Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 49 - #49 5 years!

Upgrade, huh?

Anyway, that doesn't matter right is Esdeath doing?

I thought and looked at her kneeling on the ground, catching her breath. Blue aura was slowly gathering around her and she suddenly firmly clenched her head and the aura around her suddenly went violent. The air in the room started to become colder so I stepped in and released my own aura together with my fire attribute which made blue and red aura clash together.

My red aura slowly overpowered Esdeath's blue aura, however, it didn't look like the end. She was still clenching her head.

I slowly approached her and put my hand on her shoulder and slowly started to send warm energy towards her heart and brain. Her entire being was like ice but I was able to wrap her heart and brain with my own energy, slowly warming it. When I wrapped her brain she immediately stopped clenching her head and looked around with a confused expression, just to see me standing next to her.

I nodded at her with a serious expression.

She closed her eyes and started to truly tame the Teigu inside her. It took less than 1 minute before the blue aura around her burst all around the room away from her body and her body regained normal body temperature.

After everything was done, she started unbuttoning the top of her uniform to look at her ċhėst which slightly confused me but I realized that she must have some kind of reason.

When she was done, her cleavage revealed a black tattoo on her ċhėst. Well, mostly the black tattoo, the line closer to her heart was glowing in red color.

Hm? Is that my doing? I don't see any reason why should it be red, except for me wrapping her heart in my own energy.

Anyway, since she has that tattoo it means that she successfully tamed the Teigu.

"I feel like my body is overflowing with power. Ha!" She stood up and threw one punch into the empty space just to create a quite violent wave of wind.

Judging just from this light punch...if I battled her right now, I would perhaps lose with only using my Yato special class but then again...I also have cheats like [Absolute Dominance] and not to mention [Insatiable Hunger] from Yato special class so it's hard to say who is stronger. But if I used everything, I believe that she wouldn't stand a chance, of course, she is still not accustomed to her new strength. However, I find it quite interesting that Elemental-type Teigu also enhanced her physical strength...maybe it is also my doing? It is hard to determine but either way...It means that I have one more strong ally to recruit or strong opponent to fight with, I don't see any negative, hehe.

"I am glad to hear that." I said with a genuinely happy smile for her being stronger.

"Hehe" She also noticed the meaning behind my smile so she returned the same smile while looking gratefully into my red eyes.

"Thank you very much, Akashi. Although I don't know what you have done, I can feel that I am much stronger than if I absorbed it without your help. Also thank you for helping me earlier and sorry about...about that kiss." She thanked me with a grateful expression while gripping her fist and then apologized with a slightly ashamed expression.


'I am pretty sure that I would be able to tame it without Akashi's help but...I feel much lighter and my mind is clearer so it's a good thing that he decided to help me.' Esdeath thought with closed eyes and a grateful expression on her face.


"It's alright why would I be here if I wouldn't even decide to help if I could." I shook my head to show that I don't mind it at all.

"I guess it wasn't enough to cause an-" I was interrupted by Esdeath bringing her face closer to me while staring deeply into my eyes.

"What is it?" I took one step back and asked her with a confused expression.

"...Your eye...or more like your pupils...were they always so dark? They always seemed to have usual black color but right feels like I am staring into the abyss...Hmm" She slowly explained what was bugging her before she backed away from me to think more about it.

"Anyway, we shouldn't talk here, let's go back." I said and Esdeath nodded her head with a thoughtful expression.

"Oh? You are finally back, it was starting to get cold here...Was it you, General Esdeath?" Honest looked slightly surprised to see us walking out of the room so quickly however when he saw Esdeath's new tattoo he immediately addressed her "General Esdeath" with a happy smile.

"Yes, I am sorry for the inconvenience." She nodded her head with closed eyes.

"Well, if there is nothing more, I will be going out. Have a nice day, Esdeath, Prime Minister Honest." I said and started slowly leaving while waving behind me.

"Have a nice day, Akashi!" Esdeath put her hands on her hɨps and said her goodbye with a genuine smile.

I glanced behind me just to see that sight and I couldn't help but smile.

What a woman...she is ruthless, cold but she can also show her warm side. These types of women are either extremely poisonous or the best one can find. Judging from her devilish body, I would categorize her into the poisonous kind, heh. But I can't judge just from that...

Anyway, that kiss was kinda nice, too bad I am too young to actually enjoy it. It already felt weird as it is but considering circumstances, we had no choice or more like she had no choice.


'They are quite close...If I remember correctly, he is to be married to the noblewoman named Aria once he hits his 18th birthday but now that I think about it. Maybe it would be good to get these two freaks together. But on the other hand, there is no way I can bring up such matter in front of Esdeath...' Honest was slightly surprised when he saw the interaction between Akashi and Esdeath.





------5 YEARS LATER------

*ROAR!!!* Both of them roared at us. There was also Ichika and Kurome standing next to me. I was already 17 years old and Kurome was approaching 15 years old. Thanks to the prescription handed to me by Babara, she looked completely different, not exactly physically but there are indeed big changes on her body too. One of the things is that the medicine that was supposed to improve her health and potentially expand her lifespan, instead of making her look younger or keeping her appearance, it made her develop faster. Right now she easily looks 16 years old but not only physically...even her entire temperament is completely different when she is in the fight. Of course, when around me, she always behaves childishly and spoiled.

Ichika, on the other hand, became slightly younger or more like she didn't age at all during those 5 years...

Not to mention, both of them became much stronger thanks to my training and medicines provided by Babara and also thanks to my party system. But I rarely used it, most of the time only when I want to get experience when they also kill something. This way, they work and also get stronger while I also get my experience points.

"Ichika, Kurome, take care of that Danger beast with lion's head, goat's body, and serpent's tail. I will take care of that one hiding behind the shell." I said and slowly walked towards my target.

"Yes, young lord!" "Yes, Nii-sama!" Both of them said and went towards their own target.

...I want to look at how exactly strong they became.

I thought while leisurely walking towards the enormous turtle that looked as big as the Palace in the Capital.

"I am sorry but I want to observe their fight so if you can, please disappear." I said while pointing with my hand at the sky while other was resting in my pocket.

[Sun's judgment]

[Energy: 1025/1325]

Two mini suns appeared on the clear blue sky and when I swung my arm down, they dropped down at the Danger Beast.

The Danger Beast immediately curled up in its shell which was actually strong enough to withstand a few attacks from Teigu, depending on the type of weapon and attack, if it would be a blunt crushing attack then it would be easy to destroy but slashing and piercing weapons would have difficulty to get past by its defense. Thankfully this enormous Danger Beast was quite slow, well, compared to its size, it was still extremely fast.

*Bang* *Bang*

[+ 5 XP for killing Danger Beast]

[+ 0.5 BXP for burning your enemy]

Class: Warrior (Lv. 9, +14 Str, +9 Const, +4 Agi, +2 Cha) 2558/2560 XP

Special Class: Fire Monarch (Lv. 9; +18 Cha, +16 Int, +12 Const, +6 Str) 2559.9/2560

Tch! The experience points for a normal class are alright but once my Special Class hit over 2.000 experience points, it started to slow down and when I mean slow down then it was extremely slow. I even had to move out some distance away from Capital because the forest near it was no longer enough. There were far too weak Danger Beasts there.

I thought and looked at their side.


"Umm...Kurome-chan, can you take care of this one? I don't like to fight against Danger Beasts..." Ichika said to Kurome with a forced smile.

"...You are just lazy, this kind of beast would pose no problem for you." Kurome said while staring daggers at Ichika who just scratched her cheek with an awkward smile.

"Well- oops!" Ichika wanted to explain herself but decided to jump a few meters away together with Kurome.

*Bam!* The beast attack the position where they were standing and created a small crater with its attack.

"You can show off in front of the Young lord. Don't you want him to see you in full glory? If you won't take the chance, I might as well take it from you, hehe." Ichika provoked Kurome who just narrowed her eyes.

'...She is right...Nii-sama is watching so it's a great chance to show how much I have improved.' Kurome thought with a thinking expression and her hand on her chin while dodging another attack without even looking at the beast.

*Bam!* The debris flew everywhere but the beast once again missed.

*ROAR!!!* Its eyes became red which meant that it became "slightly" enraged.

"Alright, I will take care of it, this time~" Kurome said to Ichika with a smile and small nod.

"Thank you, Kurome-chan! I will treat you to your favorite cookies later!" Ichika jumped to the side and cheered for Kurome which only enraged the beast more.

"Did you have to make it even angrier? Jeez...anyway..." Kurome muttered and slowly walked towards the beast and unsheathed her katana.

"Can you please be my stepping stone so I can show off in front of Akashi Nii-sama?" Kurome stopped right in front of it and asked while pointing her katana at the beast's head with a small smile on her face.

The beast responded by swinging its paw with big claws down at Kurome's head.

But before its paw hit the ground...

*Splash* *Bam* The blood started to gush out and beast's cut part of paw flew a few meters behind Kurome.

"Jeez, aren't you the mean one? I asked you a question and even used please, yet you start attacking me before giving me an answer." Kurome playfully muttered with puffed out cheeks and a small provoking smile while she swung her katana to get rid of the blood on the blade.

The beast got enraged even further and released fire-breath at Kurome.

"Hm?" Kurome felt like that fire won't do anything to her so she just remained at her place.

When the fire reached her, it didn't hurt her at all, which caused her to turn her head to the side where she saw Akashi standing with a smile and extended hand aiming at the flames.

"Hehe, it feels really weird when I don't feel any temperature from these flames but I guess it doesn't matter right now." Kurome muttered and jumped up in front of the beast's head.

"Nothing personal but...Rest in pieces~!" She shouted and swung her katana vertically, the blade flashed and beast's head split in two. However, this move also caused her blade to chip a bit.

'Hm? I guess I will need a new weapon...I hope Akashi Nii-sama won't scold me.' Kurome thought when she dropped down and checked on the condition of her katana.


When Kurome was finally done with her foe, I released my flames and let it devour the entire beast.

[+ 2 XP for killing Danger Beast]

[+ 0.1 BXP for burning your enemy]

Class: Warrior (Lv. 10, +16 Str, +11 Const, +5 Agi, +3 Cha)

Special Class: Fire Monarch (Lv. 10; +28 Cha, +20 Int, +10 Const, +5 Str) ?/?

[Congratulation on hitting the 10th level on your Special Class. The Special class doesn't work the same way as a normal class, therefore you can't have it as a passive class and receive it's bonuses passively. However, you can upgrade this special class and make it much stronger Class]

[Fire Form - Your body will become flames itself for the specific duration, you can't be hurt by any physical attacks while you can attack using only your flames. All the items you had on you will be returned upon transforming back. Duration is based on your Intelligence and Constitution. (200 Energy)]


[Name: Akashi Phoenix (Age: 17)

Title: Sloth

Class: Blade Master (Lv. 1; +1 Str, +1 Agi) 0/10 XP

Special Class: Fire Monarch (Lv. 10; +28 Cha, +20 Int, +10 Const, +5 Str) ?/?

[Health: 710/710]

[Energy: 1325/1325]

[Strength: 47 (75)]

[Agility: 50 (71)]

[Intelligence: 40 (69)]

[Constitution: 47 (68)]

[Charisma: 33 (69)]

Free Stat points: 17

Classes: Young Noble (Lv. 4; +5 Cha) 12/80 XP,

Passive Classes: Assassin (Lv. 10; +15 Agi, +9 Int, +6 Str, + 4 Cha), Class: Warrior (Lv. 10, +16 Str, +11 Const, +5 Agi, +3 Cha)

Special Class: Yato (Lv. 3, +10 Str, +10 Const, +10 Agi, +3 Int) 22/40 SXP


[Absolute Dominance - When facing the formidable foe, show no fear, instead show your arrogance. + 60% to every stat, fire intensity, and explosiveness]

[Phantom Strike - Blink towards your enemy, the maximum distance is decided by your Agility (20 energy)] (Assassin)

[Sun's judgment - Summon smaller sphere from the sky in the form of a meteor, scorching anything in its path. (150 Energy)]

[Fire Form - Your body will become flames itself for the specific duration, you can't be hurt by any physical attacks while you can attack using only your flames. All the items you had on you will be returned upon transforming back. Duration is based on your Intelligence and Constitution. (200 Energy)]

[Overwhelm - Strengthens the power of your next attack by 40% (30 Energy)] (Warrior)


[Child of Fire - Flames love you as its own child. You are protected by the fire itself, whenever someone uses long-ranged attacks, flames will protect your body from projectiles even without your consciousness but you can still stop them if you want. This isn't the ultimate defense! (works best with Fire Monarch special class)]

[Contempt for the Weak - Whenever you kill a human, your intimidating aura strengthens. Making possible for your aura alone to change the temperature and gravity around you. With enough deaths, it's possible to even extend the range of your aura, crushing bones of the entire army just by your aura. 947/? (As the name suggests, works only on weak or on targets under a huge shock)]

[Insatiable Hunger - The more engrossed you are in the fight and the more you fight crazily, you fight harder. You are only becoming stronger and stronger in the course of the battle. Be careful not to let your health drop dangerously low or you might become slightly insane for exchange of enormous power. (works best with Yato special class)]

GOLD: 3210



When I turned 15 my title changed just to Sloth and now it gives me 75% regeneration while resting and also 15% regeneration while in a fight without being even in my half-sleep mode.

Anyway, I wonder why was it so hard to get even Warrior class to level 10...Was it due to my raising age and stats? Even though I was killing much stronger beasts than previously, it is the truth that it was extremely hard to find beast that was equal in strength to me. It could also be because Assassin was my first class so I could have gotten some kind of bonus speed...whatever.

I should focus on that upgrade thing, it looks like I can't use my Special Classes passively...but maybe it will change once I will upgrade it.

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