man named Ken while glancing at the man using wires as a weapon. I couldn't help but wonder why he is not moving around much, he looks really strong when others charge at him just to get cut into pieces but...

"Everyone, retreat a little bit and hold the line, don't go charging at that guy!" I shouted and directed "my" soldiers to back away a little and form line.

They quickly followed my order after that incident.

The wire guy narrowed his eyes when he heard my order.


'Has he figured it out?' The guy using wires thought with a dark expression.


"Ken!" The wire guy shouted at his colleague with an urgent tone.

Hmm, he is deliberately making me retreat towards that guy so my guess must be right. He must have set up those metal wires before the battle but he can't control them to the extent to freely move around with them.

When Ken once again swung his axe at me in a horizontal line, instead of dodging, I blocked his attack with my sword and used the impact behind it to help me kick off the ground at a much higher speed.

"Adol! You have him there!" Ken shouted with a confident smile when he saw me flying towards the wire guy named Adol.

"Heh, good job! Leave the rest to me!" Adol shouted and stretched his arms to me, and immediately 2 wires from both sides attacked me at the same time, closing in on me.

They are really thin and also be extremely sharp, they must be made from a special Danger beast, it's also most likely fur but it definitely isn't Teigu judging from how he has to set them up to perfectly control them and even then, he can't freely move around.

Thankfully, I can easily see them from such a close distance!

I raised my head and looked at the guy named Adol just to show him a little smile.

"Huh?" He looked confused by my smile but didn't stop his attack.

*swish* The edge of my red blade gleamed before I swept my sword in a wide arc, cutting both wires attacking me from both sides.


Hm? He even hid his wires underground, huh?

I thought with a slightly surprised expression when I noticed a wire come out of the ground while I have yet to recover my stance after that full swing.

"Hmph!" I snorted and once again smiled.

[Phantom Strike]

[Energy: 1095/1115]

By blinking in front of him I dodged the wire coming out of the ground.

"What?!" He widened his eyes when he suddenly saw me appear in front of him with my calm expression together with a small smile.

"Heh, what are you smiling about? You should be aware that the spot where you currently are in, is the most dangerous!" He instantly smiled and formed fists and then pulled both of his arms back to him.

'Yes!' Ken shouted in his mind when he saw this, although he was surprised by Akashi's speed and sharpness of his weapon to be able to cut through those wires, it was still for naught. As long as he would get too near Adol, he would seal his own fate.


Instantly the moment Adol pulled his arms back to him, numerous wires appeared behind me, coming back to Adol at extreme speed.

Hm? He is pretty good to react so fast, unfortunately, his wires aren't that good and durable, if it was Teigu I would perhaps need to retreat.

I thought with a smile and swung my sword without worrying about those approaching wires.

He looked slightly surprised by my decision but he ended up smiling since the wires were faster than my sword.

However, when his wires got too near me, they immediately melted away by the flames that appeared all around me.

"Wha-!" He widened his eyes after seeing this but before he could say anything, his head was already rolling on the ground.

[+20 XP for killing your enemy.]

"?! Adol!!! You little brat!!" Ken immediately jumped at me, trying to split me in half with his axe so I hold my sword above my head with only 1 hand.

*Bam* *Crack* When his axe met my sword, the impact immediately made my legs sink a bit into the ground and the ground itself cracked all around us.

Hm? The strength of this attack was much higher than before, I guess it's due to the rage he is currently feeling.

I thought when I felt my hand go a little bit numb after receiving his attack.

Everyone already stopped fighting and retreated a few meters from each other when I killed one of their commanders and when they saw me blocking Ken's ferocious attack only with my sword and 1 hand, everyone's jaw immediately dropped down.

"?! Grr, who the hell are you?!" He shouted at me with angered expression while he was trying to overpower me with his axe held in 2 hands but I didn't let him push my sword even an inch closer to me.

"There is no need to tell you my name, because..." I answered with a stoic expression and steady hand holding my sword while his 2 hands were horribly trembling.

"every one of you will die here." I said and used my free hand to point at his heart with my index and middle finger put together.

"Huh? *Cough* ?!" He looked confused when I pointed at him but before he could ask anything or retreat, a spear of flames came out of my two fingers and pierced his heart making him cough out blood with a shocked expression. He managed to look down at his body where I pierced him before he lost the light in his eyes.

[+20 XP for killing your enemy.]

Class: Warrior (Lv. 7, +10 Str, +6 Const, +1 Agi, +1 Cha) 252/640 XP

[Energy: 1045/1115]

Hmm, 50 energy for such a move is quite overboard but I guess it was required to change spear's attribute from the explosive one to a sharp one. I am still training to use it the most efficient way so it's only given that it will take a lot of energy at the beginning.

Everyone was surprised how easily I killed him and even more surprised by the flame that appeared out of nowhere.

"Well, there are pretty lot of people here, it's gonna take some time to kill everyone one by one..." I muttered with a tired expression while looking at the enemy troops.

Only when they heard me, both sides woke up from their daze.

"S-Should we resume our attack, L-Lord Phoenix?" One of the officers responsible for smaller units asked me with fear in his eyes, no one dared to make a sudden move, not even my allies.

"No, that would only cause more casualties and we also need to help the left flank quickly so we can reduce even more casualties. Stand back and wait for my orders, be ready." I told them and took a few steps toward the enemy front line before I stopped a few meters away from them.

"Tch! Don't fear, it's just one person! Even if he killed commander Ken and Adol, he won't be able to kill all of us. Even they wouldn't be able to face all of us at once!" One soldier in the front line shouted with a mixture of anger and fear in his expression but it was efficient and most of the soldiers stopped shaking and just gulped down their own saliva and faced me with resolute faces.

"But what was that flame?" Of course, not everyone stopped feeling fear and one of them muttered aloud.

"Well, since there are so many of you gathered in one place...I ought to use it." I said with a small smile and took one of my hands out of my pocket and directed it towards the sky.

Since I never used it before...How about going a bit overboard and create a little show.


[Sun's judgment]

[Sun's judgment]

[Sun's judgment]

[Energy: 555/1115]

I even used one overwhelm to try out if it also works with skills or just with my regular attacks.

"W-What is that?!!!" Almost everyone shouted with horrified expressions while looking at the sky, even the left flank stopped fighting for a while when they noticed that the temperature abruptly raised. In the sky, 3 orbs formed out of fire appeared out of nowhere but it would be more appropriate to call them 3 mini suns due to their temperature and size.


'What is that?! Is that Akashi's doing?! He looks so cool, hehe.' Mez thought with an excited expression, she didn't even care if it was Teigu's ability or not.

'Oh?! Such a high temperature yet it is so far away from us...I wonder how it would feel standing closer to it~' Suzuka thought with flushed cheeks while attacking one of the commanders on the left flank with her extended nails without even looking at him, catching him off guard and ultimately killing him.

"Haha, never take your eyes off your opponent!" Esdeath also used this opportunity and kicked off the head of one of the commanders while he was busy observing the situation and once she killed him, she also directed her eyes at the show on the right flank.

'Looks like Akashi wants to end it sooner, I won't lose to him again!' Esdeath was shocked by the sight before her but instead of staring at it in awe, she immediately went ahead to kill more soldiers and commanders, not wanting to appear slow in comparison with Akashi.


"Enjoy the bath, don't worry, it won't hurt!" I said with a small smirk and swung my arm down, making 3 mini suns in the sky fall down on the enemy's heads.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Upon the impact with the ground, they made smaller explosions but as I said before, it didn't hurt since there were no screams only a few of them after those explosions ended since they could cause burns but not entirely death if one was far enough from the place of impact. But for those who met those mini suns head-on, they didn't feel anything.

"Agh! It burns!!" One of the soldiers who survived screamed while he was trying to take off his armor that was slowly melting, the worst thing was that his helmet was also melting.

What an unlucky guy...I thought and picked up from the ground Ken's axe and threw it at the guy who was trying his best to take off his armor, splitting his head into two halves.

There you go...Ain't am I generous to even bother with him?

"Retreat!! There is no chance we can win against that monster!!" The surviving enemy immediately started retreating.

"What are you staring at?! Go after them and after you are done with them, go help left flank by cutting off their escape routes!" I shouted at "my" own soldiers who were just standing and staring with absent-minded expressions.

When they heard my shout, they finally woke up and started to pursue the retreating enemy.


[+1 XP for killing your enemy.] x 532

Class: Warrior (Lv. 8, +12 Str, +7 Const, +2 Agi, +1 Cha) 144/1280 XP

Free Stat points: 12 -> 13

[+0.5 BXP for burning your enemy.] x 532

[+10 BXP for burning your enemy.] x 2

Special Class:Fire Monarch (Lv. 9; +18 Cha, +16 Int, +12 Const, +6 Str) 1064/2560 BXP


*Sigh* Getting this special class to level 10 will be a real hassle. It seems that I am getting experience points only for decent opponents. It seems that burning

I thought with a helpless expression while looking at the scorched earth in multiple places.

I am also feeling slightly tired, I guess using 490 energy at once is very straining even though it is less than half of my maximum energy...



[Name: Akashi Phoenix (Age: 12)

Title: King of Sloth

Class: Warrior (Lv. 8, +12 Str, +7 Const, +2 Agi, +1 Cha) 204/1280 XP

Special Class:Fire Monarch (Lv. 9; +18 Cha, +16 Int, +12 Const, +6 Str) 1064/2560 BXP

[Health: 610/620]

[Energy: 555/1125]

[Strength: 40 (64)]

[Agility: 45 (62)]

[Intelligence: 32 (57)]

[Constitution: 40 (59)]

[Charisma: 25 (48)]

Free Stat points: 13

Classes: Young Noble (Lv. 4; +5 Cha) 12/80 XP,

Passive Classes: Assassin (Lv. 10; +15 Agi, +9 Int, +6 Str, + 4 Cha)

Special Class: Yato (Lv. 3, +10 Str, +10 Const, +10 Agi, +3 Int) 22/40 SXP


[Absolute Dominance - When facing the formidable foe, show no fear, instead show your arrogance. + 55% to every stat, fire intensity, and explosiveness]

[Phantom Strike - Blink towards your enemy, the maximum distance is decided by your Agility (20 energy)] (Assassin)

[Sun's judgment - Summon smaller sphere from the sky in the form of a meteor, scorching anything in its path. (150 Energy)]

[Overwhelm - Strengthens the power of your next attack by 40% (30 Energy)] (Warrior)


[Child of Fire - Flames love you as its own child. You are protected by the fire itself, whenever someone uses long-ranged attacks, flames will protect your body from projectiles even without your consciousness but you can still stop them if you want. This isn't the ultimate defense! (works best with Fire Monarch special class)]

[Contempt for the Weak - Whenever you kill a human, your intimidating aura strengthens. Making possible for your aura alone to change the temperature and gravity around you. With enough deaths, it's possible to even extend the range of your aura, crushing bones of the entire army just by your aura. 572/? (As the name suggests, works only on weak or on targets under a huge shock)]

[Insatiable Hunger - The more engrossed you are in the fight and the more you fight crazily, you fight harder. You are only becoming stronger and stronger in the course of the battle. Be careful not to let your health drop dangerously low or you might become slightly insane for exchange of enormous power.(works best with Yato special class)]

GOLD: 6710



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