Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 46 - #46 Balcony illuminated by Moonlight

I went back to the end of the cave to look at the state of the ores.

Hmm, seems like the blue ones are all on the ground mixed up with other things that melted down but green ones are still intact. Once I return back to the Capital, I have to learn how to forge weapons in a more sophisticated way.

I decided to leave for now and take just a few ores back with me. This time, I made my way to the Capital without any further stops, I even ignored Danger Beasts just so I wouldn't be slowed down.

Of course, if I found some exceptionally strong Danger Beast, I wouldn't decline the meal but since all I have met were weak ones, there was no need to bother with them.




I was able to arrive at the Capital's gate at dead of night, the gate was illuminated by lights and a few guards were guarding it while nodding off.

I didn't say anything and just stopped walking while looking at them with a tired expression.

"Go search his backpack and ask for his identity." One of the guards ordered to his colleague.

They were pretty loud and I noticed that a few other soldiers who were resting on the side, leaning against the wall finally woke up and looked around with sleepy expressions.

"Hm?! Wait! Is that you, Lord Phoenix?" One of the soldiers noticed me and after a while of focusing his sight at me, he finally shouted at the guards before turning to me with a respectful and maybe slightly fearful expression.

I see...they are from our expedition.

"Yes, can I go in without being searched? I am pretty tired." I replied and said with a tired tone.

"? A-Alright, you can go in, sorry for wasting your time." One of the guards looked back at the soldiers waiting for me and then back at me before bowing down to me.

"It's alright, at least you do your job but I recommend not to stab your spear's head into the ground, use the other end to support your balance if you need to doze off a bit." I waved my hand that it's alright and then teased him about what he was doing a few minutes before he spotted me.

"Um...ha-ha. You must jest, I wouldn't dare to doze off on my duty." Guard released an awkward laugh and then said with a forced smile while adjusting his helmet

"What are you doing here?" I asked them with a slightly confused expression.

"Commander Esdeath wanted us to relay you a message and also e-escort you back to your home." One of them replied and when he mentioned word "escort" he staggered a bit.

*Gulp* All of them looked extremely nervous as they were walking behind me.

"Bu!" I abruptly turned around and shouted at them while making my entire figure be illuminated by a small flame I created on my palm.

"?!" 2 of them took step back with slightly afraid expressions.

"Eek!" And the last one exclaimed and quickly hid behind his colleague

Pfff...nice escort, haha.

Both of them glared at the last one who was scared the most.

"Tell me the message, you don't need to escort me, I have been living in this city for many years." I made the flame disappear and then said to them with a stoic face.

Was her intention to discover where I live? But that shouldn't be any problem now that she knows my full name...strange. Anyway, I will have to meet with her the next morning but for now...I should just go back to my room and my bed.

I thought and then made my way towards our part of the city and when I arrived near our mansion I immediately noticed guards diligently standing in front of the gate, observing the surroundings with stern looks on their faces.

Hmm, they are completely different from Capital's usual guards.

I thought with a small smile while observing them from the shadows.

I moved in the shadows and jumped over the numerous meters high fences.

There aren't many guards here but no one knows about this fact but our maids are also highly trained warriors all of them are much stronger than usual soldiers.

I carefully circulated around the entire mansion to find a good spot to sneak in until I noticed a figure of someone I knew very well standing on the balcony, staring longingly at the moon.

What is she doing?

I thought with furrowed brows while looking at Ichika standing there all alone, wearing only her black nightgown.

I decided to give her a small surprise so I started slowly and discreetly climbing up. After I climbed up at the roof of our mansion, I quietly descended on the balcony right behind Ichika who had absolutely no idea about my presence.

It's even easier to hide your presence when you don't mean any harm to that person but she must be spacing out really hard if she can't notice me so close to her...

Hehe, your back is wide open Ichika!

I quickly wrapped my left hand around her right under her ċhėst and put my palm near her neck, acting as if it was a dagger.

"?!" She immediately woke up and tried to hit me into my nose with the back of her head but I dodged and hold her even firmly not letting her attack me anymore.


'How could have I spaced so much to let someone sneak up behind me?! But...this kind of warmth is somehow familiar...' Ichika was surprised that Akashi dodged her sudden attack without any motion before it happened but she stopped struggling for a while when she sensed familiar warmth coming out of Akashi's hand wrapped around her body.


"Isn't your guard too lax for a bodyguard, miss Ichika~? And what kind of welcome was that? Did you want to break my nose as a welcome?" I said with a teasing tone and a small smile on my face while forcing her head to turn at me.

"Yes, that's me." I let go of her and took one step back to spread my arms and to fully show myself to her.

"...Young lord!" She exclaimed with a wet eyes and jumped on me, tightly hugging me and pressing her brėȧsts against me.

Eh? I didn't expect such a reaction...Was she that worried? But she looked completely fine when I left, on the other hand, Kurome was quite sad. Did she perhaps just act like she wasn't worried, trying to set a good example for Kurome?

I thought with a slightly surprised expression.

"Yeah, I am back. Don't you have any confidence in me?" I returned the hug and only when I put my hands around her, she stopped putting so much strength to her hug.

"Ha-ha, I-I know how strong Young lord is but...The battlefield is a chaotic place and anything can happen there, not to mention that Teigu user could have been there too. It is said that once 2 Teigu users meet each other in battle, only one can leave alive and sometimes even both will perish." It was hard to recognize if she was laughing or crying, maybe both at the same time. One thing was definite, she was crying because she was relieved and happy to see me.

"...I wanted to follow Young lord but I was aware that I would be discovered by Young lord's abnormal awareness. And when I calmed down, I also recalled that I have to look after Kurome-chan and talk to her about the thing that happened in the warehouse. Then I realized that Young lord would be extremely displeased with my performance if I decided to follow and abandon my duties regarding Kurome." She started explaining and amidst of her explanation, she was starting to calm down.

I would have never thought that it would be like this to such an extent...This goes beyond her duties as a bodyguard to care about me like that...It's the truth that we spent with each other numerous years while being most of the day together.

After seeing her reaction...hearing her rapidly beating heart...feeling her shaky hands...feeling her tears slowly wetting my clothes, I can finally say it for sure.

"You have done well, Ichika. You should go rest for now." I said with a genuine smile while gently patting her head.

"Mm, yes, suddenly I am feeling quite tired." She let go of me and took one step back while wiping away her tears together with flushed cheeks and a big smile.

"Let me help you~" I said and without waiting for her response, I took her into a princess carry while looking at the enormous moon in the sky with a small smile.

"Wha-? Young lord?" She didn't protest but she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Look at this beautiful moon for the last time, after that I will carry you to your bed" I glanced at Ichika while saying this with a smile before returning my gaze at the moon.

She looked surprised by my words but she still looked towards the moon. Her tanned face together with her long black hair tied up in ponytail swaying back and forth in the wind were illuminated by the moonlight. While she was looking at the moon with an enchanted expression, her violet eyes were shining brighter than ever, her eyes looked like a middle of the space being surrounded by many shining stars.

"Heh, as I thought your eyes are really pretty" I said with a small chuckle.

"Huh?" She turned at me with a surprised expression, not being able to say anything she just smiled and thanked me with her bright smile.

"Let's go back" I walked in her room and put her on the bed and put a blanket over her.

Then I went back towards the balcony to close the doors and put curtains down to block any light from coming to her room.

While I was doing that...


'...Young lord is really charming, he would be able to charm any girl with his looks and gentle disposition. Thankfully, that gentleness is only directed to certain people or others would try to take advantage of him. I am glad that he can be ruthless while also kind...these kinds of people are rarest in this world.' Ichika thought while holding her blanket over half of her face to hide her blushing cheeks.


When I was done I made my way toward the door leading to the hallway inside the mansion.

"Young lord?" Ichika called out to me while hiding half of her face with her blanket.

I put my hand on the handle of the door and then turned at her with a smile and waited for her to continue.

"...Thank you...for everything." She said after a little pause.

"No need to do that, you can always depend on me. Good night, Ichika, may you have only beautiful dreams." I said with a small smile and then quietly left her room through the door.

Thankfully my room is very close to Ichika's or I would have to sneak around many maids still "working" but in truth, they are just guarding the mansion.

When I got into my room I immediately noticed that Kurome's bed was empty.


I looked around with a confused expression and then I finally understood.

She is sleeping on my bed...

Should I wake her up and greet her or...

"Zzzz, Nii-sama...Nee-san" Kurome was muttering in her sleep while she was sleeping in the curled up position, looking like a little kitten. The blanket wasn't covering her at all and it was visible that she was wearing only her undėrwėȧr.

What kind of sleep do you need to have to completely kick away the blanket? Anyway, I should not wake her up, I will wait until the morning and give her a different form of surprise.

I took off my military uniform and got into my bed right next to her and covered her with my blanket. I guess she will serve as an alarm if she will wake up earlier than me, heh.

I thought with a smile and closed my eyes.

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