Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 62 - #61 Taeko discovering a new emotion.

After a few more seconds of "treating" Babara's condition...

[Energy: 505/1265]

Babara's condition finally turned better and although it looked like she was totally exhausted, at least it didn't look like she was about to die...yet.

"?! Impossible..." Gozuki muttered when he saw that Babara had yet to die after such a long time.


'What had he done? There is no way Murasame would fail to kill anyone in one cut...The only ones it can't kill are artificial beings without heart. The markings from Murasame's cut are still around her wound but they are no longer moving...' Gozuki thought with a shocked expression, his eyes were shaking while he was looking at people in front of him. His entire mind was in disarray because he knew very well how strong Murasame is...and how death is absolute once receiving a cut from it.


Although the curse is no longer spreading, her condition still isn't stable and it could start spreading once again. That sword is really dangerous if it was able to almost kill Babara with only one cut. If I hadn't come in time, she would already be dead. Such weapon...should be destroyed.

I thought while glancing at Babara before directing my gaze at Gozuki's weapon with narrowed eyes.

Babara is definitely not just any weakling, I am confident that she would be able to hold all those guys that attacked us while occasionally striking back. However, just a little nick was enough to kill her. What an absurd weapon. If I had time right now, I would have taken it and destroyed it. Unfortunately, others could come to help Gozuki and I am already quite exhausted, I would be forced to show my flames against so many enemies and my energy is already low. Not to mention Babara's unstable condition, I won't let her die now that I spent so much energy on saving her. And most importantly...Babara is strong yet Gozuki was able to keep her busy without getting even scratch...I don't know what his abilities are as a Rakshasa demon but he definitely must be much stronger than Suzuka and Mez.

But I am sure that Gozuki won't let me just leave so easily now that he saw how I cured Babara, judging from his shocked expression.

"Gozuki..." I turned at him and said with a small smile, obviously changed voice.

Gozuki wanted to move closer and maybe attack us but me calling out his name stopped him from taking any additional steps.

"?! How do you know my name?" He asked with narrowed eyes while vigilantly watching me. He was aware that I shouldn't have been able to hear it anywhere since his "kids" are calling him father instead of his name.

"Heh" I only smirked and gave him look of contempt which only alarmed him a bit however it didn't anger him at all.

Let's see how are my acting skills but first...


Special Class: Fire Monarch (Lv. 10; +28 Cha, +20 Int, +10 Const, +5 Str) ?/?

[Health: 520/720]

[Energy: 575/1335]


[Strength: 47 (77)]

[Agility: 50 (73)]

[Intelligence: 40 (69)]

[Constitution: 47 (69)]

[Charisma: 33 (69)]


I changed my special class and hoped that Gozuki won't be able to recognize me but he shouldn't be able since we only met each other once. Akame is a different case because I caused her emotional shock by taking her sister so she remembers me very well.

Let's also tune it up a bit.


[Intelligence: 40 - > 41 (70)]

[Constitution: 47 -> 48 (70)]

[Charisma: 33 -> 34 (70)]

Free Stat points: 29 -> 26

[Health: 530/730]


When all of my stats hit 70 I felt like I had a little breakthrough, especially with charisma stat.

I tilted my head slightly to the side and looked at Gozuki with an arrogant smile. The change in my demeanor was easily visible just by looking at me however one could also feel a completely different aura around me.

"I forgot to introduce myself, how impolite of me. I am Katsura Akuma, the first and oldest son of the leader of our Akuma clan. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Gozuki from the Empire" I sarcastically introduced myself with my right hand held at my heart and when I mentioned Empire, ridiculing tone appeared in my voice.

"Akuma clan? Never heard of it..." Gozuki said while taking one step forward.

"Of course you didn't, we don't usually meddle with frogs in the well like your Empire. Just seeing your reaction after saving this granny from the curse of that sword was funny to watch." I said with an amused smile.

"...If you don't usually meddle with us then why are you here, traveling with those people from Oarburgh and attacking us." He stopped advancing and asked another question with a hostile tone.


'I have never heard of any organization like that...On the other side, how was he able to stop Murasame's curse? And what's up with his change in aura? Was he hiding so much aura inside him? Maybe that's the reason for my bad feeling when I saw him near the inn.' Gozuki thought and played it safe since he had too little information to just attack them and the things that Katsura told him only made him warier.

"True enough but this is one of a few exceptions. I, as the oldest son of the leader, I am considered as a prince of my clan and I am of age to find a suitable wife. And there is a woman in Oarburgh who I find more than worthy of being with me." I said while widening my smile and increasing my aura thanks to my passive [Contempt for the Weak] combined with my high charisma.

Although [Contempt for the Weak] wouldn't normally work on someone of caliber like Gozuki but the shock he received from seeing his weapon's ability fail to kill Babara made him more vulnerable to its effect.

Babara and Taeko must be dumbfounded from my acting but they can't afford to let it be seen by Gozuki so they kept glaring at him as nothing changed.

Gozuki's gaze moved a bit to look at Taeko upon hearing my words.

"That's right, that's my future wife so it is only my obligation to help her." I nodded when I saw where Gozuki was looking.

"...That still doesn't answer my question of why you know my name." He said while he took 1 step back.

"? *sigh* Why do I have to always explain things to everyone once I leave my clan grounds? Are you all in the Empire so stupid? You don't know about my name, not to mention my entire clan, yet we know about you, Gozuki or for example, your biological daughter Mez who is currently training inside the Kouken Temple. Tsk, tsk, what kind of father are you? To spend more than 8 years with those kids instead of your own daughter." I said while using a ridiculing tone.

"?! What is your aim, goal?" He looked a bit surprised to hear this information since not everyone knew all of this. First of all, these kids were always kept in secret and even his daughter isn't exactly publicly known since he never spent any time with her.

"*Sigh* Like I already told you...To make this beautiful and talented woman my wife and then return to my clan. I don't give a damn about your filthy and slowly crumbling Empire, don't worry." I released a tired sigh and explained while pointing at Taeko with my hand while also looking at him like on idiot.

"..." He didn't say anything further but he was still wary with undecisive expression.

"Anyway, I will take my leave now, we won't bother with you any longer." I said and put both Babara and Taeko on my shoulders while moving as if I wasn't carrying anyone.

"Wait!" Gozuki suddenly shouted at me and I stopped walking.

"Your kids are alive...for now that is, however...if you intend to stop me from leaving, I don't mind killing all of them. I won't even need to use the influence of my clan on people like you and your Empire." I informed him about the others before abruptly turning around with an enraged expression and completely cold eyes with vertical slit pupils.

I need to take granny somewhere safe and very quickly, her condition is already worsening, she is just doing her best not to let Gozuki notice it.

"So, what will you choose? Die while delaying my marriage or will you actually go check on your kids? I am pretty sure that one of them would definitely appreciate your help, you should have some medical skills right?" I asked with a smile, trying to look like I am not in a hurry.


'...This is so frustrating, enemies are just in front of me yet I can't just carelessly move. I have never heard of Akuma clan but if they were really able to hide so well while obtaining such information...Not to mention that kid in front of me is really strong. I can't make a move without checking on his clan first and if what he said is the truth...I don't want to start a war on the Empire's behalf. He said that he will take that ȧssassin with him back to his clan which means that she will no longer come after us, as for that granny...let's just hope he wasn't able to completely cure her, she is really troublesome enemy.' Gozuki thought for a while before he closed his eyes and sheathed his katana.


Gozuki threw us a last glance before rushing towards the town.

'The health of those kids is more important. They are talented so as long as they will continue to grow stronger, the Empire will also grow stronger. No need to care for 1 or 2 ȧssassins. If all of them were able to survive, this will be a good lesson for them.' Gozuki thought while he set those three people aside and instead he started thinking about the well-being of his pupils.


"W-What immense acting skills, ha-ha." Babara suddenly exclaimed when Gozuki left with ragged breath.

"Shut up, your condition is worsening and we also have to close the wound caused by me." I said with a serious expression while coldly glaring at her.


'? To think that someone would look like that at me because of me being injured...haha. I kinda envy Taeko's age now, haha' Babara thought with an amused smile.


I entered the mountains to move some distance away from the town while also covering our tracks.

Although I wouldn't be able to completely eliminate the chance for them to find us however they should have their own worries right now and most importantly, it would also take them a long time to discover us.

"Akashi...Even I believed you for a second there..." Taeko said with a smile and slightly flushed cheeks once we finally stopped some distance away from the town.

"Thank you but it was a close call, we didn't have time to fight with him. Thankfully, he played it safe too but your faces are already known so I doubt you will be able to freely move within the big towns. Can you please gather some wood for a campfire, Taeko?" I replied to Taeko with the same smile and then asked her while I started treating Babara once again.




I continued treating her condition until it was late at night, we already set up a small campfire since the nights were still quite cold. Although they were quite resistant to cold, that didn't mean that they want to sleep in it, not to mention that Babara wasn't in a state where she could just choose what she wants to do.

I was currently sitting by the campfire, occasionally throwing in a few branches to keep the fire burning. I was just staring at the flickering flame, I extended my arm and put my fingers into the flame but it didn't hurt me at all. Instead, I felt like my energy was recovering slightly faster.

"...Do you mind?" Taeko approached me and asked with an uncertain smile while pointing at the empty space right next to me.

I just gestured to her to do whatever she wants.

"Thank you...How is my grandmother's condition?" Taeko sat down next to me and asked me with a concerned expression.

"She is stable, her life is no longer in danger but maybe her abilities as an ȧssassin will be weakened. Maybe it is due to her advanced age or because we arrived too late, I have no idea." I explained while looking at Babara who was lying next to the campfire, sleeping after that exhausting experience.

The entire treatment that lasted for a few hours, she was feeling an incredible pain without even losing her consciousness. The markings around her wound were no longer visible except for a few small black dots around her wound.

Anyway, if she will be able to still perform her duties as an ȧssassin, this will definitely serve as a good lesson for her. So old yet she is still fragile is human's life not to mention its extremely short life span. That Gozuki's weapon...Once Babara wakes up, I can ask her for a description of how the process of that curse actually felt. I might be able to figure out something against it but to be able to kill anyone in one cut...I would rather destroy it than use it. There is no skill in using it. Any kind of surprise attack can kill the enemy even stronger than you. Once you will start using such a weapon, you will never improve your own skills ever again.

"Thank you for everything, Akashi...If you weren't here with us...we would have most likely been dead by now." Taeko turned at me with great difficulty and tried her best to stare straight into my eyes but the shame she was feeling was really big.

"No need to thank me, I was repaying you for everything you have done for me." I answered with a small smile while throwing another small branch into the campfire.

"Can about that matter we were discussing before we left the town?" She asked with a hesitating expression while looking at the flame in front of her.

I put my hand on hers which slightly surprised her and she finally looked at me.

"Be more confident, you can talk to me about whatever you want." I said with an encouraging smile while tilting my head to the side.

"...I- at that time when we were buried under rubbles of that building...I had a sudden urge to touch your cheek but I don't know why..." She said with a confused expression.

I just kept on looking at her with a smile and nodded at her to continue.

"...C-Can I touch your cheeks, right now? I am aware that it is a weird request but...I want to know why I had and have that urge even right now." Taeko said while averting her gaze with slightly flushed cheeks.

Is she...? Even though it appears like she is slightly emotionless, she can still blush when it comes to close physical contact. I guess it must be a natural reaction since she never experienced anything like this before, at least from what I know.

"Go ahead." I replied with a small while turning my whole body at her.

She also turned her whole body at me and nodded with a determined expression as if she was about to do something difficult.

Taeko extended her arms and slowly touched my cheeks, at first, she just tapped them before she finally put her both hands at my cheeks...It was really fun to watch her expression while she was doing it.

She moved a bit closer to me and brought her face closer to mine, she stopped a few inches away from my face. I noticed her staring at my lips with curiosity in her eyes.

I just gently smiled at her acting so clueless and cute, completely opposite from her battle mode.

...I guess I should do something or she will keep staring at me until dawn.

I put my own hand at her cheek which slightly surprised her and she finally stopped staring just at my lips.

I tilted my head to the side with a smile on my face and brought my face closer and she followed me out of instinct. When our lips met, she immediately opened her eyes wide upon discovering a new sensation.

I already expected her to react like that so without breaking a kiss, I gestured her to close her eyes but slowly closing my own. When I took a peek, she really closed them and only focused on the kiss.

The kiss lasted for more than 20 seconds yet she didn't show any intention of stopping, instead, she started slowly opening her mouth which slightly surprised me.

Although I was caught off guard with her move, I still followed right after her and we started using our tongues and even at this stage I had to show her what to do by my tongue but she quickly picked up on it and to be honest, it was kinda cute how she had no idea what to do.

She awkwardly wrapped her arms around my neck and sat even closer to me without breaking the kiss for even a second. I responded by supporting the back of her head with one hand and with other I supported her back.

After more than 1 minute of the intense kiss, our lips finally parted ways and when I opened my eyes I saw Taeko staring at me with fully flushed cheeks and confused expression.

"haah" Both of us were catching our breath while staring at each other without breaking eye contact.

"I- I apologize." Taeko said in a low voice while looking away to the campfire.

"? Why? If I didn't like it, I would have pushed you away." I looked at her with a confused expression before shrugging my shoulders with a satisfied smile.

I hope this doesn't make me a cheater since this is a new body and a completely different world...Who knows. I guess I will never be able to even feel Raksaya's wrath, haha. However jokes aside, I think that she wouldn't mind it since we can't even be together anymore. Plus our relationship was kinda special to begin with, it wasn't something serious yet our relationship was more stable than those who have a serious relationship.

"S-So you don't mind it?" Taeko asked me with a curious expression and pleading eyes.

"I liked it, what about you?" I replied with a teasing smile while turning my body once again to the campfire.

I have a feeling that Taeko wouldn't mind taking it a little bit further but I don't want to do anything in front of this sleeping granny. Even though she is sleeping and her condition isn't the best one, she is still a great ȧssassin who can just suddenly wake up if she felt a disturbance.

"Then...please excuse me." She said and sat down between my legs and snuggled close to me, pressing her head on my ċhėst.

I was slightly surprised that she didn't ask this time but it was a pleasant surprise.

I wrapped my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder with closed eyes and a peaceful smile.

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