Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 65 - #64 Chelsea's suffering

"What are you doing here?" Mera asked me with narrowed eyes.

Not so friendly face which I already expected but she isn't overly hostile either...surprising.

"What kind of welcome is that? How about a little friendly hug since we didn't see each other for 5 years~" I said with a friendly smile and spread arms.

"Wha?!" A maid on Mera's right side immediately exclaimed when she heard my words. She had purple eyes and long purple hair tied in two ponytails. She also had four arms which meant that she is Cassandra.

"Hug? You expect a hug from me after you kicking me a few hundred meters away?!" She asked with an upset expression.

"? a few hundred meters? Ah! It's you!" Another maid on Mera's side exclaimed with a surprised face while pointing at me. She had a green eyes and blonde hair and I remember that hair very well from 5 years ago, she must be Gilberda.

"Alright, alright, sorry about that. However it was 5 years ago, I don't think there is any need to fight with each other...Also, hello Gilberda! Although you didn't show your face 5 years ago to me, I can still remember you." I shrugged my shoulders with an apologetic smile and then I waved with a smile at Gilberda who supposedly has superhuman strength.

"? You remember me without even seeing my face?" She muttered with a dumbfounded expression.

"I already forgot about that matter or otherwise I would have attacked you at first sight." Mera said to her defense while tossing her hair back with a proud face.

"I see...heh" I chuckled seeing her act like this.

*Puff* Suddenly my disguise disappeared and the only one who never saw me without disguise was Cassandra so she took a better look at me with a curious expression.

"What is it? Do you want to make fun of me?" She asked with an angered tone.

"Hm? Not at all, I find it fascinating and I am thinking how convenient it must be to have 4 arms. The fights would have a completely different meaning with 4 arms." I said with a curious smile while slowly approaching her and holding my chin with a curious expression.

"Wha-?" Cassandra was quite surprised by my words but she quickly recovered from her shock a steeled herself when I finally approached her.

"Ehm, I am sorry but Dora is already mine." Mera cleared her throat to interrupt me and said with a smile while wrapping her arm around Cassandra who started slightly blushing.

Dora? Probably nickname...

"Don't worry, I am not interested in her that way. There is already someone else." I looked at Mera and answered her with a small smile while returning to Babara's and Taeko's side. Taeko was intensively staring at me when I came back.

"..." Cassandra looked slightly disappointed, I must be the first male who said that her arms aren't disgusting so hearing me say that I have no interest at all must have disappointed her a bit.

Even Mera noticed it and glared at me with hostile eyes.

"Well, I meant that if I didn't have anyone in mind already, I might have been interested" I said with a forced smile.

I didn't come here to make other members disappointed or hate me.


'I don't see any problem with that...Can't you just like two or more people at the same time?' Mera thought with a thoughtful expression.


"Then you better be careful around that person or I might decide to steal her if she will be to my linking." Mera said with a teasing smile.

...How come she is so...normal? Shouldn't she hate me at least a little bit?

"Nah, you will try it once and I will make sure that you will stop liking girls altogether~!" I took a few steps forward to her and replied with a teasing smile and closed eyes in a threatening manner.

"Hehe, you are quite brave to speak those words to me so openly while being inside the unknown hideout full of ȧssassins" Mera took a few steps forward too and said with the same smile and closed eyes.

"Haha, not at all. Quite opposite, I am a coward, it just shows how confident I am~!" I said with a wide smile while taking one more step forward, finally arriving in front of her.

A vein appeared on Mera's forehead when she heard my words.

"Oho, I see, I see...How about you show me how confident you are, huh?" She replied while bringing her face with a twitching smile and vein on her forehead closer to mine.

"No prob, how many meters do you want to fly this time~?" I asked with a bright smile while looking down on her.

"Mera-sama...?" Both her maids called out to her with a dumbfounded expression.

"?...Hmph!" Mera looked behind her at her maids before turning back at me, she tossed her hair back and walked away from me.

"Babara, I believe that you have something to report to me." Mera said while sitting down on the couch.


'*sigh* Finally it's over, thankfully nothing happened.' Babara thought with a tired expression.


"Yes, the targets we accepted to eliminate are far more troublesome than we first thought." Babara said with a serious expression.

"Hm? That doesn't sound like you completed the mission. Tell me, what happened?" Mera narrowed her eyes when she noticed Babara's tone.

"I will go and show Akashi around, is that alright?" Taeko took hold of my arm and said with a slightly excited smile while looking at Babara and then Mera

"..." Babara glanced at Taeko before redirecting her gaze at Mera.

"...Go" Mera said with closed eyes and disinterested expression.

Taeko immediately nodded her head with a grateful expression and then dragged me outside of the room.

---When Akashi and Taeko left---

"What happened to Taeko during this mission?" Mera immediately asked Babara because even she noticed the big changes in her behavior.

"I don't know, however, I am aware of who might know...heh" Babara said before glancing at Chelsea who remained next to Babara despite wanting to leave with Taeko and Akashi. She just didn't want to interrupt them so she decided to play a nice onee-san for Taeko, however, at that time she still didn't know that she would suffer because of her choice.

"Hm? Heh." Mera looked at clueless Chelsea and chuckled. When Chelsea noticed this, she finally understood and both Babara and Mera formed a sinister smile while looking at her.

'?! Why is it always me!!! I can't disappoint Taeko!' Chelsea thought and steeled herself to face even torture.



Taeko and I started walking around their hideout and maids kept giving us weird looks or more like at me.

"Is it really so rare to have a male visitor here?" I asked with a slightly tired expression when we were finally in Taeko's room all alone.

"Well, there is only one male here and he is a leader's butler. However, he is already quite old so you are the only young male here." Taeko explained with a slightly helpless smile while sitting on her bed with her hands resting peacefully on her thɨġhs.

Maybe I can use this chance since we are alone here...

I approached her and crouched down in front of her and took hold of her hands which slightly confused her.

"Taeko, what do you think of two of us? I want your honest thoughts on what you feel. I don't want you to regret anything." I asked with a serious expression since it was quite hard to guess what she is thinking with her usually stoic face.

It is also visible that she is inexperienced and she has never done anything like what we did a few days ago. It could all be just ŀust and I am not saying that it's bad to feel ŀust but one should be able to control it and do what he truly wants and not just "need"

"I-...I don't know, all of what happened between us is completely new for me, I have never felt so...happy before. Not even when grandmother rescued me when I was just a child." Taeko replied with a slightly complicated expression, she was happy but she was also feeling strange because she couldn't understand what was happening within her.

"I don't want to speak for you since I don't know what you exactly feel but maybe you are slowly falling in love." I said with a gentle smile and gently squeezed her hands.

"Falling in love...? ...What about you, Akashi?" She asked with hesitating expression and pleading eyes.

"Haha, I can't understand my own feelings either but I can tell with confidence that I want to protect you with everything I've got and keep you close to me." I released a slightly awkward laugh and replied with what I have felt every time I looked at Taeko.

I was slightly afraid that she won't be able to understand my words but instead of replying she pulled me on her bed, on top of her.

I looked with a slightly surprised expression at Taeko and she just smiled with flushed cheeks while lying peacefully on her bed and looking straight into my eyes.

I put my hands above her head to support myself and then I went for a kiss.

We continued kissing for a while before we both opened our mouths, wanting to move on the next stage, however...

*Knock* *Knock* *Creek* Someone knocked on the door hurriedly and then instantly opened them.

"Taeko! There is a little...problem?" Chelsea burst into the room and looked at us lying together on the bed with open wide eyes and flushed cheeks.


'What are they doing?!! This isn't something you should do in the broad daylight!' Chelsea thought with a completely red face when she saw Taeko lying under Akashi in a completely submissive pose with her hands positioned above her head while a gently smiling at Akashi, she also noticed a bit of saliva between Taeko and Akashi's lips.


"It looks like you really want to be spanked, lollipop girl" I immediately got up from Taeko and said with a twitching smile at Chelsea.

I started to slowly approach Chelsea with a spread arms and big smile with closed eyes

Thankfully we didn't start undressing or it would be even more awkward but we shouldn't have done this in the broad daylight in the first place, however, that's not an excuse for Chelsea to burst in here without waiting for us to reply, heh.

*Gulp* "I-I think there is no need, it is all just a big misunderstanding...I promise that no one-" Chelsea started slowly moving backward with her hands up and a slightly afraid expression but before she could finish her sentence...


"AAAH!" Her scream resounded through the entire hideout.

---In the main room where Mera usually spent her time---

"Hm? Was that...Chelsea?" Mera muttered with a confused expression while touching her lower lip with her index finger.

"*sigh* What the hell is she doing this time?" Babara released a tired sigh when she heard Chelsea's muffled scream.

---Before Chelsea came inside Taeko's room---

"Why don't you want to tell us?" Babara asked with a devious smile while cornering Chelsea.

"I-I don't know anything...I promise!" Chelsea said with a pleading expression while putting her hand to her heart.

"Hmm, I have a much better method of how to make her talk. Gil, Dora. *Snap*" Mera said with a bright smile and snapped her fingers.

"Yes!" Both Cassandra and Gilberda answered with an excited smile and then they approached Chelsea from each side.

"W-What is it?" Chelsea asked with a forced smile.

"Since you don't want to talk then we can only do one last thing." Mera replied and both maids grabbed Chelsea by her shoulder, dragging her to the couch.



"No~ Not there~! Ah! Instructor, help me, please!" Chelsea tried to stop groping hands exploring her body under her clothes but she was powerless against so many hands so she tried to plead for Babara's help while extending her hand to her.

"...I am not here" Babara replied with closed eyes, completely ignoring what was happening so close to her.

"No! Don't pinch them!! I surrender!! I will tell you so just stop pinching them!!!" Chelsea finally stopped resisting and decided to sold Taeko's secret out for her freedom.

"Hmm...Well, a deal is a deal...*Snap*" Mera said with a disappointed expression and snapped her fingers once again and her maids stopped groping Chelsea.

Chelsea was finally free so she sat up with a completely red face while adjusting her clothes.

After she was done, she wrapped her arms around herself with a vigilant look and started retelling what Taeko told her.


"WHAT?! My Taeko....and HIM?! I wanted to be first to kiss Taeko!" Mera immediately exploded with a shocked and upset expression.

"Is what you have said the truth, Chelsea?" Babara asked with a serious expression.

"I don't know...I haven't seen them myself, it's what Taeko told me but I saw her sitting between his legs while leaning against his ċhėst near the campfire." Chelsea replied with ashamed expression.

"What are your thoughts on this?" Babara directed her attention to Mera since she knew how she wasn't fond of the man and woman relationship, not to mention that woman is from her clan.

"Grr! We will solve this next day! I am too angered to care anymore today, Gil, Dora, to my chambers. I have to get rid of this bad mood somehow." Mera said while leaving the room with angry steps

"?! Yes!" Both Cassandra and Gilberda instantly answered and followed after Mera with excited faces. Now, they were even grateful to Akashi because since Mera met Akashi for the first time, she started slowly reducing the time she usually spent with them.

"*sigh*" Babara just looked at Chelsea before she released a long sigh while shaking her head, she turned around and started leaving the room too.

---Taeko's room, present---

"Did you have to hit me so hard?!!" Chelsea asked with an angered expression while rubbing her buŧŧ.

"It wasn't meant for pŀėȧsurė, of course, I am going to hit you hard."


'...Actually I felt a bit of pŀėȧsurė from it but it was only because I was groped just a few minutes ago before coming here!' Chelsea rather didn't talk and only looked down with an ashamed expression.


"Pfft" Taeko looked at us with a small smile and she even started giggling for a moment.

"Taeko! Are you okay with this?! He practically just sėxuȧŀly harassed me in front of you! Aren't you angry?" Chelsea turned to Taeko with pleading eyes.

"Hm? Angry? I mean...he also smacked me once but it was more gentle so I think that he really meant this as punishment." Taeko tilted her head to the side in confusion and answered in a completely different way than Chelsea wanted.

"Hauuu, why is it always me?!!" Chelsea dropped on the ground with her buŧŧ first and started complaining to us.


'Why does she have to be so clueless now of all times?!' Chelsea complained to herself while looking at Taeko who was looking back at her with a confused expression.


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